Astronomical Algorithms

Book Description

Astronomical Almanac

Book Description

Prepared jointly with Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Designed in consultation with other astronomers of many countries. Provides current, accurate astronomical data for use in the making and reduction of observations and for general purposes. The Astronomical Almanac Online extends the printed version by providing data best presented in machine-readable form. Online data are provided for several years. Contains data for astronomy, space sciences, geodesy, surveying, navigation, and other applications.

Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac

Book Description

This well-schooled text provides a detailed description of how to perform practical astronomy or spherical astronomy. It is an authoritative source on astronomical phenomena and calendars.

The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2011 and Its Companion The Astronomical Almanac Online

Book Description

The Astronomical Almanac For the Year 2010 provides astronomical data, mainly in tabular form, for use in navigation, surveying, scientific research, litigation, accident reconstruction, and many other activities. Issued annually, the almanacs contain data for one year. It is prepared jointly by the U.S. Naval Observatory and Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2014

Book Description

This text provides precise ephemerides and phenomena, for the Sun, Moon and their satellites and the bright stars.

Modern Astrodynamics

Book Description

Newton's laws of motion and his universal law of gravitation described mathematically the motion of two bodies undergoing mutual gravitational attraction. However, it is impossible to solve analytically the equation of motion for three gravitationally interacting bodies. This book discusses some techniques used to obtain numerical solutions of the equations of motion for planets and satellites, which are of fundamental importance to solar-system dynamicists and to those involved in planning the orbits of artificial satellites. The first part introduces the classical two-body problem and solves it by rigorously developing the six integrals of the motion, starting from Newton's three laws of motion and his law of gravitation and then using vector algebra to develop the integrals. The various forms of the solution flow naturally from the integrals. In the second part, several modern perturbation techniques are developed and applied to cases of practical importance. For example, the perturbed two-body problem for an oblate planet or for a nonsymmetric rotating planet is considered, as is the effect of drag on a satellite. The two-body problem is regularized, and the nonlinear differential equation is thereby transformed to a linear one by further embedding several of the integrals. Finally, a brief sketch of numerical methods is given, as the perturbation equations must be solved by numerical rather than by analytical methods.