Atoms in Unusual Situations

Book Description

Atomic Physics is certainly the oldest field in which Quantum Mechanics has been used and has provided the most significant proofs of this new theory. Most of the basic concepts, except those more recently developed in field quantization, have been understood for quite a time. Atomic Physics began to serve as a basis for other fields such as molecu lar, solid state or nuclear physics. A renewal of interest in Atomic Physics began in the sixties, after the discovery of Quantum Electro dynamics, and later when it provided some basic tests of fundamental questions like parity violation, time reversal or Dirac theory. More recently the development of new technologies led to the ex ploration of very extreme cases in which the most secrete aspects of atoms have been observed. - Rydberg states where the atoms are so big that they can be described by classical theories; - Heavy or super-heavy ions or exotic atoms where unknown QED or relativistic effects can be observed (very heavy hydrogenlike or helium like ions, positron production in very violent collisions ••. ); - Huge external perturbations as those appearing in super-dense plasmas or ultra-high fields. The aim of this school was to gather atomic physicists from all over the world working in all these areas of Atomic Physics.

Rydberg States of Atoms and Molecules

Book Description

After the development of the tunable laser, experimental studies in Rydberg states of atoms and molecules grew at a remarkable rate. Fundamental questions were resolved, opening doors for more experimental activity and theoretical inquiry. In this comprehensive summary of knowledge of Rydberg states, which was originally published in 1983, Professors Stebbings and Dunning brought together a select collection of experimental and theoretical discussions. Composed of works by the acknowledged leaders in the field, this volume will be of value for anyone with an interest in molecular physics.

The Quantum Mechanics Solver

Book Description

Motivates students by challenging them with real-life applications of the somtimes esoteric aspects of quantum mechanics that they are learning. Offers completely original excerices developed at teh Ecole Polytechnique in France, which is know for its innovative and original teaching methods. Problems from modern physics to help the student apply just-learnt theory to fields such as molecular physics, condensed matter physics or laser physics.

Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields

Book Description

The recent developement of high power lasers, delivering femtosecond pulses of 20 2 intensities up to 10 W/cm , has led to the discovery of new phenomena in laser interactions with matter. At these enormous laser intensities, atoms, and molecules are exposed to extreme conditions and new phenomena occur, such as the very rapid multi photon ionization of atomic systems, the emission by these systems of very high order harmonics of the exciting laser light, the Coulomb explosion of molecules, and the acceleration of electrons close to the velocity of light. These phenomena generate new behaviour of bulk matter in intense laser fields, with great potential for wide ranging applications which include the study of ultra-fast processes, the development of high-frequency lasers, and the investigation of the properties of plasmas and condensed matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. In particular, the concept of the "fast ignitor" approach to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) has been proposed, which is based on the separation of the compression and the ignition phases in laser-driven ICF. The aim of this course on "Atom, Solids and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser fields" was to bring together senior researchers and students in atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, condensed matter and plasma physics, in order to review recent developments in high-intensity laser-matter interactions. The course was held at the Ettore Majorana International Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice from July 8 to July 14,2000.


Book Description

A text book on Chemistry

Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and Molecules

Book Description

This volume presents multidisciplinary treatments of important areas and new developments within precision physics. It concentrates on new topics and those not treated in the previous volumes about the precision physics of simple atoms, all published in LNP. For example, it concentrates on the proton structure and its effects on the energy levels, on simple molecules, on atoms somewhat more complicated than hydrogen (such as lithium), on exotic atoms and atoms with exotic nuclei.

Structural Clay Products

Book Description

Structural clay products have had a place in the history of civilization like bread and cloth. Probably because the industry has been so commonplace in the lives of people, 1ittle has been written about it; even the history of its development is sketchy. There is no other book quite like this in publication at present, and it is prompted now because much general scientific knowledge can be, and is, applied to the manufacture of structural clay products. This book is an attempt to bring together in one place the basic sciences that can be useful in all of the processes and experiences of the clayworker. This volume was written primarily as a text to be used in courses for third and fourth year college students; however, there will be a broader interest in it by industrial foremen, engineers, architects, and scientists employed in the manu facture, research and use of structural clay products. It will also be a source of general information for those interested in entering the field. The treatment of the basic principles of clay products manufacturing and use is so general that even those interested in refractories, whitewares, and pottery may find many parts useful to them.

Atoms and Molecules

Book Description

Stem Technology Is A Very Important Topic In Today'S World And This Book Will Allow Students To Learn More About Atoms, Molecules, And How Different Temperatures And Situations Affect Them. It Also Introduces Them To The Periodic Table Of Elements And How Even Today More Elements Are Being Discovered And The Periodic Table Continues To Grow.

Giant Resonances in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids

Book Description

Often, a new area of science grows at the confines between recognised subject divisions, drawing upon techniques and intellectual perspectives from a diversity of fields. Such growth can remain unnoticed at first, until a characteristic fami ly of effects, described by appropriate key words, has developed, at which point a distinct subject is born. Such is very much the case with atomic 'giant resonances'. For a start, their name itself was borrowed from the field of nuclear collective resonances. The energy range in which they occur, at the juncture of the extreme UV and the soft X-rays, remains to this day a meeting point of two different experimental techniques: the grating and the crystal spectrometer. The impetus of synchrotron spectroscopy also played a large part in developing novel methods, described by many acronyms, which are used to study 'giant resonances' today. Finally, although we have described them as 'atomic' to differentiate them from their counterparts in Nuclear Physics, their occurrence on atomic sites does not inhibit their existence in molecules and solids. In fact, 'giant resonances' provide a new unifying theme, cutting accross some of the traditional scientific boundaries. After much separate development, the spectroscopies of the atom in various environments can meet afresh around this theme of common interest. Centrifugal barrier effects and 'giant resonances' proper emerged almost simultaneously in the late 1960's from two widely separated areas of physics, namely the study of free atoms and of condensed matter.