Atomic Energy Levels and Grotrian Diagrams

Book Description

Atomic Energy Levels and Grotrian Diagrams, Volume I: Hydrogen I - Phosphorus XV presents diagrams of various elements that show their energy level and electronic transitions. The book covers the first 15 elements according to their atomic number. The text will be of great use to researchers and practitioners of fields such as astrophysics that requires pictorial representation of the energy levels and electronic transitions of elements.

NBS Special Publication

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Handbook of Advanced Plasma Processing Techniques

Book Description

Pattern transfer by dry etching and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor de position are two of the cornerstone techniques for modern integrated cir cuit fabrication. The success of these methods has also sparked interest in their application to other techniques, such as surface-micromachined sen sors, read/write heads for data storage and magnetic random access memory (MRAM). The extremely complex chemistry and physics of plasmas and their interactions with the exposed surfaces of semiconductors and other materi als is often overlooked at the manufacturing stage. In this case, the process is optimized by an informed "trial-and-error" approach which relies heavily on design-of-experiment techniques and the intuition of the process engineer. The need for regular cleaning of plasma reactors to remove built-up reaction or precursor gas products adds an extra degree of complexity because the interaction of the reactive species in the plasma with the reactor walls can also have a strong effect on the number of these species available for etching or deposition. Since the microelectronics industry depends on having high process yields at each step of the fabrication process, it is imperative that a full understanding of plasma etching and deposition techniques be achieved.

Reference Data on Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Book Description

This reference book contains information about the structure and properties of atomic and molecular particles, as well as some of the nuclear parameters. It includes data which can be of use when studying atomic and molecular processes in the physics of gases, chemistry of gases and gas optics, in plasma physics and plasma chemistry, in physical chemistry and radiation chemistry, in geophysics, astrophysics, solid-state physics and a variety of cross-discipli nary fields of science and technology. Our aim was to collect carefully selected and estimated numerical values for a wide circle of microscopic parameters in a relatively "not thick" book. These values are of constant use in the work of practical investigators. In essence, the book represents a substantially revised and extended edi tion of our reference book published in Russian in 1980. Two main reasons made it necessary to rework the material. On the one hand, a great deal of new high-quality data has appeared in the past few years and furthermore we have enlisted many sources of information previously inaccessible to us. On the other hand, we have tried to insert extensive information on new, rapidly progressing branches of physical research, such as multiply charged ions, Rydberg atoms, van der Waals and excimer molecules, complex ions, etc. All this brings us to the very edge of studies being carried out in the field.

Theoretical Atomic Physics

Book Description

This expanded and updated well-established textbook contains an advanced presentationof quantum mechanics adapted to the requirements of modern atomic physics. Itincludes topics of current interest such as semiclassical theory, chaos, atom optics andBose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases. In order to facilitate the consolidationof the material covered, various problems are included, together with completesolutions. The emphasis on theory enables the reader to appreciate the fundamentalassumptions underlying standard theoretical constructs and to embark on independentresearch projects. The fourth edition of Theoretical Atomic Physics contains anupdated treatment of the sections involving scattering theory and near-thresholdphenomena manifest in the behaviour of cold atoms (and molecules). Special attentionis given to the quantization of weakly bound states just below the continuum thresholdand to low-energy scattering and quantum reflection just above. Particular emphasisis laid on the fundamental differences between long-ranged Coulombic potentialsand shorter-ranged potentials falling off faster than 1/r2 at large distances r. The newsections on tunable near-threshold Feshbach resonances and on scattering in two spatialdimensions also address problems relevant for current and future research in the fieldof cold (and ultra-cold) atoms. Graduate students and researchers will find this book avaluable resource and comprehensive reference alike.

Atomic Energy Levels as Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra: The spectra of molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, xenon, cesium, barium, lanthanum-hafnium, tantalu, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth, polonium, radon, radium, and actinium

Book Description

Reference Data on Atomic Physics and Atomic Processes

Book Description

Each scientist works with certain information and collects it in the course of prof- sional activity. In the same manner, the author collected data for atomic physics and atomic processes. This information was checked in the course of the author’s p- fessional activity and was published in the form of appendices to the corresponding books on atomic and plasma physics. Now it has been decided to publish these data separately. This book contains atomic data and useful information about atomic particles and atomic systems including molecules, nanoclusters, metals and condensed s- tems of elements. It also gives information about atomic processes and transport processes in gases and plasmas. In addition, the book deals with general concepts and simple models for these objects and processes. We give units and conversion factors for them as well as conversion factors for spread formulas of general physics and the physics of atoms, clusters and ionized gases since such formulas are used in professional practice by each scientist of this area.

Be Beryllium

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