Auctions, Agents and Dealers

Book Description

Volume III in the 'Studies in the History of Collection' series, published in association with the Beazley Archive in the University of Oxford. 14 papers on The Mechanisms of the Art Market 1660-1830 presented at a symposium at the Wallace Collection, London in December 2003. Contents: Introduction (Neil De Marchi); 1) The Art Trade and its Urban Context: England and the Netherlands compared, 1550-1750 (David Ormrod); 2) The Auction Duty Act of 1777: the beginning of institutionalisation of auctions in Britain (Satomi Ohashi); 3) The Almoneda: the second-hand art market in Spain (Mari-Tere Alvarez); 4) The Market for Netherlandish Paintings in Paris, 1750-1815 (Hans J. Van Miegroet); 5) Le tableau et son prix a Paris, 1760-80 (Patrick Michel); 6) The System Governing Appraised Value in Ancien Regime France (Alden R. Gordon); 7) The Marquis de Vasse Against the Art Dealer Jacques Lenglier: a case-study of an eighteenth-century Parisian auction (Francois Marandet); 8) Pierre Sirois (1665-1726): le premier marchand de Watteau (Guillaume Glorieux); 9) The Purchase of the Past: Dr Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755) and the collecting of history (John Cherry); 10) John Anderson and John Bouttats: picture dealers in eighteenth-century London (David Connell); 11) Sir Godfrey Copley as Patron and Consumer, 1685-1705 (David Mitchell); 12) The Rise and Fall of a British Connoisseur: the career of Michael Bryan (1757-1821), picture dealer extraordinaire (Julia Armstrong-Totten); 13) 'In Keeping with the Truth': the German art market and its role in the development of connoisseurship in the eighteenth century (Thomas Ketelsen); 14) Abraham Hume e Giovanni Maria Sasso: il mercato artistico tra Venezia e Londra nel settecento (Linda Borean).

Bidding Strategies in Agent-Based Continuous Double Auctions

Book Description

This book provides a new bidding strategy for agents to adopt in continuous double auctions (CDAs) and proposes some generally used tools to enhance the performance of existing bidding strategies in CDAs. It is the first book to focus on CDAs where a limited amount of seller agents and buyer agents trade what they want. The superior performance of the new bidding strategy and the tools proposed by this book are illustrated through extensive experiments.

Friendly Auctions

Book Description

Auctions have always been regarded as a highly effective real estate sales method for achieving peak value for vendors. But the majority of Australian agents tend to baulk at the idea of going to auction unless all the stars align perfectly - a seller's market, a unique or special property or circumstances and an auction savvy marketplace. As a result, only a small percentage of properties across Australia on average is listed for auction each year. And yet auction advocates know and consistently prove that a well-run auction can benefit just about any type of seller, property type and market conditions. Up until now, only the industry's top agents have possessed the skills to navigate the additional challenges that auctions present to create repeatable auction success. Friendly Auctions address those challenges from an entirely new angle. By focusing on making the process friendlier on buyers, sellers and in turn, agents, the Friendly Auction System gives you the tools you need to consistently nail the auction process.The Friendly Auction System is the result of evolving the traditional auction to suit the modern marketplace. Almost a decade in the making, the system has been thoroughly tested in marketplaces, from those where auctions run hot to those where [they auctions] are strongly resisted by buyers, sellers and agents. In each marketplace, they have resulted in a better acceptance of auctions, greater bidder numbers and superior clearance rates.Whether you're just beginning your auction journey or you're an 'auction champion' looking to gain a new edge over your competition, this book will add some powerful new tools to your auction toolkit.

Listing @ Auction; Agent's Auction Guide

Book Description

YOU'VE CHOSEN THIS PROFESSION BECAUSE YOU'VE HEARD THAT YOU CAN EARN BIG MONEY, BUT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANY OF THAT YET? THEN READ ON! Hi my name is Maria Lawrance with over 21 years' experience as one of Sydney's leading auctioneers personally having sold over $44 million in properties in just the last 20 months alone. Oh, by the way, the average sale price in my area is $400,000 - so that's a lot of properties! In this book I want to dispel any myths you have about LISTING PROPERTIES for auction while letting you in on all the secrets Top Auction Listing Agents and Auctioneers work with every day. I want you to enjoy your work more whilst you strive to get the very best price for your vendors. Throughout the pages of this book you will learn ... -Selling methods available to you and how the Auction sale process works -How to become the very best agent you can be and what marketing strategy to use -How to prepare your owners for the auction day and how to deal with pre-auction day offers -Getting the reserve price right and what to expect on Auction day Plus, at the end of each chapter I will give you tips to make it simple for you to know exactly what to do. You know there are others in your profession out there that are taking home six figures EVERY YEAR, but you're not one of them! How come? You work hard, you put the hours in, but somehow, it just doesn't seem to come together for you! Let me let you into a little secret: if you don't start listing Auctions and marketing Auctions, you will forever be an "also ran" sales agent! Why? Well not only does this system help you to WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER it also SKILLS you up, DEADLINES you and most importantly IT MAKES YOU MORE ACCOUNTABLE to your clients than ever before! Because, my friend, if you want to earn big dollars then you have to take more responsibility for your ACTIONS and your COMMITMENT to this incredible profession! 'Property Success' is a new book series by leading Auctioneer and Top Selling Agent Maria Lawrance who is excited to be teaching Australians how to successfully buy and sell property. "By the end of this book I hope to have convinced you that an Auction Listing is BY FAR the BEST listing in your portfolio! I want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone, dismiss all your fears and LIST AUCTIONS!"

Auctions and Auctioneering

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Auction Rate Securities Market

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A Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent and of Sales by Auction

Book Description

Designed to arrange & methodize the principles of law which govern the contract of agency, to not only facilitate the investigations of professionals, but also to enable merchants & others to understand their duties under the law.

SEC Docket

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