Autograph Letter Signed from Albert H. Whitin, Boston, to William Winter

Book Description

Whitin thanks Winter for an inscribed copy of The life and art of Richard Mansfield. On letterhead of the St. Botolph Club. With accompanying envelope, addressed to Winter at 46 Third Avenue, New Brighton, Staten Island, New York and then forwarded to him at Lafayette Hotel, Portland, Maine.

Autograph Letter Signed from Albert H. Smyth, Radnor, Pennsylvania, to William Winter, New York

Book Description

Smyth mentions his upcoming trip to England, where he expects to visit Sir Richard Tangye, Edgar [Honer?], Joseph Knight, and Sidney Lee. Address on letter: Sycamore Farm, Radnor, Pa. With envelope addressed to Winter at 17 Third Avenue, Fort Hill, New Brighton, Staten Island. Date from Winter's annotation on the envelope.

Autograph Letter Signed from William Winter, New York, to William Oliver Henshaw, Boston

Book Description

Discussing family (Lizzie and Percy are well and charming) and acquaintance news. Encloses several of his Albion Dramatic Papers (Nos. 2-7, out of 14), which Noll and Josie might like to read, and mentions the enclosure of a "little autograph poem" [the papers and poem are not extant]. With two drawings by Winter (a self-portrait, "W. W. aged 50" and "W. W. in his place of sepulchre" and accompanying envelope addressed to Henshaw in care of Messrs. A.S. & J. Brown, Boston, Massachusetts. Letter addressed "My dear Noll." MS pencil math annotations on verso of last page.

Autograph Letter Signed from John D. Whitcomb, Boston, to William Winter, New York

Book Description

Whitcomb mentions the pleasure with which he read Winter's series of literary reminiscences in the Saturday evening post. He also points out that he and Winter are the only living persons who were connected with the Transcript contemporaneously. Also, an offprint of the February 27, 1908 article in the Boston transcript, announcing a tribute to Whitcomb and envelope addressed to Winter at the Tribune, New York City.

Autograph Letter Signed from William Warren, Boston, to William Winter

Book Description

Thanks Winter and "the generous donors" for the "very beautiful and costly present." The recto of the second leaf has signatures of John McCullogh, Joseph Jefferson, Mary Anderson, Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett. The larger leaf the letter is pasted on has annotations in the hand of Winter regarding the celebration of Warren's career which took place in Boston on October 28, 1882, and the signatures of the actors present at the celebration.