Assessment and management of ageing of major nuclear power plant components important to safety : CANDU pressure tubes

Book Description

The objective of this study is to evaluate the relative impact of the design parameters on bundle uranium mass and sheath strain and to re-evaluate the basis for the limitation on bundle mass due to an increase in bundle subchannel cross-sections. bundle uranium mass is determined by parameters that in turn affect the sheath strain during operation. this might affect sub-channel flow areas and affect the chf-ccp. the bundle uranium mass was assessed with electres and resulting sheath strains estimated for a candu 6 fuel channel operating at overpowers just at the trip set point of the reactor (onset of sheath dryout), a 14% power increase. the electres fuel modeling code is used to determine the relative impact on sheath strain of the design parameters that control uranium mass, namely, pellet density, diametral clearance, axial gap, and pellet face geometry (chamfer, dish depth, and land width). a limitation was placed on bundle uranium mass by new brunswick power. this came from a ccp evaluation showing that a candu 6 reactor, fuelled with bundles having average masses greater than 19.25 kg u, would have a net positive sheath strain over a fuel channel at the power for the onset of dryout, and therefore a ccp penalty. the calculations were based on steady bundle powers, operating in a fuel channel at ccp to a burnup of 168 mw middle dot h/kg u. at this burnup the strain calculation included a 14% power boost. these are indeed very conservative assumptions with a view to maximizing calculated sheath strains, without regard for fuel defect probability. for comparison, this study has produced electres strain calculations for high power channel power histories representative of 8 bundle shifts, also with a 14% power boost, operating at dryout.

Assessment and Management of Ageing of Major Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety

Book Description

The objective of this report is to identify significant ageing mechanisms and degradation locations, as well as to document current practices for the assessment and management of the ageing of boiling water reactor (BWR) pressure vessel internals (RPVIs). The report emphasizes safety aspects and also provides information on current inspections as well as on monitoring and mitigation practices for managing ageing of BWR RPVs.

Assessment and Management of Ageing of Major Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety

Book Description

This report considers significant ageing mechanisms and degradation locations, as well as current practices for the assessment and management of the ageing of boiling water reactor (BWR) pressure vessels (RPVs). The report emphasises safety aspects and also provides information on current inspections, and monitoring and mitigation practices for managing ageing of BWR RPVs.

Nuclear Power Plant Life Management Processes

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This publication provides an overview of the various plant life management (PLiM) methodologies, technologies and processes to ensure long term operation of heavy water reactors (HWRs). Implementation of a systematic and comprehensive PLiM programme, such as that outlined in the publication, goes a long way towards meeting the overall goal of HWR owners and operators to successfully achieve design life and continued operation. Included in this publication are technical aspects of HWR PLiM, component specific technology considerations for condition assessment, an example of a proactive ageing management programme, and Ontario power generation experiences. Country reports from Argentina, Canada, India, the Republic of Korea and Romania are attached in an annex in order to share practices and experiences of PLiM programmes.

Assessment and Management of Ageing of Major Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety

Book Description

This report updates the IAEA's findings relevant to significant ageing mechanisms and degradation locations, as well as current practices for the assessment and management of the ageing of pressurised water reactor (PWR) pressure vessel internals (RVIs). This includes irradiated assisted stress corrosion cracking of baffle former bolts, and new operational experience and practices designed to manage these problems. The report emphasises safety aspects and also provides information on current inspections as well as on monitoring and mitigation practices for managing the ageing of PWR RVIs.

Basic Safety Principles for Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

The present report is a revision of Safety Series No. 75-INSAG-3 (1988), updating the statements made on the objectives and principles of safe design and operation for electricity generating nuclear power plants. It includes the improvements made in the safety of operating nuclear power plants and identifies the principles underlying the best current safety policies to be applied in future plants. It presents INSAG's understanding of the principles underlying the best current safety policies and practices of the nuclear power industry.

Ageing Management for Nuclear Power Plants: International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL)

Book Description

This Safety Report provides detailed information on ageing management programmes and time limited ageing analyses to manage existing and potential ageing effects and degradation mechanisms of structures, systems and components (SSCs) that are important to the safety of nuclear power plants. It has been written to assist operating organizations and regulatory bodies by specifying a technical basis and providing practical guidance on managing ageing of mechanical and electrical instrumentation and control components, and civil structures. It also provides a common, internationally recognized basis of what constitutes an effective ageing management programme, a knowledge base on ageing management for design of new plants and design reviews, and a roadmap to available information on ageing management.

Ageing Management and Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants: Data Management, Scope Setting, Plant Programmes and Documentation

Book Description

In recent decades, the number of IAEA Member States planning to extend the operation of their nuclear power plants (NPPs) beyond the time frame originally anticipated has steadily increased. These decisions have been influenced by the significant economic advantages offered by the long term operation (LTO) of existing NPPs. This Safety Report complements IAEA Safety Standards Series Nos SSR-2/2 (Rev. 1), Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and Operation, and SSG-48, Ageing Management and Development of a Programme for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants. It provides information on selected topics from the latter, and specifically, it addresses data collection and record keeping, scope setting for structures, systems and components, plant programmes, corrective action programmes, and documentation of ageing management and LTO assessment. The publication focuses on NPPs throughout their lifetime, including operation beyond the time frame originally established for their operation and decommissioning, while considering the different reactor designs that exist around the world. It is also relevant for facilities for spent fuel storage and radioactive waste management at NPPs. It may also be used as a basis for managing the ageing of other nuclear installations and for radioactive waste management facilities. This Safety Report is intended to provide information for operating organizations but may be also used by regulatory bodies.

Plant Life Management Models for Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

When nuclear power plants reach the end of their nominal design life, they undergo a special safety review and an ageing assessment of their essential structures, systems and components for the purpose of validating or renewing their licence to operate for terms beyond the service period originally intended. Three different plant life management models have been used to qualify these nuclear power plants to operate beyond their original design life. This publication presents a collection of sample licensing practices for long term operation among IAEA Member States. The various plant life management models used to obtain long term operation authorizations are described and comparisons drawn against the standard periodic safety review model. Lessons learned and warnings about possible complications and pitfalls are also described to minimize the licensing risk during operation and future long term operation applications. The main intention of this publication is to support nuclear power plant owners and operators planning an extension of plant operation beyond its original design life, but it also serves as a useful guide for those interested in procuring, from the beginning, the necessary tools to implement ageing management in their future plant with long term operation in mind.