Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures

Book Description

Inadequate observation of sedimentary TRUSHKovA and KUKHARENKO'S "Atlas of structures has been responsible for incorrect Placer Minerals." The most comprehensive interpretation of the order of superposition atlas is the "Atlas of Textures and Struc in deformed beds and this has led, in turn, tures of Sedimentary Rocks" edited by A. to gross errors in stratigraphy and structure. V. KHABAKOV (1962). Failure to recognize and utilize those Our Atlas is an outgrowth of our work on structures which indicate direction of cur "Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis," a book rent flow has also led to incorrect, or at in which directional sedimentary structures least incomplete, understanding of basin are described and interpreted with special development. reference to the evolution of sedimentary We believe, therefore, that there is need for basins. That work, however, contains mini a work which constitutes a field guide to the mal photographic material - just enough study of these structures - a book in to give the reader some concept of the sedi which these structures, so difficult to mentary structures described.

Geology By Design

Book Description

Presents and authoritative and biblical geological time-line for high school students and adults. Includes substantial illustrations, a glossary, and an extensive reference section. Clearly explains how data from volcanic deposits, seismic activity in Earth history, and even the presence of ripple marks in rock layers support the Bible as history. From the acclaimed Creation Research Society, this technical study of rock strata, and the fossils found therein, gives a solidly scientific rationale for believing in a young earth. This advanced guide is ideal for upper-level homeschool students, college students, or anyone wishing to explore this fascinating subject in-depth and includes questions for review at the end of each chapter. Froede presents a credible geological time-line and explains the formation and existence of fossil layers in rock sediments around the world.

Perspectives on Biogeochemistry

Book Description

Perspectives on Biogeochemistry is an account of the origin of forces and matter at the dawn of time, and the way they evolved to planet Earth of today. Several fields of natural sciences are consulted to present a coherent view on the cycling of terrestrial elements and molecules, both organic and inorganic, in the course of time. Critical data are drawn together from astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and geology in order to provide some understanding of the complexity of the system Earth. In this book, E.T. Degens abstracts his knowledge of biogeochemical interactions acquired in more than thirty years of research and teaching. Students and anyone in the natural sciences wanting to familiarize themselves with phenomena prevailing at the periphery of their disciplines will profit by the very thorough and personal view of this pressing topic.

The Study of Trace Fossils

Book Description

In 1971 I published a review of ichnology other concentrating only on traces made (Houston AAPG: SEPM Trace Fossil Field by a certain group of organisms, regardless Trip Guidebook) that I thought could be of their setting. Nevertheless, needless re dundancy has hopefully been eliminated. expanded rather easily into a worthwhile Some of the chapters are more special book on the subject. I probed that possi ized than others (because of the nature of bility for a while, thinking that I would particular topics); hence, these may be write the book myself. As I began to out somewhat less familiar or "comprehensible" line the chapters in more detail, however, than others-depending upon the reader's it soon became apparent that my personal own interests and background. Other dif knowledge of too many facets of ichnology ferences in the scope and content of vari scraped bottom all too soon. I quickly de ous chapters stem from the simple fact cided that a better book could be produced that a considerably greater backlog of pre by soliciting specific contributions from vious work is available in certain facets of other workers who, collectively, had first ichnology than in others. But we hope hand experience with virtually every aspect that all of the chapters will prove to be use of the field. That became the actual plan, ful to anyone wishing to delve 'into them. the result of which is this book.