Book Description

YU are a Free Being of Light, and with what DUANE THE GREAT WRITER is presenting as RealGuidance and a RealEducation, YU will be able to experience what most people know nothing about. The so-called 'official' Systems of the Earthly Korporations have fooled people into 'Thinking' they must 'Agree' to Kontrolling Restrictions to have a life here and survive, but this is not so. There is always a better and NUWay to See and Live and to BE Wonderful. This is Real Now, and what we are doing is so much More Fun than just an 'idea' like all the Belief Systems that have been invented to burden people. I am Simply Reporting The News and Living My Adventure and doing My Part to Share Something Wonderful with this world. Miss Eva is with me on this Journey to RealFreedom as she LUVs to Share with ALL.


Book Description

Eva IS Sharing a 'WorldWide WakeUp Call' with The NUPresentation Foundation, a California ALLHumanitarian Community Organization. What Eva IS Sharing entails The NUBooks of Duane The Great Writer and The ALLSolar Research Vessel Project for The Children of The World. Eva knows there is a lot more taking place on the earth Right Now than most people are aware of, and so Eva has decided to BE a Real RiskTaker and take on The Huge Challenge of Sharing Some-thing Wonderful and Real with Everyone. Eva can See that most people like to 'Agree' to all the 'Restrictions' that have been invented and marketed to people to where they 'Think' they are free in some way, but actually the opposite is true once they pay attention to their DreamVisions. Life will show each person how they have 'Agreed' to a Purposely Planned Poisoning of this planet. YU can 'WakeUp Now' or stay with the Restrictions of the Kontrolling Korporations. Eva IS Sharing what RealFreedom IS Now.


Book Description

Eva has had lifetimes of experience to where she Now Recognizes The NUSound with ALLIS The Natural Environment. Thru the many ages of Human History there have been various 'Sounds of Life' that have been Shared. All sounds have their place like the ocean, the wind, waterfalls, sound of rain and that of all the Natural Sounds of Nature. Eva has Become Aware of these sounds and The NUSound with ALLIS The Natural Environment, The NU-U. In Creation there are many sounds, but it is from a special source that The NU-U IS from. As a person Tests The NU-U Sessions, they will discover NUWorlds & Real UNUverses that have been unknown to them. The Sounds of Life are all around us and at the same time with us, but it is up to each of us to discover them or not. Like many of us, Eva has decided to explore what very few people ever will. What has been created on the earth takes the attention of most people and they are unaware of what else is possible accept as a temporary life here.


Book Description

To most of the general public what I am presenting is not known or common knowledge. I have come up thru my own RealExperiences and this is what I am sharing and also 'Reporting The RealNews' as to what is actually happening on the earth Right Now. We are Duane&Eva The Great Writers. WE created The NUPresentation as a WorldWide Education & WakeUp for Everyone. What We are presenting is not religious, political or a spiritual teaching or a path and WE do not have 'followers' as do the masters and gurus of days gone by. We are Simply Real with everything I do and present. I stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality, THE ALLIS. In 2001, I was given The Rod of Power from Rebazar & Paul. See for yourself on The RealSide in Your DreamVisions... / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook