Assemblée Nationale, Bundestag and the European Union

Book Description

Die gestiegene Bedeutung nationaler Parlamente ist auch Ausdruck der Differenzierungsprozesse in der EU. Habermas' Erwartungen eines größeren Konsenses über politische Normen für gemeinsame Entscheidungen scheinen aktuell widerlegt zu werden. In ihrem auf einer preisgekrönten Dissertation aufbauenden Buch legt Anja Thomas einen wichtigen theoretischen und empirischen Beitrag zum Verständnis der soziologischen Ursachen dieser Entwicklung vor. Ihre Analyse der parlamentarischen Prozesse in EU-Angelegenheiten in der Assemblée nationale und im Bundestag seit 1979 zeigt ein paradoxales Phänomen auf: vermehrte EU-Erfahrung führt zu einer gesteigerten Bedeutung von nationalen Institutionen für den Diskurs von Parlamentariern zur Rolle der Parlamente in der EU. Gestützt auf sozialtheoretische Ansätze, insbesondere den Institutionalismus Max Webers, präsentiert die Autorin hierfür einen neuen theoretischen Erklärungsansatz. Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Pflimlin-Preis 2017 (Prix Pflimlin) als herausragende Dissertationen ausgezeichnet.

Searching for a Franco-German Consensus on the Future of Europe

Book Description

The Brexit referendum and the decision of British voters to leave the EU have sparked a comprehensive debate on the future of European integration. A key issue in this debate is the appropriate division of responsibilities between the EU and its Member States. The EU might still lack certain competencies which are crucial for a functioning Union or resilient euro area. At the same time, however, some of the EU's existing competencies might be better allocated to Member States. This policy brief documents results from a survey on the future of European integration conducted in the national parliaments of both France and Germany, including the French Sénat, the Assemblée Nationale and the German Bundestag, between April and July 2016.

National Parliaments and the European Union

Book Description

This guide is intended for busy legal practitioners and all other professionals who are involved in the criminal justice system and who require quick reference to the provisions of the 1994 Act.

National Parliaments and European Democracy

Book Description

This book engages in the vivid debate about the role of nationalparliaments in the future European democracy. These parliaments are widely regarded to be essential in reducing the European Union's democratic deficit, but it remains unclear how their function should be organized. The purpose of this volume is to contribute to such a regime on the basis of a comparative analysis of scrutiny systems, as they exist today.

National Parliaments within the Enlarged European Union

Book Description

This book presents a wide range of perspectives on the role of national parliaments in EU politics and policy-making. Many accounts of the role of national parliaments portray them as passive victims of European integration. This study instead examines their role within the EU policy-making process, looking at efforts to address perceived democratic and information ‘deficits'. Bringing together leading scholars in the fields of European studies, public policy analysis, and legislative research, this new volume provides: a thorough and wide-ranging synthetic analysis of the position of national parliaments within the EU policy-making structures a range of detailed country studies, including for the first time an analysis of the new member state parliaments in Central and Eastern Europe an analysis of the significant changes to the position of national parliaments brought about by the recent Convention process and the provisions of the EU’s Constitutional Treaty. Making an important contribution to an emerging comparative literature on the parliamentary dimension to EU public policy-making, National Parliaments within the Enlarged European Union will interest students and researchers in the fields of European integration, EU politics, and public policy analysis.

The "European Integration Paradox"

Book Description

The thesis compares EU practice and discourse on the role of parliaments in the EU across time, in the Assemblée nationale and the Bundestag. The thesis brings to light the presence of a European Integration Paradox: Members of Parliaments' rising experience in EU participation has led to an increasing importance of domestic roles for MPs' 'word and deed' in EU affairs. EU practice is analysed through 'thick description,' which is based on primary and secondary interview evidence with current and historical parliamentary actors as well as the study of documents and secondary literature. Assessments of discourse on the role of parliaments are conducted through a systematic deductive-inductive analysis of debates on selected EU treaty changes. This thesis argues that neo-institutionalisms currently prevalent in EU studies are inadequate for understanding the institutionalisation processes at work in national parliaments with increasing EU legislation. Integrating elements of practice theory, of the social-constructivists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann and the 'old' institutionalism of Max Weber, the observations can be interpreted as change of 'motives' of discursive action of the actors. With rising experience of 'doing EU', Members of Parliament evaluate the role of parliaments in the EU less on the basis of a priori considerations but depending of their day-to-day parliamentary practice.

National Parliaments and the European Union

Book Description

This guide is intended for busy legal practitioners and all other professionals who are involved in the criminal justice system and who require quick reference to the provisions of the 1994 Act.