Avalon Trilogy: Castle Federation Books 1-3

Book Description

A bygone legend with a washed-up crew A crack team gathered for one last tour A cold war that has simmered to its final hour When the Castle Federation deployed the first starfighters, they revolutionized war and drove the Terran Commonwealth from their space. The first of the carriers for those deadly strike craft was Avalon, a legend that turned the tide of a dozen battles. That was decades ago. Now Avalon is obsolete, a backwater posting—but still a legend to the Federation and her allies and enemies alike. Wing Commander Kyle Roberts and a cadre of officers are sent aboard the old carrier to take her on a final tour along the frontier. Aboard, Roberts finds outdated fighters, broken pilots…and key subordinates who just might be traitors. He and the others will get Avalon ready for war once more regardless. Show tour or not, the old enemy has been seen near the border and no matter what, when the call comes, Avalon will answer! This box set includes Space Carrier Avalon, Stellar Fox, and Battle Group Avalon.

Space Carrier Avalon

Book Description

Battle Group Avalon

Book Description

Operation Medusa

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Rimward Stars

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Admiral's Oath

Book Description

An empire broken by hubris An officer raised by chance Oaths that must be honored Oaths that must be betrayed Rear Admiral James Tecumseh barely survived his last mission against the Alliance of Free Stars with his reputation and life intact. Under a cloud of suspicion, he has been assigned to a quiet sector far from the front of the Terran Commonwealth's war with the Castle Federation and its allies. But when the Federation's Operation Medusa cripples his nation's communications and plummets an interstellar empire into silence, Admiral Tecumseh finds himself thrust into command of an entire fleet-and responsible for the safety of billions of innocent souls. Enemies internal and external alike challenge the nation he is sworn to serve. Duty and honor call him to action to protect the innocent, and the Admiral and his new fleet are called to war once more. But the darkest treason lurks where no one expects it...

Q-Ship Chameleon

Book Description

Kyle Roberts takes command of a covert operation using a captured Commonwealth warship to strike at the very heart of their enemy, drawing away the reinforcements that could destroy the Alliance's recent gains. But the spies who planned the operation have secrets they haven't shared.

Judgment of Mars

Book Description

A war fought in the shadows A conspiracy shattered in fire A moment of weakness... When politics are played for blood. The destruction of the secret archive of the Royal Order of Keepers on Mars has left Damien Montgomery, Hand of the Mage-King, with his enemies defeated, his lover dead-and his questions unanswered. When he seeks out the remaining Keepers for answers, he discovers only violence and death in their strongholds. Someone else is hunting down the survivors to make sure they never answer Damien's questions-or anyone else's. As a wave of murder sweeps Mars and the consequences of the Keepers' conspiracy sink home, Damien is summoned before the Council of the Protectorate to answer for the deaths of two other Hands. In the political heart of the Protectorate of Mars, he finds he may be forced to choose between honoring the oaths he swore and preserving the survival of the Protectorate itself


Book Description

A shackled Earth, ruled by an unstoppable tyrant An exiled son, and a one-way trip across the galaxy A perfect world, their last hope for survival Vice Admiral Isaac Gallant is the heir apparent to the First Admiral, the dictator of the Confederacy of Humanity. Unwilling to let his mother’s tyranny stand, he joins the rebellion and leads his ships into war against the might of his own nation. Betrayal and failure, however, see Isaac Gallant and his allies captured. Rather than execute her only son, the First Admiral instead decides to exile them, flinging four million dissidents and rebels through a one-shot wormhole to the other end of the galaxy. There, Isaac finds himself forced to keep order and peace as they seek out a new home without becoming the very dictator he fought against—and when that new home turns out to be too perfect to be true, he and his fellow exiles must decide how hard they are prepared to fight for paradise…against the very people who built it.


Book Description

A starfighter squadron driven to desertion Hunted by friends and enemies alike With one final hope for a new beginning