Autograph Letter Signed from Sir Robert Southwell, Whitehall, to Unknown Recipient

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Laid his lordship's condition before the King as intimated in his letter and in that of Mr. Bulstrode. The King has agreed to intercede with Lord Ranelagh to make the payments and he, Southwell, will continue to mind the King of his resolution till it have effect.

Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Robert Southwell from Various Correspondents

Book Description

Contains 40 mostly autograph letters signed tipped into a volume. From Norwich and elsewhere. Correspondents: Thomas Corie, Owen Hughes and Joshua Jones. Also, 2 autograph drafts from Sir Robert to the bishop of Norwich and to Hughes, a draft in Sir Robert's hand of a letter from Clifford to the bishop, a copy of Charles II, King of England's letter to the bishop, an autograph letter signed from Hughes to Philip Madock, 3 autograph letters signed from Mary Hughes to William Blathwayt, from Thomas Povey to his uncle Thomas Povey and from this uncle to Mr. Povey, and finally Hughes' speech to the clergy assembled at King's Lynn. Most of the letters are from Hughes, an official of the archdeacon's court, to Sir Robert, his patron who helped him to be chosen commissary of Norwich and served as an intermediary between him and certain ecclesiastical officials who disliked his zealous support of the laws against non-conformists. Hughes in return searched for traces of Sir Robert's family history, and was ready to burn any incriminating papers. Several letters discuss a disputed parliamentary by-election, 1675.


Book Description

ALS. Note to King William III's secretary explaining why 3 members of the privy council did not sign a letter sent to His Majesty: "tis not that any of them disagreed to any of the particulars in it, but Sir John Lowther was not well ... and the other two hands ... could not stay."

Autograph Letter Signed

Book Description

Mentions Lord Arlington and the proceedings of the Council.