Baggy Brown

Book Description

Baggy Brown was born at Better Bears Limited. Only he wasn't born Baggy Brown, but Number One. And as a special limited edition bear, he was due to be presented to Princess Sophie, daughter of the King and Queen of Thingland. This is the story of how Alfie found and named Baggy Brown, and the beginnings of a very special friendship.

Baggy Brown and the Royal Baby

Book Description

Baggy Brown was born at Better Bears Limited. Only he wasn't born as Baggy Brown, but Number One. And as a special limited edition bear, he was due to be presented to the Royal Baby, daughter of King and Queen of Thingland. But this isn't quite what happened. This is the story of how Alfie found and named Baggy Brown and the beginnings of a very special friendship.

The Legend of the Teenage Sages

Book Description

Six teenagers are on their way to an adventure of skill, truth, and love. Becca, Jake, Mike, and Toni have all been the greatest friends to each other longer than each of them could remember. When these teens stumble upon a cave, their adventure will finally ignite. Gifted with special powers, they will test their skills of spreading good. The four stumble upon two already gifted teenagers, and soon find that they had gained their powers from the same place. Met by Destiny, Rachel and Josh, twins by birth, join the others in a quest for survival and a quest to save their parents from the true evil that took them. Meeting Jasmine, Queen Guardian Angel of the Heavens, the teens now know they are Sages.chosen to send evil back where it belongs. But in order to do this they must unlock the door to the Temple of Destiny, built by the Ancient Sages in the Guardian Angel Heavens. They are now on a quest to find the hidden keys to unlock the door of truth and also unlocking the truth buried deep inside themselves. But at the same time, they have to bring someone back into the light, from the deep and sorrowing darkness. The teens are soon helped by the Ancient Protectors of the Sages who lead them in the right direction to succeed in their quest. They will learn much, and travel to many places, including mythical lands. They will meet many beings that they could never have imagined. They still have so many more secrets to uncover about and around them. The teens-the Sages-have a Destiny far greater than any, and far too long and unique to ever think of completing. But can they succeed? The fate of all beings may rely on them.

Missing in the Hollows

Book Description

A student goes missing from Hollow Hills Middle School. Students report seeing Callie in the early morning hours sitting in the hallway. And that was the last time anyone saw her. Even the police cannot find any leads. Teachers ask students to report any information. Has she become a runaway? Sounds like a quest for the Hollow Hills Explorers. Go along with the Hollow Hills Explorers--Dalton, Faith, Finn, and Oliver--as they follow the trail and the evidence that Callie left behind. Even though Faith was bullied by Callie in a scheme to make her look bad in front of the whole school and her boyfriend, Dalton, Faith and Dalton will use their tracking dogs, Spirit and Keeper, to help find her. As Callie wrestles with her own conscience and finds herself surrounded by strange, mysterious, paranormal phenomena as she struggles to survive, the Hollow Hills Explorers and Spirit and Keeper follow their noses to discover a mysterious portal at the front door of the school--and they might be the first dogs to travel to other times and dimensions! Join the Hollow Hills Explorers in the second book of the Hollow Hills Explorers series as they tackle exciting new adventures involving survival, mystery, paranormal happenings, time travel, and meteor showers.


Book Description

Almond's past haunts her in the darkest way and she cannot face the truth. It gets worse as reality seems to slip away into a world she cannot make any sense of. She struggles accepting her new reality as it gets harder to tell the difference from what is real or not. Despite it all Almond fights to save the creatures who have crossed her path in a world that once only existed in her mother's bedtime stories. After many dangerous encounters with deceitful creatures, Almond finds herself in a mental health facility with unethical stories of monsters, walking and talking animals, mountains with faces and rippling skies. Almond must trust in herself. She must do the unimaginable to get to the truth or find her sanity.

Veronica's Room

Book Description

Twenty year old Susan, a Boston University student, is accosted in a restaurant by a charming elderly Irish couple who think she resembles a long-dead daughter of the family for whom they work. Susan is induced to impersonate Veronica and once locked in her room, find herself in the role or is she really Veronica?

An Arm And Four Legs

Book Description

Ever wondered what it might be like to own a horse, not just back it with a pony on the nose - own it? Stan Hey did. A veteran of the windswept racecourses of National Hunt he finally decided to stop betting on other people's horses and join the inner circle. With the growth of partnerships and syndicates this has become increasingly possible so four horses, two trainers, and a few thousand pounds later Stan Hey had this story to tell. An Arm and Four Legs is his honest account of the pitfalls of racehorse ownership. Its fierce disappointments, escalating costs, skulduggery and deceit are set alongside the intense pleasure offered by an afternoon spent at the track, drinking, betting and chatting to your trainer while the rest of the world has its feet tucked under a desk.

One Step Ahead of Hitler

Book Description

Fred Gross knew much about the history of the Holocaust, but he didn't know his own, being a young Jewish child during those terrible years. In the late 1980s, he asked his mother to tell him the story of his family's flight from the German invasion of Belgium and the Nazi policies that would become the Holocaust. Later, his two older brothers added their memories. But this story is not simply an account of the years spent one step ahead of Hitler. It is about a little boy then grown man coming to know his own story and realizing the tenuousness of memory. Most of the Grosses' flight takes place in France during its defeat and collaboration with the Nazis, rounding up more than 75,000 Jews for deportation to the death camps. Gross and his family made it through these anguished years because of their fortitude and ingenuity and the help of brave men and women of other faiths, reverently referred to as The Righteous Among the Nations, who risked their lives standing up to their collaborationist government. One Step Ahead of Hitler is a story of survival told in words and in photographs of a journey beginning in Antwerp and ending with his freedom in America. "It is an important memoir," David P. Gushee, Distinguished Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University and author of Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust, writes in the foreword. "Some of the most shameful moments of German, French, Swiss-and human-history are recorded here, not for the first time, but in a deeply personal way by someone who experienced their effects as a small child."