Ascension Through Orbs

Book Description

Featuring a wealth of additional material, this book explains the meaning and the importance of orbs--the physical presence of angels found in digital photographs--in a wider and more advanced context. With nearly 50 photographic examples accompanied by meditations to allow the energy of the orbs to be more fully absorbed, this advanced tool for ascension explores spirit guides and the angelic hierarchy in greater depth, including the powers, the chakras, the archangels, the Lords of Karma, and the Ascension Masters.

Ascension Through Orbs

Book Description

Featuring a wealth of additional material, this book explains the meaning and the importance of orbs--the physical presence of angels found in digital photographs--in a wider and more advanced context. With nearly 50 photographic examples accompanied by meditations to allow the energy of the orbs to be more fully absorbed, this advanced tool for ascension explores spirit guides and the angelic hierarchy in greater depth, including the powers, the chakras, the archangels, the Lords of Karma, and the Ascension Masters.

Enlightenment Through Orbs

Book Description

Intended as an introduction and initiation to a worldwide fascination, this experiential tool draws its conclusions from the careful scrutiny of thousands of digital photographs containing orbs - visible proof of the presence of angels in the form of ghostly spheres. The book answers technical questions and offers practical guidance, such as who the orbs are, what purpose they serve, and how they can help. The dozens of full-color photos included within allow the orbs to enlighten and transform lives with their specific energies as well as provide tools for confidence, love, empowerment, hope, and spiritual expansion. Seekers will find the orbs especially enlightening, whether they are looking to make simple connections to angels and other spirit guides or ultimately to accelerate their own spiritual ascension.

Orbs Cards

Book Description

A New Light on Ascension

Book Description

It has been ten years since Kumeka, Master of the Eighth Ray, introduced himself to Diana Cooper and began to meld his consciousness with hers. A Little Light on Ascension presented the information he impressed on Diana at the time, but since then, much has changed on our planet, and Kumeka has recently imparted further information. This knowledge, previously offered to just a few, is now available to millions of lightworkers eager to assist in the task of moving this planet into the light. Yes, ascending into the higher realms can be achieved in this lifetime. We may have to work at it, but all the tools and information we need are now available to us thanks to A New Light on Ascension. However, be prepared, this journey is not for the fainthearted! Kumeka does not offer a quick fix; he invites and encourages each one of us to join the millions on the planet now actively working towards a joyful life of spirit. "Diana Cooper's A Little Light on Ascension is the book that reminds me why I am here and what it is all about. To say I find it an inspiration is an understatement; to describe is as my bible would not be an exaggeration." —Susan Clark, The Sunday Times

True Angel Stories

Book Description

This inspiration book of 777 true angel stories explores how angels can transform lives through exercises and visualisations that readers can practice on their own. Stories discuss guardian angels, feathers, signs, rainbows, prayers, numbers and names, unicorns, orbs and much, much more, making this the ultimate angel compendium.

The Archangel Guide to Ascension

Book Description

Two leading spiritual teachers share new, high-frequency ascending information—so that you can accelerate your journey to the light Since 2012, the energy on this planet has changed considerably, with much more high-frequency energy coming in. In addition, many of the tools and techniques we have been using on the ascension path have moved to a new vibration with different geometric set-ups. Diana Cooper and Tim Whild have been working with the angels for many years and believe that people are ready to receive this higher-level information. The Archangels are stepping in to help you to ascend your frequency to the fifth dimension and beyond. In The Archangel Guide to Ascension, they offer clear steps to accelerate your journey to the light. These steps are sequential so that your path will be smooth and clear. Each chapter offers guidance about the Archangels, information about the step you are on, and a visualization to assist you. Archangel Metatron, who vibrates with the number 55, is overlighting the whole book, and will be with you as you work with the guidance it offers.

The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery

Book Description

Information, exercises, and guided meditations to become an enlightened master in this lifetime There is an unprecedented opportunity for spiritual growth. In The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery, authors Diana Cooper and Tim Whild help you take advantage of this opportunity, connecting you to the highest frequency dragons, unicorns, angels, and great ascended masters who are assisting you to move into your true potential. For the first time since the golden era of Atlantis, those who are ready can be bathed in ninth-dimensional frequencies. The entire book vibrates at the fifth to seventh dimension, interwoven with incredible shining ninth-dimensional threads. Lord Kuthumi, the world teacher, takes you into his twelve teaching temples, where he and great universal angels and masters guide you on a training course into enlightenment and mastery. In addition, many of the greatest masters ever to serve our planet share their secrets and assistance. Lord Voosloo—the highest frequency high priest to have served in Atlantis—has allowed us to access his incredible energy to take the reader to the highest levels now achievable on planet Earth. Full of guided meditations and invaluable insights, The Archangel Guide to Enlightenment and Mastery is a must-read for those who wish to fulfill their soul missions in this life and serve Gaia in the fifth dimension and beyond.

The Keys to the Universe

Book Description

As part of the preparation for 2012--when the universe will present vast changes for humanity--this examination communicates the knowledge of wise ancients. There are 48 keys and two cosmic keys that open up the various energies of the universe. The information in this book will enable readers to expand their consciousness by using these keys to unlock the secrets of other realms, such as the animal and natural kingdoms, the elementals, different archangels and other angelic beings, cosmic masters, and wisdom centers. An exploration of spiritual laws, this is a fascinating and important look at energies that manifest as sound resonances and what humanity can do to access them.

On the Edge of Reality

Book Description

A global expansion of consciousness is underway. As predicted by ancient prophecy, old ways of thinking and of seeing the world are shifting. Mind-stretching new phenomena are challenging current reality. New frontiers of science are disclosing a connection between our consciousness and physical reality. As consciousness changes, so do our perceptions. The door is opening to a new reality. Join Colin and Synthia as they explore what is beyond this door. Examine the multitude of current changes—from the bases of society to the foundations of science—that indicate the unfolding of a new paradigm. Investigate non-ordinary reality and unexplained phenomena as interactions of consciousness. In this fascinating new title, you will explore and learn about: Parallel cases of inexplicable exchanges between lights in the sky and crop circles on the ground Strange sounds in the sky heard and recorded around the world Photographic orbs of light The Norway Spiral, a rotating spiral of light seen by hundreds of people in 2009 Unexplained RADAR interference patterns correlating with weather anomalies