Assassin's Creed: Forsaken

Book Description

Learn how the Assassin known as Connor came to be a deadly killer in this novel based on the Assassin's Creed™ video game series that follows his father—Templar Grand Master, Haytham Kenway. “I am an expert swordsman. And I am skilled in the business of death. I take no pleasure in my skill. Simply, I am good at it.” 1735, London. Haytham Kenway has been taught to use a sword from the age he was able to hold one. When his family’s house is attacked—his father murdered and his sister taken by armed men—Haytham defends his home the only way he can: he kills. With his family destroyed, he is taken in by a mysterious tutor who trains him to become a deadly killer. Consumed by his thirst for revenge, Haytham begins a quest for retribution, trusting no one and questioning everything he has ever known. Conspiracy and betrayal surround him as he is drawn into the centuries-old battle between the Assassins and the Templars. An Original Novel Based on the Multiplatinum Video Game from Ubisoft

Assassin's Creed - Forsaken (versione italiana)

Book Description

Sono un esperto schermitore. E sono abile in materia di morte. Non traggo piacere dal mio talento. Sono bravo, questo è tutto.

Assassin's Creed : Assassin's Creed : Forsaken

Book Description

« Je suis un maître des lames. Jamais je ne prends le moindre plaisir à tuer. Je suis simplement doué pour ça. » 1735, Londres. Haytham Kenway a appris à manier l'épée depuis qu'il est capable d'en tenir une. Alors, quand des hommes armés attaquent la demeure familiale, assassinent son père et enlèvent sa soeur, Haytham défend son foyer de la seule manière possible : il tue. Après ce drame, un mystérieux tuteur le prend sous son aile et l'entraîne pour faire de lui un assassin redoutable. Consumé par sa soif de vengeance, Haytham se lance dans une véritable vendetta. Il ne se fie à personne et remet en question tout ce qu'il a toujours connu. Conspirations et trahisons l'assailliront de toutes parts tandis qu'il plongera au coeur du conflit séculaire qui oppose les Assassins aux Templiers. D'après le jeu vidéo à succès d'Ubisoft [logo Assassin's Creed]

Assassin's Creed 5: Forsaken

Book Description

"Londres, 1735. Haytham Kenway ha aprendido a manejar la espada desde que era un niño y fue capaz de sostener el peso del arma. Cuando su hogar sufre un terrorífico ataque en el que su padre es asesinado y su hermana secuestrada, Haytham se ve obligado a defender a los suyos del único modo que sabe: matando. Un misterioso tutor se hace cargo de él y le enseña a convertirse en un asesino. Consumido por la sed de venganza, Haytham inicia la búsqueda de quienes acabaron con su familia, sin confiar en nadie, poniendo en duda todo aquello que aprendió y conoció de niño. La conspiración y la traición lo rodean mientras se sumerge más y más en la larga batalla entre Asesinos y Templarios, una batalla que se remonta al principio de los tiempos.--


Book Description

1735, Londres. Haytham Kenway a appris à manier l'épée depuis qu'il est capable d'en tenir une. Alors, quand des hommes armés attaquent la demeure familiale, assassinent son père et enlèvent sa soeur, Haytham défend son foyer de la seule manière possible : il tue. Après ce drame, un mystérieux tuteur le prend sous son aile et l'entraîne pour faire de lui un assassin redoutable. Consumé par sa soif de vengeance, Haytham se lance dans une véritable vendetta.


Book Description

Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is the latest thrilling novelization by Oliver Bowden based on the phenomenally successful game series. The new game, Assassin's Creed III, takes one of gaming's most popular franchises to new heights in its most realistic world yet and introduces a brand new Assassin, Connor. During the American Revolution, Connor has sworn to secure liberty for his people and his nation and unleashes his powerful skills on the chaotic, blood-soaked battlefields of the hostile American wilderness. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is the story behind who Connor really is and how he has become a deadly killer. The world of the Assassins has become far more lethal than ever before.


Book Description

Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is the latest thrilling novelisation by Oliver Bowden based on the phenomenally successful game series. 'I am an expert swordsman. And I am skilled in the business of death. I take no pleasure in my skill. Simply, I am good at it.' 1735 - London. Haytham Kenway has been taught to use a sword from the age he was able to hold one. When his family's house is attacked - his father murdered and his sister taken by armed men - Haytham defends his home the only way he can: he kills. With no family, he is taken in by a mysterious tutor who trains him to become a deadly killer. Consumed by his thirst for revenge Haytham begins a quest for retribution, trusting no one and questioning everything he has ever known. Conspiracy and betrayal surround him as he is drawn into the centuries old battle between the Assassins and the Templars. The world of the Assassin's has become far more lethal than ever before. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is based on the phenomenally successful gaming series. Fans of the game will love these stories. Other titles in the series include Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Oliver Bowden is the pen-name of an acclaimed novelist.

Assassin's Creed Book 5

Book Description

Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is the latest thrilling novelisation by Oliver Bowden based on the phenomenally successful game series. 'I am an expert swordsman. And I am skilled in the business of death. I take no pleasure in my skill. Simply, I am good at it.' 1735 - London. Haytham Kenway has been taught to use a sword from the age he was able to hold one. When his family's house is attacked - his father murdered and his sister taken by armed men - Haytham defends his home the only way he can: he kills. With no family, he is taken in by a mysterious tutor who trains him to become a deadly killer. Consumed by his thirst for revenge Haytham begins a quest for retribution, trusting no one and questioning everything he has ever known. Conspiracy and betrayal surround him as he is drawn into the centuries old battle between the Assassins and the Templars. The world of the Assassin's has become far more lethal than ever before. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken is based on the phenomenally successful gaming series. Fans of the game will love these stories. Other titles in the series include Assassin's Creed: Renaissance, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Oliver Bowden is the pen-name of an acclaimed novelist.

Assassin's Creed Forsaken

Book Description

« Je suis un maître des lames. Jamais je ne prends le moindre plaisir à tuer. Je suis simplement doué pour ça. » 1735,Londres. Haytham Kenway a appris à manier l’épée depuis qu’il est capable d’en tenir une. Alors, quand des hommes armés attaquent la demeure familiale, assassinent son père et enlèvent sa sœur, Haytham défend son foyer de la seule manière possible : il tue. Après ce drame, un mystérieux tuteur le prend sous son aile et l’entraîne pour faire de lui un assassin redoutable. Consumé par sa soif de vengeance, Haytham se lance dans une véritable vendetta. Il ne se fie à personne et remet en question tout ce qu’il a toujours connu. Conspirations et trahisons l’assailliront de toutes parts tandis qu’il plongera au cœur du conflit séculaire qui oppose les Assassins aux Templiers. D’après le jeu vidéo à succès d’Ubisoft [logo Assassin’s Creed]