Atlas of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord

Book Description

This second edition is designed to provide a photographic survey of the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the central nervous system. It is organized into nine sections, three of which are new: 1) gross anatomy; 2) spinal cord; 3) brain stem; 4) frontal (coronal) sections; 5) horizontal (axial) sections; 6) parasagittal sections; 7) arteries and angiograms (digital subtraction angiography); 8) neuroanatomical lesions; 9) nuclear magnetic images of brain tumors and selected images from degenerative diseases of the CNS. This Second Edition also includes 11 new brain images as well as case studies of brain tumors and degenerative diseases of CNS.

Atlas of the Human Brain Stem and Spinal Cord

Book Description

This definitive reference for brain & spinal cord anatomy contains 71 clear, life-sized photographs of brain & brain stem that feature gross anatomy, & blood supply, as well as sections showing bilateral symmetry in transverse, frontal, horizontal, & parasagittal planes. There is an illustrated review of 24 syndromes, highlighting affected structures & clinical manifestations--ideal preparation for board exams & clinics.

Atlas of the Spinal Cord

Book Description

The Atlas of the Spinal Cord is the first comprehensive atlas of rodent and primate spinal cords. This atlas features histological images and labeled drawings of every segment from rat, mouse, marmoset monkey, rhesus monkey, and human spinal cords. Nissl-stained section images and matching drawings for each segment are supplemented by up to four histochemical or immunohistochemical images on a facing page. The neuron groups supplying major limb muscles are identified in each species. Constructed by the established leaders in neuroanatomical atlas development, this new atlas will be the indispensible resource for scientists who work on rodent or primate spinal cord.

Human Neuroanatomy

Book Description

The Human Brain in Dissection will significantly update the previous edition published in 1988. The last 20 years have sen a significant shift in the way that neuroanatomy is taught in both undergraduate and graduate neuroscience courses, as well as doctorate courses: not only has the time allocated for these courses been reduced, but the methodologies for teaching have become more focused and specific due to these time constraints. The Human Brain in Dissection, Third Edition will provide detailed features of the human brain with the above limitations in mind. 50 new plates will be added to the existing 123 in order to permit the student to see all salient structures and to visualize microscopic structures of the brain stem and spinal cord. Each chapter will cover a specific are of the human brain in such a way that each chapter can be taught in one two-hour neuroanatomy course. New to this edition is the inclusion of a section in each chapter on clinically relevant examples. Each chapter will also include a specific laboratory exercise. And finally, the author has included a question and answer section that is relevant to the USMLE, as as recommended readings, neither of which were included in the previous editions. This new edition of The Human Brain in Dissection will allow the student to: understand basic principles of cellular neuroscience; learn gross and microscopic anatomy of the central nervous system (Brain, brainstem, and spinal cord); relate the anatomy of central neural pathways to specific functional systems; be able to localize and name a CNS legion when presented with neurological symptoms, and appreciate higher cortical functions and how they relate to the practice of neurology. neuroscience

The Human Central Nervous System

Book Description

The present edition of The Human Central Nervous System differs considerably from its predecessors. In previous editions, the text was essentially confined to a section dealing with the various functional systems of the brain. This section, which has been rewritten and updated, is now preceded by 15 newly written chapters, which introduce the pictorial material of the gross anatomy, the blood vessels and meninges and the microstructure of its various parts and deal with the development, topography and functional anatomy of the spinal cord, the brain stem and the cerebellum, the diencephalon and the telencephalon. Great pains have been taken to cover the most recent concepts and data. As suggested by the front cover, there is a focus on the evolutionary development of the human brain. Throughout the text numerous correlations with neuropathology and clinical n- rology have been made. After much thought, we decided to replace the full Latin terminology, cherished in all previous editions, with English and Anglicized Latin terms. It has been an emotional farewell from beautiful terms such as decussatio hipposideriformis W- nekinkii and pontes grisei caudatolenticulares. Not only the text, but also the p- torial material has been extended and brought into harmony with the present state of knowledge. More than 230 new illustrations have been added and many others have been revised. The number of macroscopical sections through the brain has been extended considerably. Together, these illustrations now comprise a complete and convenient atlas for interpreting neuroimaging studies.

The Human Central Nervous System

Book Description

The particularly good reception enjoyed by our "The Human Central Ner vous System, a Synopsis and Atlas" has made a second edition necessary, hardly more than two years after its first appearance: This new edition enabled us to make a number of corrections, but it was judged premature to undertake a thorough updating of the text. However, a major improvement - suggested by some reviewers and many colleagues - is that in this new edition the abbreviations in the figures have been replaced by the full Latin terms. We want to emphasize that the study of this book can facilitate and deepen but never replace the study of the anatomical preparation. Acquaintance and histology of nervous tissue has been taken for with the basic cytology granted. This book is evidently often consulted with the aim of looking up a particular and its topographical relations. This cer structure together with its name is tainly one of the purposes of the book. We are, however, of the opinion that during a systematic study of the figures showing the functional systems in part IV, perusal of the accompanying text will be necessary. As a matter of fact the spatial representations of the fibre systems are no more than a visualization of the most salient features discussed in the text. The pictures are so to speak a snapshot of the current knowledge of a particular functional system within the central nervous system; no less, but no more either.

Structure of the Human Brain

Book Description

Long awaited, the Third Edition represents a thorough revision of this widely-used atlas. It takes into account the advances in computer-assisted brain-imaging techniques that do not restrict the plane of study and the recent progress in identifying and localizing putative neurotransmittersand neuromodulators in the brain. New sections offer coronal views of the gross brain and brain stem, biochemical neuroanatomy, magnetic resonance images, and recent computerized tomographic scans. In addition, many refinements have been made in the illustrations retained from earlier editions. Asbefore, only the highest quality photomicrographs have been included.