Book Description

Back to the sender prayers is simply a Biblical way of applying spiritual warfare strategy to counteract the attack sent to you. It is the act of returning to the sender any evil arrows sent your way.From time to time the enemy and his agents will launch arrows or demonic force to do you harm. You as a spiritual warfare warrior are not accepted to fold your arms and misinterpret Scriptures as I will explain to you in this book, but you are accepted to stand against those attacks spiritually by rising to a higher level. That’s the level I am going to explain and teach you about....

Prayers That Rout Demons

Book Description

This book contains powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture that will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God.


Book Description

Return to sender can also be described as a divine law, which God has established, to address all the forms of diabolical arts of witchcraft manipulations against innocent souls. (Joel 3:4,7; Ps 7:16, Ps.79:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:6) If someone mailed a suspicious package to you, what would you do? Return to Sender! If you do not return those packages, then you are accepting the consequences. The author has outline biblical truths in this book on spiritual warfare to help us pray effectively against the works of darkness. Vengeance is mine, I will Repay." Says the Lord, It's only the will of God to determine the choice of action on the senders, as we stand in prayer by putting on the full armor of Christ. Our experience shows that He DOES take action.(br) In this book, you will learn how to: . reverse and return witchcraft curses back to the sender . apply the biblical principles and the law of boomerang . obtain victory over terrible dreams, black magic, voodoo, and ritualistic curses . overcome the strongholds of mental and physical fatigue, confusion, emptiness, accidents, disorientation, affliction, the demonic cage of poverty, material adversity, DNA bondage, soul ties, jealousy, the loss of self-control, reputation, and break free from all limitations binding your thoughts. . reclaim your freedom and receive breakthroughs in many areas of your life, such as healing, finances, career, unhealthy dependencies, and family relationships. Get ready to wage the good warfare.

Fiery Darts

Book Description

Janet Warren Lane has been a Christian for 54 years, a school teacher for 15 years, a minister’s wife for 33 years, a mother of four grown and married children who are all involved in ministry and/or missions, and a grandmother of 8 and counting! For most of that time she was unaware of Satan’s most formidable weapon used against Christians - Fiery Darts. Since becoming aware of this weapon, Satan’s motives for using it, and how to wield the power of God’s Word against it, Janet’s release from years of captivity has been wondrously secured.Most people agree that negative thinking can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. But just knowing this does little to help combat such thinking. By comparing negative thinking to the weapon of fiery darts, Janet exposes the weapon and the tactics used by Satan to manipulate. After the weapon and its tactics are exposed, detailed instructions are given as to how to counter-attack and live life free from the bondage negative thinking can impose.


Book Description

Marriage and the family is a broad area where many people have exhibited gross ignorance. Unfortunately, it is a landscape where there has been many ugly casualties. Many people have, therefore, expressed the need for a powerful family deliverance manual. The book which you hold in your hands is a product of years of research. It addresses the hopes and aspirations of stake holders as far as the institution of marriage is considered. Family deliverance has been vomited by the Holy Ghost to rescue many families, prop up the tottering walls of marital stability and grant immunity to homes. Family Deliverance will lead to restoration, peace and stability in every home.


Book Description

There is no telling how far you can go spiritually by praying at certain strategic hours in the night. There is something about the night prayers that is so powerful and the enemy knows this. Witches, Satanists and devil worshippers have discovered this secret and are using it daily to destroy people’s lives. It’s time for you to rise and counter attack their arrows. God awaits you tonight. You can never be same after this. I have included powerful spirit filled prayers to assist you as you pray. Read this book together with ‘Marine spirits exposed’ for more insight. I look forward to see your life progress as you learn, pray and command your mornings and destiny. I have included a section where I discuss how to maintain your deliverance. Be blessed as you read and pray. Part of this volume is an extract from ‘Deliverance by Fire, by Force’.

Prayer Rain

Book Description

This 125 chapter, page turner accurately diagnoses and proffers fail-proof prayers for breakthroughs in diverse, challenging life-situations; ranging from Prayers for Spiritual growth, Profitable sales, Divine favour, Marital breakthroughs, Salvation of loved ones, Victory in Court, Success in Exams, Career Breakthroughs, Victory over Nightmares, Success in Ministry, Breaking Curses, Divine Healing leading to Divine health guarantees, Deliverance from satanic attacks and many more. Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those wallowing helplessly under satanic harassment. Knowing what to do and, and doing it right could make a difference between who sinks or swims in the river of life. Prayer Rain is a spiritual life-jacket. Endeavour to own your own copy! Christian Prayer Manual. Spiritual Warfare Manual. Prayer for Deliverance. Gethsemanic Prayer Model. Kingdom Prayer Style. Apostolic Decrees. Prayer Points.

Power to Prosper

Book Description

It is a good thing to talk about prosperity and to preach about it. But the subject of prosperity must be balanced with the subject of holiness so that after we have prospered, we would not go to hell fire. There is however indeed the power to prosper! Find out!


Book Description

“How the enemy uses dreams to corrupt and manipulate your life!” Are you having evil dreams that you cannot explain? Are you feeling powerless over dream attacks? Does the enemy have access into your dream life? Are you tired of bondage? The dream world is acknowledged by both the Bible and science. It is a mysterious world that human beings have never mastered. There is a lot that happens in the night. It is your responsibility as a child of God to know how to monitor your dreams. To know the difference between when God speaks to you or when the devil speaks to you through dreams. A lot of lives are targeted at this time and the enemy unfortunately has access to the minds of both the saved and unsaved. If discerned and prayed against dream attacks are powerless, but if left unchecked they can destroy lives, marriages and even destinies.


Book Description

It is said that; human beings spend most of their life dreaming, in fact statistics show that by the age of 60 years, you would have spent 20 years of your live dreaming. Meaning 1/3rd of your life is just spend on dreams. So what are dreams? •Dreams according to Gods plan were designed to convey a divine message from God to man. Job 33:15-16 explains this; In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds. Then He opens their ears of men, and seal instruction. •Dreams are a natural way in which the spirit world is open to the natural. •Dreams are a channel or means of communicating from the supernatural world into the natural. •Dreams are a doorway into the destiny of man. •Dreams are a Godly natural way that God has set to speak to man, but is also being used by the devil to manipulate and program all kinds of evil to man....