Backfire Antenna Theory and Design

Book Description

In last years, there has been an increasing need for high gain wide band directional antennas in some wireless applications, mobile communication systems and other applications. The backfire antenna may become one of the most competitive candidates for these applications, because of its high gain and simple structure. The backfire antenna principle is a highly effective technique for improving the pattern characteristics of an antenna. When the space between the reflectors(from 0.5 to ) the backfire antenna called short backfire antenna(SBFA) and its called long backfire antenna(LBFA) when the space between reflectors greater than the wave length ( )."

Antenna Theory and Design

Book Description

Stutzman's 3rd edition of Antenna Theory and Design provides a more pedagogical approach with a greater emphasis on computational methods. New features include additional modern material to make the text more exciting and relevant to practicing engineers; new chapters on systems, low-profile elements and base station antennas; organizational changes to improve understanding; more details to selected important topics such as microstrip antennas and arrays; and expanded measurements topic.

The Backfire Antenna

Book Description

Influence of Variation of Backfire Antenna Parameters. II. Short-Backfire Antenna

Book Description

A large number of numerical and experimental results showing the influence of a variation of the antenna parameters on the radiation properties of a short-backfire antenna are presented. These results may be very useful for the design of such antennas. The numerical results were calculated on a digital computer using a previously published theory for backfire antennas with dipole elements. The experimental results were measured in a radio anechoic chamber. Other numerical results were obtained, which show that the radiation properties of the short-backfire antenna correspond to those of open resonators. Finally, a number of computations were carried out in order to investigate the possibility of applying the short-backfire antenna as the excitation system of a Yagi antenna. (Author).

Short Backfire Antenna Modeling With Dipole Or Waveguide Excitation

Book Description

A three-dimensional short backfire antenna structure with circular symmetry is modeled using the mode matching method and the vector Hankel transform. The excitations considered are thin wire dipole antennas and flush waveguide feeds. The efficiency of computation can be increased by ignoring the higher order harmonics in the model. Then this model is used to design a structure with a larger directivity than previously reported. Theoretical predictions of the radiation pattern yield good agreement with measurements performed on a prototype. In addition, this model could be modified to approximate rectangular waveguide excitations or corrugated cavities.

A Dielectric-rod Backfire Antenna

Book Description

A backfire antenna is described which incorporates a dielectric slow-wave structure in place of the parasitic directors of earlier models. Using previously investigated optimum dimensions, this antenna uses new techniques of energizing in a cross polarized sense. Measurements of far-field patterns, directivity, and isolation between primary planes are given. (Author).

The Handbook of Antenna Design

Book Description

This book presents the fundamental background theory and analytical techniques of antenna design. It deals with a very wide range of antenna types, operating from very low frequencies to millimetre waves.

Backfire Antennas

Book Description

A method for a theoretical investigation of arbitrary backfire antennas based upon the Yagi antenna structure was set up. The mutual impedances between the dipole elements of the antenna has been taken into account, and the field radiated due to a surface wave reflector of finite extent has been calculated using the method of physical optics. Numerical results obtained for Yagi backfire antennas, short-backfire antennas, and Yagi antennas using this theory were compared with numerical and experimental results obtained by others and with experimental results obtained in the Radio Anechoic Chamber of the Technical University of Denmark. (Author).

The Short-backfire Antenna as an Element for High-gain Arrays

Book Description

The short backfire (SBF) antenna consisting of a large reflector illuminated by a dipole feed and smaller disk reflector produces a gain of 15 dB above isotropic. As an array element it has been efficiently adapted for various configurations of high-gain antennas producing gains of up to 25 dB, with a single SBF element capable of replacing four to six elements of a conventional multidipole array. Farfield patterns and directivity measurements are presented for a single element and for a twin element mounted on a common reflector. Optimized dimensions for both cases are discussed for possible application to more complex types of antennas.

The Short-backfire Antenna

Book Description