Attitudes of Third-year College Students Toward Individuals with Disabilities

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Abstract: PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in attitudes towards people with disabilities of third-year college students enrolled in health care majors and non-health care majors. BACKGROUND: A person's perception of a person with a disability may directly affect the quality of care that a person with a disability may receive. Language affects how people are perceived. Using person-first language can perpetuate positive attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. SUBJECTS: One hundred and eighty-nine third-year Springfield College students enrolled in a major served as subjects. Demographics such as age, sex, major, religion, and exposure to people with disabilities were obtained. METHODS: Surveys were distributed to third- year students. The survey contained pictures of 7 people with physical disabilities and a response sheet. Responses to each picture were limited to 2 sentences or less. A demographic questionnaire was also administered. ANALYSIS: A demographic profile of the subjects was obtained through descriptive statistics. The average age of the sample population was 20.45 years and consisted of 50.8% males and 49.2% females. Health care majors were accountable for 27.5% ofthe sample population while non-health care majors accounted for 72.5%. Level of exposure to people with disabilities of the sample population was 30.7% once or twice a week, 27% a few times a year, 24.3% three or more times a week, 13.2% twice a month, and 4.8% rarely, if ever. Answers to the survey were reviewed by two of the researchers using the Use of First Person Language Scale (UPFLS). A Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine any differences between health care majors and non-health care majors in respect to attitudes towards people with disabilities. A second Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine differences in UPFLS between genders. A Spearman-Rho test was used to evaluate correlation between exposure to people with disabilities and use of person-first language. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in UPFLS between students in health care and non-health care majors (Z score -1.855). Therefore, the authors fail to reject the null hypothesis, which stated that there is no difference in attitudes toward people with disabilities between students in health care and non-health care majors. A significant difference was found in UPFLS between females and males (Z score -2.225). No correlation was found between exposure to people with disabilities and UPFLS (r = 0.15). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: No significant difference in attitudes toward people with disabilities was found between third-year college students of health care and non-health care majors. Students at Springfield College in health care majors were found to have similar attitudes toward people with disabilities as students in non-health care majors. Female subjects had significantly more positive attitudes toward people with disabilities than males. Prior research studying contributing factors to attitudes toward people with disabilities have varying results in choice of major and gender. Research has also shown that the use of disabling language by health care workers can lead to decreased rehabilitation outcomes. Departments of health care majors at colleges and universities may prepare more sensitive, positive, and effective health care workers through the integration of education and exposure to person first language.

Attitudes of First-year College Students Toward Individuals with Disabilities

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Abstract: PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of first-year college students toward people with disabilities and to compare the attitudes of students in majors with direct patient care to those students who were not. SUBJECTS: Participants included 187 students between the ages of 18 and 20 who were entering their first year of college at Springfield College in Springfield, MA. Subjects were excluded from the study if they were less than 18 years of age or if they failed to fully complete the survey packet. METHODS: Subjects were provided with 7 pictures of individuals with physical disabilities. They provided a written response to what they saw in no more than 2 sentences for each. A demographic questionnaire was also completed that included age, sex, race, and level of exposure to disabilities. The response sheet was scored independently by two of the researchers and a total score, ranging between 0 and 7, was given using the Use of Person-First Language Scale (UPFLS). ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics obtained a demographic profile of the subjects. Males made up 54.5% of the sample population; 45.5% were females. Race/Ethnicity consisted of3.2% African American, 1.6% Asian, 92.5% Caucasian, .5% Hispanic, and 2.1% 'other'. Health Science Majors made up 19.8% of the population and 80.2% were Non Health Science Majors. Of those sampled 51.8% reported being exposed to disability through media, 86.1 % reported having been exposed through a few interactions with people with a disability, 29.9% reported having a mend or a relative with a disability, I person lived with someone with a disability, and I person had a disability. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare usage of person first language between indicated majors. A two way ANOVA was performed to identify an interaction affect between sexes within major. Secondary analysis on data was done using a Mann-Whitney U test to evaluate the difference in use of person first language between males and females. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the use of person first language between Health Science and Non Health Science Majors (Z Score -0.989). The Authors fail to reject the null hypothesis, which stated there would be no difference in the usage of PFL between health science majors and non health science majors. A significant difference was seen in the UPFLS score between males and females (Z Score -3.507). Males had an average score (0- 7) of 2.52, females scored an average of 3.76. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: While no difference was found between health science and non health science majors, the total use of PFL was found to be generally poor. Also, female health science majors demonstrated the highest mean UPFLS score (3.91) and male health science majors had the lowest mean UPFLS Score (2.43). With this in mind, prior research has shown that education and exposure are the two key elements to improving attitudes and the use of PFL. Research has also shown that when health care workers use disabling language they can impair an individual's rehabilitation potential. By incorporating education and exposure into their curricula, higher learning institutions may produce more prepared, sensitive, and most importantly, effective health care providers.

Attitudes of College Students Toward People with Disabilities in Various Social Contexts

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Individuals' feelings, beliefs and attitudes toward people with disabilities have an influence on their willingness to engage in the social relationship with people with disabilities such as forming friendship at the workplace or romantic relationship with people with disabilities. This study explored the attitudes of students toward people with disabilities and their attitudes in the social context of dating, marriage, and work. The study is a cross-sectional survey design. The sample in this study was drawn using convenient sampling. The survey was administered to 575 undergraduate and graduate students at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC). The researcher examined the influence of students' gender, their previous contact with people with disabilities, cultural factor, and disability status on the general attitudes and students' attitudes toward people with disabilities in various social contexts. The study also assessed the relationship between students' attitudes toward people with disabilities and attitudes toward people with disabilities in various social contexts. Two scales were used to assess students' attitudes in this study which include the Scale of Attitudes toward Disabled Persons (SADP-R) and Disability Social Relations Generalized Disability Scale (DSRGDS). The first instrument measured students' general disability attitude and the second instrument measured students' attitude in the social domain of dating, marriage, and work. In terms of general disability attitude, female students expressed more positive attitudes than male students. International students were found to have more positive attitudes than American students. Students who had previous contact with people with disabilities and students who indicated having a disability had more favorable attitudes toward people with disabilities in general. Based on the multiple regression analysis results, gender, cultural factor (citizenship), disability status, and prior contact (intensity of the relationship) were found to be significant predictors of students' general attitudes toward persons with disability at SIUC. Results of the study provided information about the attitudes of students in various social contexts. Female students had more favorable attitudes toward people with disabilities than male students in the context of dating, marriage, and work. Results showed international students had more favorable attitudes in various social contexts than American students. Those who have indicated having previous contact with people with disabilities and having a disability were likely to have more positive attitudes in the social context than those with no prior contact and without a disability. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to determine predictors that significantly affect the attitudes of SIUC students in various social contexts. The results revealed that gender, citizenship, disability status, prior contact with people with disabilities (intensity of the relationship with people with disabilities), and their self-reported general disability attitudes (the SADP-R scores) were predictors that significantly improved the ability to predict the DSRGDS scores. Correlation analyses result indicated a significant relationship between SIUC students' attitudes toward people with disabilities in general and attitudes in various social contexts. Understanding the relative importance of disability attitude in various social contexts will add to the existing body of research and literature specific to disability attitude in rehabilitation counseling and may assist in the development of appropriate training to improve disability awareness and education.

Attitudes of Graduate and Undergraduate Students Toward People with Disabilities

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ABSTRACT This study was done for the purpose of determining if the amount of contact and type of contact someone has with a person with a disability effects attitudes toward people with disabilities. The MIDS (Modified Issues in Disability Scale) was administered to one-hundred and seventy graduate and undergraduate students to determine current attitudes toward people with disabilities. In addition, these students were asked to answer demographic questions along with questions regarding the amount and type of contact they have had with a person with a disability. A two-way ANOVA was administered to determine if there was a relationship between the amount of contact and type of contact and attitude scores. Significance was found for both the time spent and the type of contact. More positive attitudes were found in work relationships and spending a moderate amount of time with a person with a disability. Less positive attitudes were found when no time was spent and there was no relationship with a person with a disability.

A Cross-cultural Comparison of Attitudes Toward Persons with Disabilities: College Students in Japan and the United States

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Three factors were compared with regard to attitudes toward people with disabilities: (1) culture, (2) amount of contact, and (3) type of relationship. Participants included 111 college students majoring in Social Work or Psychology in the U.S. and 118 college students majoring in Social Policy and Administration in Japan. The Attitudes Towards Disabled Persons Scale (ATDP) (Yuker & Block, 1986) was used to measure attitudes. No significant relationships were found between attitudes toward people with disabilities and culture, nor the amount of contact. A significant relationship was found between the type of relationship and attitudes toward people with disabilities among students in the U.S., particularly among those who had a positive relationship with close friends. The implications for future training are discussed.