
Book Description


Book Description

Astrotheology: Science and Theology Meet Extraterrestrial Life looks at both ends of the telescope: the unfathomable reaches of cosmic space and the excited stirrings within the human psyche. It takes a scientist to explain what we are looking at. It takes a theologian to understand who is doing the looking. This book's scientific authors update readers on astrobiology's search for extraterrestrial life. Theologians add to the science a theological analysis of the place of space in understanding God's creative work, the prospects of sharing God's creation with extraterrestrial neighbors, and the question of whether one or many incarnations are required for cosmic redemption. Finally, these scholars lay the foundations for an ethic of space exploration. This book introduces a comprehensive astrotheology with an accompanying astroethic.


Book Description

Astrotheology for Life

Book Description

The astonishing evidence that the world's ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories are built upon a common system of celestial metaphor, a system which points to the existence of a forgotten ancient civilization of incredible spiritual sophistication -- and how to interpret their ancient wisdom for our practical benefit in this incarnate life.


Book Description

The Big Bang and God

Book Description

As advanced by astronomer-cosmologist Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomy, biology, astrobiology, astrophysics, and cosmology converge agreeably with natural theology. In The Big Bang and God, these interdisciplinary convergences are developed by an astronomer collaborating with a theologian.


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Astrotheology & Shamanism

Book Description

Second, Color Edition