Average Jane Seeking an Average Joe

Book Description

This book shares the authors dating experiences, the ups and downs of dating as a middle-aged adult and gives some useful tips.

Smiling Jesus, the Book

Book Description

Invent a more joyous life by transforming your perception of Jesus Christ by pondering the possibility that Jesus was happy and joyous. Jesus was indeed an all loving, happy messenger honoring the greatest interpretation of the idea "God". His message was simple, live, seeking greater and greater joy each and everyday.

Dating for the "Average Joe"

Book Description

Ever wondered what to say to that girl that was standing in line in front of you? Have you ever seen a girl while out at a club and just never knew how to approach her? Tired of wondering what may have been if you did make an attempt? Now is your chance to have an inside view as to how to approach the opposite sex. You have nothing to lose. The only time you need to involve will be spent reading this book!

Seeking Higher Ground

Book Description

Ever wonder why your thinking gets sidetracked and confused? This book addresses many assumptions we make that can lead to confusion and misunderstandings about the world and our role as Christians in the world.


Book Description

Americanness: Inquiries into the Thought and Culture of the United States analyzes several core themes that connect Americans because of, and despite, their pronounced diversity. The book investigates shared ideas and ideals, such as individualism, mobility, materialism, and future-orientation, that drive an overarching American worldview. Simon J. Bronner begins with ideas of space and time as they formed and changed through the history of the United States, before moving to the emergence of modern American culture. He examines reasons America is characterized as having a "victory culture" that extends to the American legal, military, and business complexes. This victory culture is further analyzed by looking at the country’s relationship with the game of football—a sport that thrives in America but has not caught on in other countries. Finally, the volume probes American consumerism driven by a desire for individual prosperity in a supposedly egalitarian society. Using interdisciplinary approaches drawn from psychology, sociology, ethnology, and history, Bronner seeks explanations for people invoking, and evoking, ideas that they perceive as American. This book would be an invaluable addition to courses on American history, sociology, cultural studies, and American studies.

Average Joe's Story

Book Description

Are you an Average Joe or Plain Jane who feels trapped by your current circumstances and in search for more out of life? If you are than Average Joe’s Story is your story. Average Joe’s Story is the real time account of Christopher L. Hedges, aka Average Joe, as he fights his way free from the adversity that has ensnared him. Like you Average Joe’s views were shaped at a young age; but his experiences were uncommon. Average Joe’s real world life experiences are those of Hollywood fantasy, and like any epic story Average Joe is confronted by great adversity. We are all given opportunities in life and the decisions we make determine where we go, how long it takes us to get there, and how painful the journey can be. Sometimes you may need to take monstrous steps backwards in order to have the chance to trek your way up to the summit of success. Average Joe knows from first hand experience that when you peel away enough layers there is little difference between an oil baron and a gas station attendant. Which would you prefer to be? Take a journey with Average Joe from as bad as it gets to where you want to be. If you are looking for directions to something better than this is an Quest you need to experience. Point A is where you currently find yourself. Take the trip with Average Joe to Point B, where you want to be. Average Joe is waiting for you. Do you have the courage to join him at the top?


Book Description

Success isn't how many friends you have on Facebook, your Google ranking or how many people are following your tweets, success is about living the life you choose for yourself. And with the application of a few simple ideas into our daily lives we can, in time, reap a harvest of rewards. The key word being "simple." In iSucceed, Adrian Shepherd has broken success down into ten simple principles that have the power to create lasting change in your life. Don't let the size of this book or the simplicity of the concepts fool you. Success can be simple and iSucceed shows you how. So whether you're looking for how to succeed in business, improve your finances or have better relationships iSucceed is the book for you.


Book Description

Ice freezing on the fuselage created a situation causing the jet to plummet to the ground with no hope of recovery. The creature from Ben's personal inner-room will save the three from wreckage of the plane into a lake in the middle of Indiana. Sarah, Deb, and Matt to Trenton, NJ looking for mysterious La Tulipan. Gustavo, an undercover NSA agent, will travel to Trenton to keep an eye on the three adventurers. Dr. Jennings placed trackers on Sarah and Matt provided by R&D. Dr. Brody and Amanda join forces to rescue Mrs. Claire Melborne from the cyrotube at the Sister Location. Amanda attempts to convince Hank to join them to help prevent mankind's destruction. Jackson Stafford surfaces down the lake from the two pilots who swam to shore after Carl, the Beast, rescued them and are walking to an encampment where Jesse and Walt are attempting to enjoy a fishing excursion

Intelligent Money

Book Description

WHO cares about the money of the future? WHY should I care about money of the future? This book explains and shows that, by 2030, as money becomes digital, it will revolutionise everything. Digital money will make money personal; individualise currency and its usage; secure it; enable it to automatically grow to meet our personal goals; manage risk automatically; and make life simpler and easier for all. The most critical aspect of this book is HOW money becomes intelligent … digitally … and artificially. For over ten years, liberterians have said that bitcoin will be the currency of Planet Earth. Chris Skinner has always argued that you cannot have money without government. Who is right? For over ten years, libertarians have accused people like Chris of being a Statist – someone who support national government states in implementing law – and saying he is wrong. What they didn't ask is: who is the government? Is the government the State or the network? This issue has been at the heart of a debate for over ten years, and may finally be coming to some resolution thanks to the collapse of FTX, Celsius, ThreeArrows, Terra-Luna and many other cryptocurrency market trading platforms in the last years. The core of this argument is what is the future of money. Is it decentralised or centralised. Is it DeFi – decentralised finance – or CeFi – centralised finance? This book argues that it's HyFi or, in other words, hybrid finance. The future of money requires regulatory oversight but can operate in a decentralised form. Why? Because if you lose all of your money to a decentralised exchange, platform or currency, there needs to be a way to get it back.


Book Description

I must say that I’ve always been known as a “pioneer” in many ways - - pretty much because of my obstinate nature when it comes to following my heart - - and doing things MY way - - in other words, the road less traveled. I cannot tell you how many times people look at me askance when I do something - - or follow a certain path of action in life (or fitness) - - and then turn around and ask me (after I’ve succeeded) “how I did it”. It behooves me to tell you, of course, at this point, that NONE of those people even remotely supported me when I was doing things my way. Much like the rest of my 0 Excuses Fitness stuff, this book is for you if you’re – •A 0 Excuses Fitness fan. If so, you’ll love these tips so much you’ll want to put the paperback copy of this book right next to your bedstand - - or office desk - - or even your car to glance at throughout the day! •Interested in building brute, animal like functional strength and a body every bit as strong as it looks. •Looking to improve your stamina and conditioning levels beyond belief. •Getting tired of that “run down” feeling you experience at the end of the day - - and exercises that will help you banish this feeling forever! •Looking to improve your pushup – or pull-up – or any bodyweight exercise “numbers” – and do so in a smart and methodical manner. •Looking to banish upper back, shoulder, wrist and other “nagging” pain forever. •The average “Joe” or “Jane” looking for tips on getting into shape and lose weight without spending the house on gyms and fancy memberships. •A fitness enthusiast looking for tips that’ll take you to the next level – and quickly! •A seasoned fitness pro or athlete looking for advanced tips - - or that “X” factor that’ll allow you to score, and score BIG over the competition! •Motivational reads that apply not only to fitness - - but life as well, if you read between the lines. What you’ll learn from these tips •51 hidden keys to super strength, health and fitness – brought to you in a manner like never before. •Why “conventional wisdom” from most fitness “experts” is about as useful - - and as relevant - - as screen doors are on a submarine … •How to LOOK deep within yourself - focus your mind – and therefore your entire body like a LASER towards achieving the goal you want the most. •Learn about the ONE trick that is perhaps the MOST powerful tip of them all - - something that makes most people’s eyes “roll” with disbelief and amazement, and yet when you combine this tip with focused ACTION – well – watch out, my friend. You’ll be headed to the RACES – and you’ll be leaving all and sundry in your wake! •Tips on how to get the rock solid, muscular toned midsection you’ve always desired. •What the USMC (United States Marine Corps) can teach YOU about fitness - - and indeed LIFE too. •Are you “big” - - or lets face, it fella - - FAT? This may be the most politically insensitive thing you’ve ever read, but believe me, it HAS to be said. •How to lose weight EFFORTLESSLY while “stuck at home” or “too busy” - - insert excuse of choice - - without any equipment – and in RECORD time! •Grip, leg and BACK training - - and the PERILS of ignoring the same •Mike Tyson like “bare bones” training - - if this doesn’t motivate you - - nothing will! •And just in case ALL of the above wasn’t enough, I’ve gone down memory lane and even brought you the tale of the “old man” I met in China – one of the motivational tales EVER. Be sure and read – and take notes as you do! And much, much more, my friend- - much more! GRAB it NOW!