Ascended Master Instruction

Book Description

Ascended Master Instruction (Vol 4 HB)

Book Description

This series of twenty-eight Discourses by date precede the Discourses in Volume 3. They are presented in the straightforward simplicity with which they were dictated from the Manuscripts of Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard.

The I AM Discourses

Book Description

"Awaken to the fact that your thought and feeling in the past have built—created—the inharmony of your world today. Arise! I say, Arise! and walk with the Father—the “I AM”—that you may be free from these limitations. Life, in all Its Activities everywhere manifest, is God in Action; and it is only through lack of the understanding of applied thought and feeling that mankind is constantly interrupting the pure flow of that Perfect Essence of Life which would, without interference, naturally express Its Perfection everywhere."

Step by Step

Book Description

These inspirational teachings on invoking your Higher Self-the I AM Presence-were given to a group of former members of the Saint Germain Foundation. After the ascension of Godfre Ray King, this small group met during the 1940s at a ranch near Santa Rosa, California, to hear the Masters give these discourses. Only after thirty years were the notes of these discourses discovered in Mount Shasta in the attic of Pearl Dorris, a former director of the San Francisco I AM Sanctuary. She turned them over to a small group of her students to edit out personal or repetitive material, and finally gave them to Peter Mt. Shasta, one of her closest students, to publish. After being out of print for many years, he has now published this new edition. To those able to tune in to their Inner Self, the power of these discourses is transcendent.

The Magic Presence

Book Description

" The hour is at hand when the humanity of this Earth must give more recognition to the Activity of the Great Ascended Masters and Angelic Host who are constantly pouring out their Transcendent Light and Assistance to mankind. There must come more conscious cooperation between the outer physical life of humanity and these Great Beings who are the Protectors and Teachers of the human beings in this world. There is a Special Group of these Great Ones working at the present time with America to stabilize and protect Her. Among them, the Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, Cha Ara, Lanto, Cyclopea, the Great Master from Venus, Arcturus, the Lords of the Flame from Venus, and one known as the Great Divine Director are working here very definitely by establishing Tremendous Pillars and Rays of Light in America. They are also focusing Great Outpourings of Light at certain other points on the Earth...."

I Am Affirmations

Book Description

Use "I Am" Affirmations to guide consciousness into manifestation - a process so simple even a child can accomplish miracles. To be effective as Masters we must cut through the illusion of a separate self identified with ego, and return to the consciousness of the Source, the I AM THAT I AM. In that oneness there is no separation between thought and reality, between energy and matter. You are one with all, and all is a part of you. Hence, your thoughts manifest instantaneously. The only obstacle to that manifestation is habitual identification with limitation. The purpose of this book is to give simple yet powerful instruction that will enable you to realize the purpose of your being and break the habitual identification with the lower self. Through meditation on these powerful affirmations you can make the transition to being the Higher Self in thought, word and deed. Use affirmations to say "Yes" to life, to what God wants to come forth. When you align your will with Divine Will every affirmation manifests results instantaneously.

Ascended Master Godfre Ray King

Book Description

This book continues the spiritual lessons by Ascended Master Godfre that he started in Path to the Light: A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King. He says to us: "So our work continues always and forever. It is all about individual growth and helping individuals at many different levels of awareness."In this book he goes more in depth into the meaning of life in both human and spirit form. He talks truthfully about reality and the puzzle of life. With his chosen role of teacher, he continues to help us awaken to who we really are.These lessons were channeled by Dianna Gutoski. Other communications can be found on

I AM Adorations and Affirmations, Part 1 (Vol 5 SB Pocket)

Book Description

This Book is given to the public with the Decree that: "All who read and use these Commands shall be held by the Love of the 'Mighty I AM Presence' in conscious communion with that Master Presence of Light within themselves."

Path to the Light

Book Description

A Path to the Light A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King This book contains 39 meaningful spiritual lessons by Ascended Master Godfre Ray King. He is best known to us as the messenger for the teachings of Master Saint Germain when he was last embodied as Guy Ballard. Now an Ascended Master himself, Godfre writes for those of us just beginning the spiritual path and searching for answers. He asks us to read his words with an open mind and heart and feel the truth within them. Through these words, he welcomes us all to the Path to the Light.

Ascended Master Light (Vol 7 HB)

Book Description

Each of the Discourses in this Volume carries a distinctly different Radiation and Feeling to the Student and reader, by the Ascended Master whose words they are, if all who hear and read them will accept and expand the Blessing and Perfection with which they are charged.