Assessing Compensation Reform

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Military compensation is a pillar of the all-volunteer force. It is a fundamental policy tool for attracting and retaining personnel, and its structure-and the incentives implied by its structure-can affect U.S. service members' willingness to join, exert effort, demonstrate their leadership potential, remain in the military, and, eventually, exit the military at an appropriate time. Military compensation is a composite of current pay and allowances, special and incentive pays, health benefits, disability benefits, retirement benefits, and other benefits. Its importance to the readiness and morale of the force is such that it is reviewed every four years to determine whether it is adequate to meet the U.S. military's objectives. To inform the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, this monograph presents an in-depth examination of the mix and structure of the U.S. military's current retirement-benefit system and several policy alternatives. The study included the development of a model that was estimated and used to run a series of simulations based on active-duty and reserve personnel data to track the careers and potential decisionmaking of military personnel across the services. The simulation results were then assessed in terms of their cost-effectiveness and ability to meet the services' expectations for accession, retention, and career mobility.

Assessing Compensation Reform: Research in Support of the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation

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Military retirement reform has been a central element of the policy debate regarding why and how to restructure the system for compensating members of the U.S. armed forces. Concerns about the compensation system, and the retirement system specifically, include the rising cost of military compensation and the need for greater efficiency in the provision of compensation, the greater need for flexibility to reshape the force as missions change in ways that challenge the current compensation system, and issues related to the equity of military retirement benefits of active versus reserve personnel, junior versus senior personnel, and military personnel versus their civilian counterparts. Active members can claim retirement benefits before reservists can; junior members who leave prior to completing 20 years of service do not qualify for retirement benefits, unlike their more senior counterparts; and the 20-year vesting rule is outside the civilian vesting norm of 5-7 years of service, under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (QRMC), building on previous studies and commission reports, including the 2006 report of the Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation (DoD, 2006) and the 2000 report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Human Resources Strategy, has proposed an alternative military retirement system that addresses concerns regarding the current system while still sustaining the force. The defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans are the foundation of the alternative system considered in this analysis. RAND was asked to develop a modeling capability to assess compensation alternatives, such as the QRMC proposal, in terms of their effects on military retention, retirement behavior, vesting, cost, reserve participation, and the value of compensation from the perspective of the member leaving active duty. This monograph presents the results of that study.

Compensation Reform

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Performance-Based Pay for Educators

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This book provides an in-depth analysis of a performance-based pay initiative and crystalizes the design issues and implementation challenges that confounded efforts to translate this promising policy into practice. This story has much to say to academics and policymakers who are trying to figure out the combinations of incentives and the full range of resources required to establish incentive programs that promote an adequate supply and equitable distribution of capable and committed educators for our public schools. The book uncovers the conditions that appear to be necessary, if not fully sufficient, for performance-based initiatives to have a chance to realize their ambitious aims and the research that is required to guide policy development. In so doing, the authors consider the thorny question of whether performance-based pay systems for educators are worth the investment. Book Features: Examines the use of educator compensation reform as a tool to improve human capital in chronically low-performing schools. Analyzes how a theoretically promising incentive program actually plays out in schools. Documents policy implementation and its impacts through the experiences and voices of teachers and school administrators. Concludes with clear and actionable recommendations for policy and research.

After Injury, the Battle Begins

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Critical Issues in Assessing Teacher Compensation

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A November 2011 Heritage Foundation report -- “Assessing the Compensation of Public-School Teachers” -- presented data on teacher salaries and benefits in order to inform debates about teacher compensation reform. The report concluded that public-school teacher compensation is far ahead of what comparable private-sector workers enjoy, and that recruiting more effective teachers will be more difficult than simply raising salaries. The debate over the report's findings has generated substantive inquiries as well as some misconceptions. Here, the report's authors respond to questions and concerns, in the process showing that certain critical accusations -- such as undercounting teachers' work hours or overestimating retirement benefits -- are simply false. The broader implication of the authors' research is that the current teacher compensation system is not working. The United States needs a more rational system that pays teachers according to their performance.

Market- and Performance-Based Reforms of Teacher Compensation

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This paper provides a review of recent policy initiatives to reform teacher compensation systems and evidence regarding the effect of these policies. The first section examines the current structure of teacher compensation in the U.S. K-12 public education system. The compensation "system" for teachers is fragmented and uncoordinated. Teacher compensation is largely set by salary schedules that are neither market-oriented nor performance-driven. The second section reviews pay reforms being implemented in U.S. public school districts. The third section of the paper examines the small but growing evaluation literature on compensation reform, paying particular attention to evidence from studies using experimental and quasi-experimental designs to assess the impact of the program on student achievement and teacher outcomes. A final section provides observations on prospects for future reform, and suggestions for policy research. (Contains 6 tables and 10 footnotes.).

Public Employment and Compensation Reform During Times of Fiscal Consolidation

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This paper compiles and compares recent and past measures introduced to contain the public wage bill in a number of emerging and advanced economies to assess their effectiveness in bringing down expenditure in a sustained way. In the aftermath of the Great Recession a number of countries have approved measures on the wage bill as part of fiscal consolidation efforts. These recent episodes are compared to past cases implemented in advanced economies over the period 1979–2009. Findings suggest that public wage bill consolidation episodes pre and post 2009 are similar in many respects. Moreover, typically countries that were able to achieve more sustained reductions in the wage bill have implemented to larger extent structural measures, and/or these measures were accompanied with substantial social dialogue and consensus.