Aspects of Trade Credit

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The Economics of Corporate Trade Credit in Europe

Book Description

This book is a research monograph addressed to a wide range of academics interested in corporate short-term capital. The study shows the role of trade credit in the functioning of economic entities. It constitutes a comprehensive source of knowledge about the role of trade credit in the development of enterprises, as well as the impact of this form of finance on the development of economies. Apart from an extensive review of the theoretical aspects of the role of trade credit in the economy, the study discusses the importance of factors influencing trade credit behaviour. Trade credit, despite its versatility, has not yet been fully described, particularly with regard to the specificity of domestic markets. This study aggregates and supplements the existing sources. The monograph is of an international character, as it covers a substantial group of European countries. Therefore, it is likely to have international appeal. The findings may be of interest to those involved in finance management. Understanding the differences in receivables management resulting from the country specificity can contribute to a better understanding of business finance and its operational functions. This knowledge may support the effective management of receivables and liabilities, especially in companies operating on the global market.

What You Sell is What You Lend? Explaining Trade Credit Contracts

Book Description

We relate trade credit to product characteristics and aspects of bank-firm relationships and document three main empirical regularities. First, the use of trade credit is associated with the nature of the transacted good. In particular, suppliers of differentiated products and services have larger accounts receivable than suppliers of standardized goods and firms buying more services receive cheaper trade credit for longer periods. Second, firms receiving trade credit secure financing from relatively uninformed banks. Third, a majority of firms in our sample appears to receive trade credit at low cost. Additionally, firms that are more creditworthy and have some buyer market power receive larger early payment discounts.

Trade credit, financial intermediary development, and industry growth

Book Description

Where do firms turn for financing in countries with poorly developed financial markets? One source is trade credit. And where formal financial intermediaries are deficient, industries that rely more on this source of financing grow faster.

A Guide to Trade Credit Insurance

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‘A Guide to Trade Credit Insurance’ is a reference book on trade credit insurance, written from an international perspective. It is a compilation of contributions from various authors and reviewers drawn from ICISA member companies. The book provides an overview of the whole process regarding trade credit insurance, including the history of trade credit insurance, trade credit insurance providers, the underwriting process, premium calculation, claims handling, case studies and a glossary of terminology.

Legal Aspects of Trade Finance

Book Description

Trade finance is of great importance in the commercial world, for both students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and practitioners. The choice of countries in export trade is often perception-based: trade with government departments or public institutions is seen as much safer than with private entities and the choice of countries is often based on that perception of risk. This book: addresses issues and topics which are relevant to all jurisdictions in the world explains the various types of trade finance, how they may be raised and the legal issues pertaining to them Value for those wanting to understand the legal issues of sources of trade finance in both the developed and developing countries, this book will interest students studying the interaction between law and commerce.

formal versus informal finance: evidence from china

Book Description

Abstract: China is often mentioned as a counterexample to the findings in the finance and growth literature since, despite the weaknesses in its banking system, it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The fast growth of Chinese private sector firms is taken as evidence that it is alternative financing and governance mechanisms that support China's growth. This paper takes a closer look at firm financing patterns and growth using a database of 2,400 Chinese firms. The authors find that a relatively small percentage of firms in the sample utilize formal bank finance with a much greater reliance on informal sources. However, the results suggest that despite its weaknesses, financing from the formal financial system is associated with faster firm growth, whereas fund raising from alternative channels is not. Using a selection model, the authors find no evidence that these results arise because of the selection of firms that have access to the formal financial system. Although firms report bank corruption, there is no evidence that it significantly affects the allocation of credit or the performance of firms that receive the credit. The findings suggest that the role of reputation and relationship based financing and governance mechanisms in financing the fastest growing firms in China is likely to be overestimated.

The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance

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Provides a comprehensive picture of issues dealing with different sources of entrepreneurial finance and different issues with financing entrepreneurs. The Handbook comprises contributions from 48 authors based in 12 different countries.

Trade Credit and Financing Instruments

Book Description

This book offers managers a complete analysis of the various facets of commercial credit and presents an analysis of the various types of markets, instruments, and risks associated with trade credit in supply chains across the globe. Trade credit is extensively used in both domestic and international commercial transactions. Although it clearly supports growth, its significance is even greater for developed countries, where the market has recovered remarkably since the global financial crisis. The number and heterogeneity of motivations to trade credit justify the variability observed in the data on global trading, and the role of trade credit has become crucial in supply chain coordination. A range of diverse trade credit finance solutions are available and include products and services offered by financial intermediaries and market products, highlighting a very interesting set of intermediate solutions that have emerged as a result of new technologies utilized in financial services. For financiers trade credit is an attractive option, but an in-depth evaluation of the possibility of losses forms the basis of a deep understating of numerous sources that can create credit risk (default and dilution risk). This book offers managers a complete analysis of the various facets of commercial credit and presents an analysis of the various types of markets, instruments, and risks associated with trade credit in supply chains across the globe.

Trade Credit and the Effect of Macro-Financial Shocks

Book Description

Many studies examine why firms are financed by their suppliers, but few empirical studies look at the macroeconomic implications of such financial arrangements. Using disaggregated panel data, we examine how firms extend and use trade credit. We find that, controlling for the transactions or asset management motive, both accounts payable and receivable increase with tighter policy, implying that trade credit helps firms absorb the effect of a credit contraction. A comparison of S&P 500 firms with smaller firms, however, provides no evidence that when policy is tightened, large firms play the role of credit suppliers more actively than small firms.