Axiomatic choice models and duality

Book Description

Every day people frequently have to make a choice. For practical and scientific reasons therefore it is interesting to know what choices they make and how they arrive at them. An approach to this question can be made via psychology. However, it is also possible to approach it on a more formal basis. In this book Dr. Wedde pohl describes the logical structure of an individual's rational choice. It is this formal, logical approach to the decision problem that makes the book interesting reading matter for all those who are engaged in the study of individual choice. The introduction apart this study may be divided into two parts. The first part, consisting of chapters II and III, deals with choice theory on a very abstract level. In chapter II some mathematical concepts are presented and in chapter III two related choice models are treated, the first one based on preferences, the second one on choice functions. The second part consists of chapters IV, V and VI and covers consumer choice theory. After the pre sentation of the mathematical tools, two models that are extensions of the models of chapter III are dealt with. In the discussion of consumer choice theory the concept of duality plays an important role and it is found that duality is closely related to the notion of favourability introduced in chap ter II I. Mr. Weddepohl's study forms an introduction to a larger research project to develop the theory of collective choice.

Consequences of the Axiom of Choice

Book Description

This book, Consequences of the Axiom of Choice, is a comprehensive listing of statements that have been proved in the last 100 years using the axiom of choice. Each consequence, also referred to as a form of the axiom of choice, is assigned a number. Part I is a listing of the forms by number. In this part each form is given together with a listing of all statements known to be equivalent to it (equivalent in set theory without the axiom of choice). In Part II the forms are arranged by topic. In Part III we describe the models of set theory which are used to show non-implications between forms. Part IV, the notes section, contains definitions, summaries of important sub-areas and proofs that are not readily available elsewhere. Part V gives references for the relationships between forms and Part VI is the bibliography. Part VII is contained on the floppy disk which is enclosed in the book. It contains a table with form numbers as row and column headings. The entry in the table in row $n$, column $k$ gives the status of the implication ``form $n$ implies form $k$''. Software for easily extracting information from the table is also provided. Features: complete summary of all the work done in the last 100 years on statements that are weaker than the axiom of choice software provided gives complete, convenient access to information about relationships between the various consequences of the axiom of choice and about the models of set theory descriptions of more than 100 models used in the study of the axiom of choice an extensive bibliography About the software: Tables 1 and 2 are accessible on the PC-compatible software included with the book. In addition, the program maketex.c in the software package will create TeX files containing copies of Table 1 and Table 2 which may then be printed. (Tables 1 and 2 are also available at the authors' Web sites:$\sim$jer/ or$\sim$phoward/.) Detailed instructions for setting up and using the software are included in the book's Introduction, and technical support is available directly from the authors.

Axiom of Choice

Book Description

AC, the axiom of choice, because of its non-constructive character, is the most controversial mathematical axiom. It is shunned by some, used indiscriminately by others. This treatise shows paradigmatically that disasters happen without AC and they happen with AC. Illuminating examples are drawn from diverse areas of mathematics, particularly from general topology, but also from algebra, order theory, elementary analysis, measure theory, game theory, and graph theory.

Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice, II

Book Description

This monograph contains a selection of over 250 propositions which are equivalent to AC. The first part on set forms has sections on the well-ordering theorem, variants of AC, the law of the trichotomy, maximal principles, statements related to the axiom of foundation, forms from algebra, cardinal number theory, and a final section of forms from topology, analysis and logic. The second part deals with the axiom of choice for classes - well-ordering theorem, choice and maximal principles.

The Axiom of Choice

Book Description

The Axiom of Choice