Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes

Book Description

Deals with the history of eyeglasses from their invention in Italy ca. 1286 to the appearance of the telescope three cent. later. "By the end of the 16th cent. eyeglasses were as common in western and central Europe as desktop computers are in western developed countries today." Eyeglasses served an important technological function at both the intellectual and practical level, not only easing the textual studies of scholars but also easing the work of craftsmen/small bus. During the 15th cent. two crucial developments occurred: the ability to grind convex lenses for various levels of presbyopia and the ability to grind concave lenses for the correction of myopia. As a result, eyeglasses could be made almost to prescription by the early 17th cent. Illus.

Molecular Spectroscopy

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Book Description

History of Analytical Chemistry

Book Description

History of Analytical Chemistry is a systematic account of the historical development of analytical chemistry spanning about 4,000 years. Many scientists who have helped to develop the methods of analytical chemistry are mentioned. Various methods of analysis are discussed, including electrogravimetry, optical methods, electrometric analysis, radiochemical analysis, and chromatography. This volume is comprised of 14 chapters and begins with an overview of analytical chemistry in ancient Greece, the origin of chemistry, and the earliest knowledge of analysis. The next chapter focuses on analytical chemistry during the Middle Ages, with emphasis on alchemy. Analytical knowledge during the period of iatrochemistry and the development of analytical chemistry during the phlogiston period are then examined. Subsequent chapters deal with the development of the fundamental laws of chemistry, including the principle of the indestructibility of matter; analytical chemistry during the period of Berzelius; and developments in qualitative and gravimetric analysis. Elementary organic analysis is also considered, along with the development of the theory of analytical chemistry. This book will be helpful to chemists as well as students and researchers in the field of analytical chemistry.

Studies on Vietnamese Language and Literature

Book Description

This work contains over 2,500 entries to guide students and scholars interested in the languages and literature of Vietnam. The books, monographs, and journal articles considered are those written in the Western languages (especially French and English). Meticulously researched and indexed, this bibliography is both the first of its kind and an invaluable reference tool.

Non-LTE Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere

Book Description

Ch. 1. Introduction and overview. 1.1. General introduction. 1.2. Basic properties of the Earth's atmosphere. 1.3. What is LTE? 1.4. Non-LTE situations. 1.5. The importance of non-LTE. 1.6. Some historical background. 1.7. Non-LTE models. 1.8. Experimental studies of non-LTE. 1.9. Non-LTE in planetary atmospheres. 1.10. References and further reading -- ch. 2. Molecular spectra. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Energy levels in diatomic molecules. 2.3. Energy levels in polyatomic molecules. 2.4. Transitions and spectral bands. 2.5. Properties of individual vibration-rotation lines. 2.6. Interactions between energy levels. 2.7. References and further reading -- ch. 3. Basic atmospheric radiative transfer. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. Properties of radiation. 3.3. The radiative transfer equation. 3.4. The formal solution of the radiative transfer equation. 3.5. Thermodynamic equilibrium and local thermodynamic equilibrium. 3.6. The source function in non-LTE. 3.7. Non-LTE situations. 3.8. References and further reading -- ch. 4. Solutions to the radiative transfer equation in LTE. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. Integration of the radiative transfer equation over height. 4.3. Integration of the radiative transfer equation over frequency. 4.4. Integration of the radiative transfer equation over solid angle. 4.5. References and further reading -- ch. 5. Solutions to the radiative transfer equation in non-LTE. 5.1. Introduction. 5.2. Simple solutions for radiative transfer under non-LTE. 5.3. The full solution of the radiative transfer equation in non-LTE. 5.4. Integration of the RTE in non-LTE. 5.5. Intercomparison of non-LTE codes. 5.6. Parameterizations of the non-LTE cooling rate. 5.7. The Curtis matrix method. 5.8. References and further reading -- ch. 6. Non-LTE modelling of the Earth's atmosphere I: CO2. 6.1. Introduction. 6.2. Useful approximations. 6.3. Carbon dioxide, CO2. 6.4. References and further reading -- ch. 7. Non-LTE modelling of the Earth's atmosphere II: Other infrared emitters. 7.1. Introduction. 7.2. Carbon monoxide, CO. 7.3. Ozone, O3. 7.4. Water vapour, H2O. 7.5. Methane, CH4. 7.6. Nitric oxide, NO. 7.7. Nitrogen dioxide, NO2. 7.8. Nitrous oxide, N2O. 7.9. Nitric acid, HNO3. 7.10. Hydroxyl radical, OH. 7.11. Molecular oxygen atmospheric infrared bands. 7.12. Hydrogen chloride, HC1, and hydrogen fluoride, HF. 7.13. NO+. 7.14. Atomic Oxygen, O (3P), at 63[symbol]m. 7.15. References and further reading -- ch. 8. Remote sensing of the non-LTE atmosphere. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. The analysis of emission measurements. 8.3. Observations of carbon dioxide in emission. 8.4. Observations of ozone in emission. 8.5. Observations of water vapour in emission. 8.6. Observations of carbon monoxide in emission. 8.7. Observations of nitric oxide in emission. 8.8. Observations of other infrared emissions. 8.9. Rotational non-LTE. 8.10. Absorption measurements. 8.11. Simulated limb emission spectra at high resolution. 8.12. Simulated Nadir emission spectra at high resolution. 8.13. Non-LTE retrieval schemes. 8.14. References and further reading -- ch. 9. Cooling and heating rates. 9.1. Introduction. 9.2. CO2 15 f[symbol]m cooling. 9.3. O3 9.6[symbol]xm cooling. 9.4. H2O 6.3[symbol]m cooling. 9.5. NO 5.3[symbol]m cooling. 9.6. O(3Pi) 63[symbol]m cooling. 9.7. Summary of cooling rates. 9.8. CO2 solar heating. 9.9. References and further reading -- ch. 10. Non-LTE in planetary atmospheres. 10.1. Introduction. 10.2. The terrestrial planets: Mars and Venus. 10.3. A non-LTE model for the Martian and Venusian atmospheres. 10.4. Mars. 10.5. Venus. 10.6. Outer planets. 10.7. Titan. 10.8. Comets. 10.9. References and further reading.