Social Audit Regulation

Book Description

This book takes the concept of social audit and lifts it beyond the role of functioning largely as a management tool. The book proposes a system in which social audit is regulated so as to provide a mechanism for effectively promoting corporate accountability in society. Taking this as its theme, this book provides both a conceptual explanation of the developmental perspectives of social audit regulation and empirical evidence of the impact of social audit practice from different parts of the world. It is the first book to explore the issues and challenges related to the development of effective social audit regulation.

Social Media Audit

Book Description

Social media has drastically improved the way we can reach target audiences and serve our customers. Like its financial counterpart, the social media audit (SMA) can be described as a formalized review of anorganization's social media activities. However, contrary to financial audits, social media audits are not guided by government regulations or a set of professional rules and standards. This book will address social media marketing issues using a cost benefit approach, while presenting a systematic approach to review the organization's social media activities. Using the checklists and templates provided in this book will enable readers to conduct an audit that helps identify target areas for performance improvement and recommendations for how to achieve these objectives. Social media platforms discussed include: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, Tumblr, and Xing.

Advanced Auditing (Latest Edition)

Book Description

Who can buy? Students pursuing B.Com, BBA, M.Com, MBA and other commerce as well as the students taking professional exam conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants. It is according to the syllabus of various universities. Advanced Auditing book is different from all other books. Each topic is addressed in a simple and clear fashion. The book contains the latest approach to the practice and changes in the legislation. The basic motto is to generate interest in the subject in the mind of the students and prepare them for their examinations. The book seeks to provide a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical concepts of advanced auditing. The book contains the latest information about the subject in a broad manner, sensible way and simple language. Every best effort has been made to include the questions asked in various examinations in different years. The subject matter of this book is prepared scientifically and analytically.

Social Audit Pollution Handbook

Book Description

The influence of clients on the social identities within the audit profession

Book Description

The overall purpose of the thesis is to explore the meaning of professionalism and independence for the individuals within the audit arena. Professionalism is defined as the occupational values that guide auditors’ professional behaviour, and how independence is understood is assumed to be influenced by the social groups the auditors identify with. The audit arena consists of several social actors, i.e. the audit profession, audit firms, and auditors, as well as external constituencies of the profession, i.e. accountors and accountees. The audit profession both serves the public interest by quality-ensuring the information provided by the accountors to the accountees as well as conducts business in a state-sanctioned monopoly-like market. Appearing independent and professional is therefore critical for the profession as independence and professionalism is the basis of society’s trust in the profession and may particularly influence the profession’s ability to recruit and retain staff. The audit profession, audit firms, offices and audit teams are social groups which influence the values, attitudes, and behaviours of the auditors through the process of socialization into the profession and the audit firm. However, accountors (i.e. clients) and accountees (i.e. stakeholders such as investors) are also social actors, who may influence the values, attitudes, and behaviour of auditors, if auditors identify with these social actors. Exploring the social identities at ‘play’ within the audit arena enables us to more fully understand the values that guide professional work. The thesis empirically investigates the social identity audit arena through potential, current, and former audit employees’ perceptions of the audit arena, where the data is both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (surveys) in nature. The empirical material provides both pre-socialized and post-socialized perspectives on the audit arena, where the bulk of the material stems from the pre-socialized perspective. The thesis suggests that there are two types of auditors, namely small client auditors and large client auditors, where the small client auditor group dominates the audit arena. The role of the small client auditor is described differently from the large (public) client auditor’s role. The small client auditor is perceived as a teacher who helps the clients run their businesses better, and avoid problems with tax authorities et cetera, making it necessary for the auditor to have a good and close relationship with the client in order to fulfil her/his role. The large client auditor is described more as having the ‘traditional’ guardians of the market role. Hence, it seems as the small client auditor is guided by other values and has a different understanding of independence compared to the large client auditor. However, the large client auditor is also perceived as having a counselling teacher role, indicating that some professional values are shared by small client and large client auditors. These different roles auditors are perceived to have, where independence and working for the public interest seem to mean different things, can influence how new audit employees perceive the profession. If employees expect to work as ‘large client auditors’, but instead experience work being guided by small client auditor values (or vice versa), it may influence the willingness to stay in the profession. These two roles are also a potential factor influencing the expectation gap, i.e. the gap between what society thinks the auditor does and what s/he does in practice. These two roles may therefore influence society’s image of the auditor, and where the profession may have issues in appearing independent in the relationship with small clients. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte är att utforska innebörden av professionalism och oberoende för individerna inom revisionsarenan. Professionalism definieras som de yrkesrelaterade värderingarna som styr hur man som professionell revisor bör agera och hur oberoende förstås antas påverkas av vilka sociala grupper revisorn identifierar sig med. Revisionsarenan består av flera sociala aktörer, nämligen revisionsprofessionen, revisionsbyråer, och revisorer, och även externa intressenter till professionen, nämligen redovisningsskyldiga och redovisningsberättigade. Revisionsprofessionen har ett viktigt samhällsuppdrag att kvalitetssäkra informationen som de redovisningsskyldiga tillhåller de redovisningsberättigade. Dock bedriver professionen samtidigt affärer på den monopolmarknad professionen har genom den lagstadgade revisionen. För professionen är det därmed av yttersta vikt att framstå som oberoende och professionell, då oberoende och professionalism är grunden för samhällets tillit till professionen. Innebörden av professionalism och oberoende inom revisionsarenan kan speciellt påverka professionens möjligheter att rekrytera och behålla personal. Revisionsprofessionen, revisionsbyråerna, arbetskontoren och revisionsteamen är sociala grupper som påverkar revisorers värderingar, attityder och beteende genom socialiseringen in i professionen och revisionsbyrån. De redovisningsskyldiga (klienter) och de redovisningsberättigade (intressenter så som investerare) är andra sociala aktörer som kan påverka revisorers värderingar, attityder och beteende, om revisorerna identifierar sig med dessa sociala grupper. Genom att utforska vilka sociala identiteter som verkar inom revisionsarenan kan vi få större kunskap kring vilka värderingar som styr det professionella arbetet. Avhandlingen undersöker potentiella, nuvarande och före detta revisionsmedarbetares uppfattningar om revisionsarenan, där empirin både är av kvalitativ (intervjuer) och kvantitativ (enkäter) natur. Det empiriska materialet ger både ett ‘försocialiserat’ och ‘eftersocialiserat’ perspektiv på revisionsarenan, där tyngden ligger på det försocialiserade perspektivet. Avhandlingen tyder på att det finns två typer av revisorer, nämligen ‘småbolagsrevisorer’ och ‘storbolagsrevisorer’, där ‘småbolagsrevisorer’ är den största gruppen. ‘Småbolagsrevisorns’ roll beskrivs annorlunda jämfört med hur ‘storbolagsrevisorns’ roll beskrivs. ‘Småbolagsrevisorn’ uppfattas som en lärare som hjälper klienterna att driva sina företag bättre, och undvika problem med Skatteverket med mera, vilket innebär att revisorn måste ha en god och nära relation med klienten för att kunna uppfylla sin roll. ‘Storbolagsrevisorn’ beskrivs mer som revisorsrollen traditionell beskrivs, d.v.s. som en ‘marknadsväktare’ och en oberoende granskare. Det verkar alltså som att ‘småbolagsrevisorn’ utgår ifrån andra professionella värderingar och har en annan förståelse av oberoende jämfört med ‘storbolagsrevisorn’. Dock uppfattas ‘storbolagsrevisorn’ även ha en rådgivande lärarroll, vilket indikerar att ‘småbolagsrevisorer’ och ‘storbolagsrevisorer’ delar vissa professionella värderingar. Dessa olika roller som revisorer upplevs ha, där oberoende och arbete för det allmännas intresse verkar betyda olika saker, kan påverka hur nya anställda upplever revision som yrke. Om anställda förväntar sig att arbeta som en ’storbolagsrevisor’ men istället får uppleva yrket som en ’småbolagsrevisor’ (eller tvärtom) så kan det påverka viljan att vara kvar i yrket. Dessa två roller är även en potentiell aspekt som påverkar förväntansgapet, dvs skillnaden mellan vad samhället tror att revisorn gör och vad hen faktiskt gör. Dessa två roller kan alltså påverka samhällets bild av revisorn, där revisionsprofessionen kan ha svårt att hävda sig vara oberoende gentemot dessa mindre klienter.

Audit Studies: Behind the Scenes with Theory, Method, and Nuance

Book Description

This book offers practical instruction on the use of audit studies in the social sciences. It features essays from sociologists, economists, and other experts who have employed this powerful and flexible tool. Readers will learn how to implement an audit study to examine a variety of questions in their own research. The essays first discuss situations where audit studies are the most effective. These tools allow researchers to make strong causal claims and explore questions that are often difficult to answer with observational data. Audit studies also stand as the single best way to conduct research on discrimination. The authors highlight what these studies have uncovered about labor market processes in the past decade. The next section gives some guidance on how to design an audit study. The essays cover the difficult task of getting a study through an institutional review board, the technical setup of matching procedures, and statistical power and analysis techniques. The last part focuses on more advanced aspects. Coverage includes understanding context, what variables may signal, and the use of technology. The book concludes with a discussion of challenges and limitations with an eye towards the future of audit studies. “Field experiments studying and testing for housing and labor market discrimination have, rightly, become the dominant mode of discrimination-related research in economics and sociology. This book brings together a number of interesting and useful perspectives on these field experiments. Many different kinds of readers will find it valuable, ranging from those interested in getting an overview of the evidence, to researchers looking for guidance on the nuts and bolts of conducting these complex experiments.” David Neumark, Chancellor’s Professor of Economics at the University of California – Irvine “For decades, researchers have used experimental audit studies to uncover discrimination in a variety of markets. Although this approach has become more popular in recent years, few publications provide detailed information on the design and implementation of the method. This volume provides the first deep examination of the audit method, with details on the practical, political, analytical, and theoretical considerations of this research. Social scientists interested in consuming or contributing to this literature will find this volume immensely useful.” Devah Pager, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at Harvard University

The Corporate Social Audit

Book Description

Much has been said about the general subject [of how to measure a corporation's social performance] but little has been contributed to answering this fundamental question. Thus, in November 1971, Russell Sage Foundation sponsored a development effort aimed at examining the "state-of-the-art" and at suggesting a program of research that would advance that state. "Raymond Bauer and Dan Fenn have provided us with a first product—a state-of-the-art conception and description, and recommendations for future development. They are to be commended for their astute considerations and their clear thinking in the murky pond of corporate social audits. Their effort has provided the social science community with a point of departure for future research in the area."—Eleanor Bernert Sheldon A Volume in the Russell Sage Foundation's Social Science Frontiers Series

Audit Cultures

Book Description

Do audit cultures deliver greater responsibility, or do they stifle creative thought? We are all increasingly subjected to auditing, and alongside that, subject to accountability for our behaviour and actions. Audit cultures pervade in the workplace, our governmental and public institutions as well as academia. However, audit practices themselves have consequences, beneficial and detrimental, that often go unexamined. This book examines how pervasive practices of accountability are, the political and cultural conditions under which accountability flourishes and the consequences of their application. Twelve social anthropologists look at this influential and controversial phenomenon, and map out the effects around Europe and the Commonwealth, as well as in contexts such as the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and Academic institutions. The result provides an excellent insight into auditing and its dependence on precepts of economic efficiency and ethical practice. This point of convergence between these moral and financial priorities provides an excellent opening for debate on the culture of management and accountability.

Business Management And Organizational Behaviour

Book Description

Business Management and Organizational Behaviour is divided into two parts. The first part contains the fundamentals of business management including management process and the second part deals with organizational behaviour. The theories in the book are supported by many examples from different business sectors in the Indian scenario. It is written in a simple, self-instructional style for easy understanding of the students. Every chapter begins with an introduction followed by learning objectives of that chapter and is followed by a summary and review questions to help students structure their learning. A glossary of key terms has also been appended at the end of the book to enable students to locate the relevant information quickly. The book has been written in accordance with the UGC guidelines and provides comprehensive coverage of the subject.


Book Description

According to the New Syllabus of ‘University of Lucknow’ as per the semester system