Maternal and Perinatal Health in Developing Countries

Book Description

The promotion of maternal health and mortality reduction is of worldwide importance, and constitute a vital part of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The highest maternal mortality rates are in developing countries, where global and regional initiatives are needed to improve the systems and practices involved in maternal care and medical access. Taking a practical policy approach, this book covers the background and concepts underlying efforts to improve maternal and perinatal mortality, the current global situation and problems that prevent progress. It includes case studies and examples of successful strategies, recommends good practices, and provides a critical analysis of knowledge gaps to inform areas for future research.

Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law

Book Description

This report demonstrates the relationship between sexual health, human rights and the law. Drawing from a review of public health evidence and extensive research into human rights law at international, regional and national levels, the report shows how states in different parts of the world can and do support sexual health through legal and other mechanisms that are consistent with human rights standards and their own human rights obligations.

Safe Abortion

Book Description

At a UN General Assembly Special Session in 1999, governments recognised unsafe abortion as a major public health concern, and pledged their commitment to reduce the need for abortion through expanded and improved family planning services, as well as ensure abortion services should be safe and accessible. This technical and policy guidance provides a comprehensive overview of the many actions that can be taken in health systems to ensure that women have access to good quality abortion services as allowed by law.

Immigration Detention

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The liberal legal ideal of protection of the individual against administrative detention without trial is embodied in the habeas corpus tradition. However, the use of detention to control immigration has gone from a wartime exception to normal practice, thus calling into question modern states' adherence to the rule of law. Daniel Wilsher traces how modern states have come to use long-term detention of immigrants without judicial control. He examines the wider emerging international human rights challenge presented by detention based upon protecting 'national sovereignty' in an age of global migration. He explores the vulnerable political status of immigrants and shows how attempts to close liberal societies can create 'unwanted persons' who are denied fundamental rights. To conclude, he proposes a set of standards to ensure that efforts to control migration, including the use of detention, conform to principles of law and uphold basic rights regardless of immigration status.

Rethinking Coordination of Services to Refugees in Urban Areas

Book Description

This study analyzes coordination of international and national entities managing the Syrian refugee response in urban areas in Jordan and Lebanon and provides recommendations on improving coordination strategies and practices. It presents a new framework for planning, evaluating, and managing refugee crises in urban settings, both in the Syrian refugee crisis as well as other such situations going forward.

The Health of Refugees

Book Description

At the moment, over 65 million people are forcibly displaced from their homes. The reasons for movement range from extreme weather conditions and environmental disasters, to war, civil and political crises, to the need for basic economic survival. Amongst these 65 million people are those that have been forced to leave a country that is no longer willing or able to offer protection and those who are displaced within their own country's borders. In order to improve conditions for displaced people all over the globe, we need to look at the reason behind their move as this defines their migration status under international law. In its turn, the migration status affects the requirements of other countries to grant asylum, and the individual's right to protection and support. The definition of migration status and its implications has created tension in the public debate on refugees for decades and is today more relevant than ever. In The Health of Refugees: Public Health Perspectives from Crisis to Settlement, the challenges and vulnerabilities created from this debate are addressed by public health policy makers, clinical practitioners, and researchers. An analysis of public health, international law, the history of migration, and the media's role in refugee health, it is a comprehensive and critical work with a strong message in favour of international and interdisciplinary cooperation. With a focus on what international obligations entail when it comes to refugees and migrants, the authors present a reinforced take on our collective responsibility to leave no one behind. The Health of Refugees: Public Health Perspectives from Crisis to Settlement traces the health repercussions on individuals and populations from the moment of forced mass movement due to conflict and other disasters, through to the process of resettlement in other countries. These issues are addressed within the context of other global public health priorities, and are part of the book's critical analysis not only of the particular vulnerabilities created by mobility, but also how these interact and intersect with existing considerations across gender and age in health systems and international law. With a wider geographical area and case studies from all over the globe as a basis for the studies presented, this is a fully updated edition with new material discussing the current political landscape. A truly multidisciplinary book, The Health of Refugees is ideal for public health practitioners, researchers, and postgraduate students. It is also an important work for those involved in non-governmental organisations, international aid, and international development. Furthermore, it provides a critical background for clinicians, mental health workers, and policymakers from health, welfare and migration.