Awakening Spirits

Book Description

For the first time, Tom Brown, Jr.--America's most acclaimed outdoorsman--shares the unique meditation exercises used by students of his personal Tracker classes. These techniques for finding inner peace and harmony with nature are based on the wisdom of his greatest teacher, a native American called Grandfather. Now all of us can learn these spiritual lessons of life through the earth around us--and deep within ourselves. "This book may challenge the very core of your belief systems and shake up your personal philosophy, but that is not my intent. What I set forth in this book is meant to enhance and magnify your beliefs. Simply, the techniques and skills can be easily integrated into all philosophies, religions, and belief systems. After all, Grandfather considered these techniques the common thread that runs through all things..." Tom Brown, Jr. Awakening Spirits includes advanced methods of relaxation, insight, healing, and communication with nature and spirits. Through the dynamic meditation called Sacred Silence, the reader can experience the joys of self-discovery--and the power of a personal Vision Quest.

American Awakening

Book Description

A healthy and united America--perhaps a country more united than it has ever been--is truly possible, and it starts with us. John Kingston draws on wisdom from history, science, faith, and culture, along with his own experiences, to offer eight principles for discovering purpose, meaning, and true community. We live in the greatest peace and prosperity that the world has ever known, but Americans are feeling more division, isolation, depression, and despair than ever before. These are issues of the soul. We seem unable to find purpose and meaning. We can't find "the life that is truly life"--a vibrant and purpose-filled way of living best experienced together. From his youth, Kingston has always carried a vision for a free and united America. With an approachable and conversational style, as well as a dash of humor, Kingston draws on a diverse and compelling collection of wisdom--the parables of the Bible and the philosophy of Aristotle, the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the speeches of Abraham Lincoln, the songs of Bruce Springsteen and current studies from the best neuro and social scientists today--to remind us that there is no "them," there is only us, and we're in this together. In American Awakening, Kingston offers eight timeless principles for breaking through this darkness and despair and cultivating a radical togetherness, both here in this country and around the globe. You'll discover the profound impact of: In-person connection Making more from less Discovering purpose Redeeming adversity Responding instead of reacting Finding your unique sense of belonging Wherever you find yourself politically or spiritually, a healthy and united America starts with you. Join the Awakening movement and let's rediscover who we are--together.

The Spiritual Awakening of America

Book Description

RACISM, skepticism and materialism are the three national SINS that are blocking revival in America. According to Scripture, God says He may use a drought, a plague of locusts or a PANDEMIC to get our attention. Once He has our attention, hopefully we'll confess our sins, turn from our foolish ways, and submit to His will. "THE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OF AMERICA" is a fast-paced fusion of historical events, biblical narratives, and straight talk from a concerned citizen who loves the Lord and his nation. Today, America is at a crossroads. Where can we look for guidance? The Bible states the reason we have a written account of God's interaction with ISRAEL is so that we might learn from their experience: the good, the bad and the ugly example of Jeshurun. This book takes a unique look at man's inhumanity to man in the USA over a six-day period. Simultaneously, we'll consider the rise and fall of the nation of Israel. How God called out, and blessed, and warned, and then scattered His chosen people is a CAUTIONARY TALE for the United States today. The author is convinced there's one verse tucked away in the Old Testament that holds the key to our NATIONAL SPIRITUAL SURVIVAL. In this 340-page book, we'll take that verse apart and examine the four requirements for spiritual renewal. Read how our PRESIDENTS prayed for the nation, and what they said about the Holy Bible. We'll spotlight three reasons why Satan hates America. You'll be INSPIRED as you learn about Evan Roberts, and how God poured out His Holy Spirit during the 1904-1905 Revival in Wales. When the saints here got wind of what God was doing for their Welsh brothers and sisters, they cried out for the Lord to do the same in America. And HE DID! You'll see how the 1905 revival swept across the United States from coast to coast! Discover the five action steps we must take to overcome our NATIONAL SINS of skepticism, materialism and RACISM. Just like He did with the children of Abraham, God is using pain to prepare us for revival. We deeply need another spiritual awakening to help us face the crisis of today. This book is a small step in that direction, a catalyst for revival.


Book Description

Stop hitting the spiritual snooze button. Would you describe your walk with God as fresh and exciting? Would you describe your spiritual life as vibrant and passionate? If not, would you like these attributes to be the norm in your everyday relationship with God? Are you ready to experience an awakening? Awakening helps you stir up your slumbering soul. You’ll discover how to break out of your season of dryness or get off to a great start either in the New Year or the next season in life. Take your faith-walk from a “going through the motions” or “have to” mindset to the stimulating, fresh “want to” experience of enjoying God’s presence—24/7. Weems encourages you to surrender fully, to discover the right kind of fuel for the journey, and to learn a new way to pray and fast. This lifestyle is not based on rules or religion, but on a deep, satisfying, motivating relationship with God. Included in Awakening is a 21-Day Plan that will guide you through the principles that ensure a lasting, fresh relationship with God—even in a world where everything quickly becomes stale. “It’s time to wake up and put an end to spiritual sluggishness! I promise this year will be the best of your life if it is your best year spiritually.” – Stovall Weems

The Last Great Awakening

Book Description

The Last Great Awakening By: Rustan Hicks The greatness of America stems from the First Great Awakening which led to America's break with England and the greatest experiment of liberty in history. The Second Great Awakening led to the freedom of America's slaves throughout all U.S. states and territories. Today, the Church in America is virtually impotent and irrelevant throughout our culture. Modern unbiblical paradigms need to be confronted and the way to another great awakening demonstrated. This will affect the lives of every Spirit indwelt American thus releasing the infinite power of the Holy Spirit to greatly impact every aspect of our modern society returning it to its former greatness.

The Awakening of America

Book Description

Donated by Sydney Harris.

American Awakening

Book Description

America has always been committed to the idea that citizens can work together to build a common world. Today, three afflictions keep us from pursuing that noble ideal. The first and most obvious affliction is identity politics, which seeks to transform America by turning politics into a religious venue of sacrificial offering. For now, the sacrificial scapegoat is the white, heterosexual, man. After he is humiliated and purged, who will be the object of cathartic rage? White women? Black men? Identity politics is the anti-egalitarian spiritual eugenics of our age. It demands that pure and innocent groups ascend, and the stained transgressor groups be purged. The second affliction is that citizens oscillate back and forth, in bipolar fashion, at one moment feeling invincible on their social media platforms and, the next, feeling impotent to face the everyday problems of life without the guidance of experts and global managers. Third, Americans are afflicted by a disease that cannot quite be named, characterized by an addictive hope that they can find cheap shortcuts that bypass the difficult labors of everyday life. Instead of real friendship, we seek social media “friends.” Instead of meals at home, we order “fast food.” Instead of real shopping, we “shop” online. Instead of counting on our families and neighbors to address our problems, we look to the state to take care of us. In its many forms, this disease promises release from our labors, yet impoverishes us all. American Awakening chronicles all of these problems, yet gives us hope for the future.

When Spirit Leaps

Book Description

Whether it happens all at once or gradually over time, spiritual awakening is an experience that may be accompanied by great insight, ecstatic bliss, or a mystical infusion of light, love, and vision. But it can be an overwhelming experience, too, leaving those to whom it’s occurred searching for answers and understanding. Written by a transpersonal psychologist and non-dual teacher, this book will help you understand the phenomenon of spiritual awakening, and provide guidance and support for you on your spiritual journey. At the heart of most spiritual traditions is the understanding that we are one with all of existence. This realization, also known as spiritual awakening or spiritual emergence, can occur spontaneously, after years of spiritual practice, or through many other portals. Although awakening is often considered a purely positive experience, many people are not prepared for the ramifications of such a life-altering event. When your perception of yourself and reality has been altered, you may find yourself with more questions than answers. Where can you turn? Based on over thirty years of case studies, as well as the author’s own experiences, When Spirit Leaps explores the why and what of spiritual awakening, revealing how this phenomenon occurs across all traditions, and exploring the various ways it can happen. Including discussions on kundalini energy, meditation, yoga and qigong, breathwork, near-death experiences, and much more, this inspirational book offers companionship and practical solutions to common challenges along the spiritual path of awakening. With this book as your guide, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the process and different portals of awakening, and find comfort and support in the real-life stories of those who have experienced this shift in consciousness and faced its challenges. Most importantly, you’ll learn how you can embody this awakening and live joyfully and effectively without attachment to a personal sense of self, but as the oneness with all that is your true nature. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, this book will help you along the way.

Awakening to Race

Book Description

The election of America’s first black president has led many to believe that race is no longer a real obstacle to success and that remaining racial inequality stems largely from the failure of minority groups to take personal responsibility for seeking out opportunities. Often this argument is made in the name of the long tradition of self-reliance and American individualism. In Awakening to Race, Jack Turner upends this view, arguing that it expresses not a deep commitment to the values of individualism, but a narrow understanding of them. Drawing on the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Frederick Douglass, Ralph Ellison, and James Baldwin, Turner offers an original reconstruction of democratic individualism in American thought. All these thinkers, he shows, held that personal responsibility entails a refusal to be complicit in injustice and a duty to combat the conditions and structures that support it. At a time when individualism is invoked as a reason for inaction, Turner makes the individualist tradition the basis of a bold and impassioned case for race consciousness—consciousness of the ways that race continues to constrain opportunity in America. Turner’s “new individualism” becomes the grounds for concerted public action against racial injustice.