Awakening the Remnant

Book Description

Are you perplexed by the direction the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its members are taking on principles that the church has upheld for years? Jonathan Mukwiri feels that many members of the remnant church are shifting their position on various topics in these last days to closely mirror worldviews and philosophies. Awakening the Remnant is a call to Seventh-day Adventists to return to the truth in such areas as dress, worship, diet, and obedience to the law as clearly stated in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. As the remnant church, Seventh-day Adventists have the knowledge, but its members must hold true to the Word of God if they are to stand until Jesus' Second Coming. Are you ready for Christ's soon return? Be prepared by studying the Bible and the inspired writings of Ellen G. White. This book quotes extensively from both in an effort to steer members of the remnant church back on the straight and narrow way of truth.

I Am Remnant

Book Description

God is calling YOU to a particular assignment that will make a difference in this world for His kingdom’s sake. Rise up today and take your place.

The Saving Remnant

Book Description

The great flight that brought colonists in the 1600s to what would become New England was a resettlement that had not only a geographical and spiritual impact, but an important historical impact as well. The influences of the settlers' English origins, and the fact that various religious groups inhabited specific areas of New England, strongly shaped American history through the 1800s and beyond. Cedric Cowing demonstrates that there were two Englands, one evangelistic and one rationalistic. In the northwest of the British Isles was a society that was pastoral, westering, otherworldly, and revivalist--in the southeast was another, more established and mercantile. These two strains set the stage and powered the action for the biggest religious event of the eighteenth century--the Great Awakening. The leaders of the New Light in the Great Awakening were the Saving Remnant, mostly ministers with liberal education who retained their evangelical and seeker religiosity. The clearly identifiable regional religious parallels between old England and New are still discernable today and give a new slant to heretofore unresolved historiographical issues. Cowing shows how regionalism influenced the nature of New England Puritanism and how the presence of a strong and persistent link between regional origins and religious behavior led to the inevitability of the Salem witch trials.

A Third Great Disappointment for the Remnant

Book Description

Do you remember singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" in Sabbath School as a young child? "... Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." Jesus loves everyone, but as His followers, we often struggle to follow His example. In A Third Great Disappointment for the Remnant? Pastor Birch presents his research findings on race relations, the Millerite movement, slavery, the Civil War, segregation, the evangelical movement, and much more, addressing how these events have impacted and shaped the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He goes on to examine current race relations in the Adventist Church and the creation of ethnic conferences, and warns against a final great disappointment of lost souls at Christ's second coming if we do not reconcile ourselves with each other and finish the work as one unified body. With a passion for racial and ethnic reconciliation, Birch offers recommendations on how to strengthen the Adventist Church through understanding and healing. We are precious in God's sight, but we should also be precious in each other's sight.

With His Own Blood

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Revival and Awakenings

Book Description

Revival is back in the spotlight with what is happening in America at the start of 2023. This book explores what is true revival and a spiritual awakening. Prophetically, it delves into what God has been saying for a long time, which is that the Lord will sweep the earth with revival in the end times which will ignite many followers with His holy fire. What will this revival look like? This is the big question, and one would rather say it will not be a singular event, but a sequence of Godly movements across the globe that will be infectious, contagious and real. In an awakening, the Holy Spirit gives unbelieving people - who are dead in their trespasses and sins -a new awareness of their needs. A revival is connected to the people of God and it is when those who are in churches - those who are professing believers - are ministered to by the Holy Spirit in such a way that they are renewed in their devotion to the Lord. The time is ripe for the one final great harvest, yet this calls for the revived church, full of the fire of the Holy Spirit, to go into the fields, to awaken the lost and the forgotten and broken, and to bring them into the loving embrace of a God who is full of compassion, grace and mercy. This is the time of spiritual latter rains, and now is the time to welcome the embrace of a God who is real, alive, and who calls us all into His arms to reflect His beauty and greatness. It is not God’s Will that any soul He created should perish, but that all men should come to the knowledge of God and be saved. God is calling on all believers to cast their net in the deep for the harvest of souls.

Godwinks & Divine Alignment

Book Description

It’s happened to you. You received a phone call out of the blue; or you bumped into someone who led you to a new job, a new relationship, or opportunity that totally changed your life. You probably even said, “Wow, what a coincidence I met so and so.” But did you ever stop to ask what caused that person to be right there, at that exact moment, in your path? It was Divine Alignment: the arrangement of coincidences into a pattern of alignment so astonishing they could have come only from a higher source. In this inspiring new work, SQuire Rushnell shows readers how they can navigate life’s thorniest hurdles, rediscover the deep meaning and impact of personal prayer, and develop the individual conviction and wherewithal it takes to reach their full potential and fulfill their most ambitious dreams by honoring the book’s seven easy-to-follow steps. In his charmingly avuncular and wonderfully optimistic voice, SQuire shares moving stories from his own and others’ lives to show the awesome strength inherent in what he calls God’s Positioning System, or GPS. All of us, he assures readers, can use our own personal GPS to grow more closely aligned with God to become vastly more effective, successful, and fulfilled in our relationships, careers, and everything we do. *** DIVINE ALIGNMENT offers a comprehensive approach for living our lives in harmony with God—every minute of every day—offering a whole new paradigm for understanding the mysterious connections between people and events, challenges and solutions. GPS STEP 1: Speak with the Navigator GPS STEP 2: Listen to Your Own Inner Compass GPS STEP 3: Mapping Your Destination GPS STEP 4: Unshackle Your Baggage GPS STEP 5: Step Out in Faith and Believe You’ll Arrive GPS STEP 6: Read the Signs, Recalculate, and Accelerate GPS STEP 7: Gratefully Arrive with a Full Well Within

Dreams of Awakening

Book Description

In Dreams of Awakening, author and prophetic voice, Gina Gholston presents detailed dreams, visions, and Holy Spirit interpretations that will increase your faith and inspire you to take your place in the Body of Christ as Heaven's light that will illuminate this dark world.

Revival and Awakenings Volume One

Book Description

Volumes one and two of Revival and Awakenings (part of the End-Time Series) explore what is a real revival and a spiritual awakening. Prophetically, it delves into what God has been saying for a long time, which is that the Lord will sweep the earth with revival in the end times which will ignite many followers with His holy fire. What will this revival look like? This is the big question, and one would rather say it will not be a singular event, but a sequence of Godly movements across the globe that will be infectious, contagious and real. In an awakening, the Holy Spirit gives unbelieving people - who are dead in their trespasses and sins -a new awareness of their needs. A revival is connected to the people of God and it is when those who are in churches - those who are professing believers - are ministered to by the Holy Spirit in such a way that they are renewed in their devotion to the Lord. The time is ripe for the one final great harvest, yet this calls for the revived church, full of the fire of the Holy Spirit, to go into the fields, to awaken the lost and the forgotten and broken, and to bring them into the loving embrace of a God who is full of compassion, grace and mercy. This is the time of spiritual latter rains, and now is the time to welcome the embrace of a God who is real, alive, and who calls us all into His arms to reflect His beauty and greatness. It is not God’s Will that any soul should perish, but that all men should come to the knowledge of God and be saved. God is calling on all believers to cast their net in the deep for the harvest of souls.

Rebuilding the Altar

Book Description

The Holy Spirit has become a stranger. Many long for a closer walk with God, but He seems far away. They go to church. They read the Bible. But they don't experience His presence. Why? Because many have forsaken the altar--the place where God is found. When we truly encounter Him again, the light and power of God will flow to our homes, then to our houses of worship, then to the nation, and we will never be the same. In Rebuilding the Altar authors Pat and Karen Schatzline passionately challenge you to return to the altar. You see, the altar is not just a physical location or an instrument in a church or synagogue. Through Christ we can experience a daily encounter with Jesus, who became our altar. We must declare this truth to the deceived. We must raise a standard of holiness and no compromise. We must bring hope to the hurting. It's time for change. It's time to return to the altar...and encounter God.