Bakhtin and Translation Studies

Book Description

This book investigates the process of translation in light of the dialogical principles proposed by the Russian literary theorist and philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin. It problematizes interlingual translations by questioning the two extreme tendencies in translation; namely, complete target-orientedness on the one hand, and close imitation of the source-text on the other. In the field of cultural encounters, it envisages a Bakhtinian model which is proposed as an alternative to the existing interpretations that discuss the cultural subtleties when two different cultures encounter each other. The overall framework of the book is Bakhtinian, that is, it adopts a dialogic approach, and its main focus is the examination of a Western theoretical formulation through examples from Indian literatures and cultural situations. Such an extension of Bakhtin’s ideas, especially to explore examples from Indian literary, cultural and translational fields, has not yet received sufficient attention. The study is not only a unique endeavour in filling up the lacunae, but also draws Bakhtin closer to the Indian literary condition.

Bakhtin and Translation Studies

Book Description

This book investigates the process of translation in light of the dialogical principles proposed by the Russian literary theorist and philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin. It problematizes interlingual translations by questioning the two extreme tendencies in translation; namely, complete target-orientedness on the one hand, and close imitation of the source-text on the other. In the field of cultural encounters, it envisages a Bakhtinian model which is proposed as an alternative to the existing interpretations that discuss the cultural subtleties when two different cultures encounter each other. The overall framework of the book is Bakhtinian, that is, it adopts a dialogic approach, and its main focus is the examination of a Western theoretical formulation through examples from Indian literatures and cultural situations. Such an extension of Bakhtinâ (TM)s ideas, especially to explore examples from Indian literary, cultural and translational fields, has not yet received sufficient attention. The study is not only a unique endeavour in filling up the lacunae, but also draws Bakhtin closer to the Indian literary condition.

The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin's Re-accentuation

Book Description

Although Mikhail Bakhtin's study of the novel does not focus in any systematic way on the role that translation plays in the processes of novelistic creation and dissemination, when he does broach the topic he grants translation'a disproportionately significant role in the emergence and constitution of literature. The contributors to this volume, from the US, Hong Kong, Finland, Japan, Spain, Italy, Bangladesh, and Belgium, bring their own polyphonic experiences with the theory and practice of translation to the discussion of Bakhtin's ideas about this topic, in order to illuminate their relevance to translation studies today. Broadly stated, the essays examine the art of translation as an exercise in a cultural re-accentuation (a transferal of the original text and its characters to the novel soil of a different language and culture, which inevitably leads to the proliferation of multivalent meanings), and to explore the various re-accentuation devices employed over the span of the last 100 years in translating modern texts from one language to another. Through its contributors, The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin's Re-accentuation brings together different cultural contexts and disciplines (such as literature, literary theory, the visual arts, pedagogy, translation studies, and philosophy) to demonstrate the continued international relevance of Bakhtin's ideas to the study of creative practices, broadly understood.

D.H. Lawrence's Italian Travel Literature and Translations of Giovanni Verga

Book Description

While travel literature, particularly the Italian travel literature of D. H. Lawrence - Twilight in Italy (1916), Sea and Sardinia (1921), and Etruscan Places (1927; 1932) - has received a great deal of attention in recent years, nobody has examined this work from a Bakhtinian viewpoint. This approach allows us a unique perspective as well as a new appreciation of both Lawrence and Mikhail Bakhtin. This is also true with respect to translation studies where the reader will find Lawrence's work on Giovanni Verga presented in a new and suggestive fashion. In short, this book provides new insights into D. H. Lawrence's relationship to the Italian Other (as well as charts the permutations within himself). This book makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of two of the greatest literary figures of the twentieth century, D. H. Lawrence and Mikhail Bakhtin.

Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines

Book Description

Translation Studies has been defined in terms of spatial metaphors stressing the need for disciplinary border crossings, with the purpose of borrowing different approaches, orientations and tools from diverse academic fields. Such territorial incursions have resulted in a more thorough exploration of the home province, as this volume is designed to show. The interdisciplinary nature of the venture arises out of the multiplicity of terrains involved and the theoretically motivated definition of the object itself. Translation has been perceived as communication in context, hence the study of translated texts as facts of target cultures means that they need to be investigated within particular situational and sociocultural environments, an enterprise which necessarily requires the collaboration of various disciplines.This volume has grown out of a conference held at the University of Lisbon in November 2002 and collects a selection of papers that focus: on the crossdisciplinarity of Translation Studies, offering new perspectives on the current space of translation; on the importation and redefinition of theories, methodologies and concepts for the study of translation; and on the complex interplay of text and context in translation, creating dynamic interfaces with Sociology, Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Discourse Analysis, Cultural History, among other disciplines.

Going East: Discovering New and Alternative Traditions in Translation Studies

Book Description

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of various Eastern European traditions of thought on the subject of translation as well as the discipline of Translation Studies. It sheds a light on how these traditions developed, how they are related to and how they differ from Western traditions. The volume shows nationally-framed histories of translation and Translation Studies and presents Eastern European pioneers and trailblazing thinkers in the discipline. This collection of articles, however, also shows that it is at times hard or even impossible to draw the line between theoretical and/or scientific thinking and pre-theoretical and/or pre-scientific thinking on translation. Furthermore, it shows that our discipline’s beginnings, which are supposedly rooted in Western scholarship, may have to be rethought and, consequently, rewritten.

Bakhtin Between East and West

Book Description

"Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) has had an enormous influence on literary studies and cultural theory. Bakhtin between East and West: Cross-Cultural Transmission looks beyond the concepts of carnival and dialogue and traces for the first time the transformation of the Bakhtin Circle's thought from its introduction to the West in Julia Kristeva's seminal late-1960s theory of intertextuality, through Tzvetan Todorov's landmark study and on to contemporary interpretations. The notion of sociality in all its problematic complexity provides the red thread guiding us through this historical and thematic examination of Western and Russian Bakhtin studies. As a critical evaluation of Bakhtin scholarship across various cultures and a celebration of the vigour of the Circle's legacy, this is an invaluable resource for scholars and students with an interest in Bakhtin and critical theory."


Book Description

Offering original research on Mikhail Bakhtin by leading scholars in the field, this special issue of SAQ both celebrates the recent centennial of Bakhtin's birth and elaborates significant new strains in Bakhtinian thinking. The distinction between Bakhtin and "Bakhtin" is a measure of the incommensurable space between the biographically verifiable figure and the one who emerges from contemporary critical applications of his work. While the inevitability of this space must be acknowledged, so too must its implications for a politics of culture where theory is concerned. Can there be a real Bakhtin, and can this one simply be the relevant Bakhtin? Is the deified Bakhtin just a reified Bakhtin? Exploring both the dynamism of Bakhtin versus "Bakhtin" and the dynamics of "possible Bakhtins," the contributors tackle this theorist's range of shifting shapes, from the carnival-messianistic and the chronotopic, through the philosophic and the ideologic, to the "applied Bakhtin" of the social sciences. Bakhtin's texts are examined in the context of work by such disparate figures as Ernst Cassirer and Rudolph Rocker, while various aspects of the academic "Bakhtin industry" are examined, including the "will to mythology by anthology" and the inequities of a world market in ideas exemplified by the resource gap between Russian and Western scholarship. The "state of the archive" is assessed by both UK Bakhtin Centre Director David Shepherd and Russian Bakhtin Archivist Nikolai Pan'kov. Throughout the issue, which is framed by Peter Hitchcock's introductory polemics and Michael Holquist's afterword, author and archive are continually deconstructed and reconstructed. Contributors. Robert Barsky, Rachel Falconer, Maroussia Hadjukowski-Ahmed, Ken Hirschkop, Peter Hitchcock, Michael Holquist, Vitaly Makhlin, Nikolai Pan'kov, Brian Poole, David Shepherd, Galin Tihanov, Anthony Wall

The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin's Re-accentuation

Book Description

Although Mikhail Bakhtin's study of the novel does not focus in any systematic way on the role that translation plays in the processes of novelistic creation and dissemination, when he does broach the topic he grants translation'a disproportionately significant role in the emergence and constitution of literature. The contributors to this volume, from the US, Hong Kong, Finland, Japan, Spain, Italy, Bangladesh, and Belgium, bring their own polyphonic experiences with the theory and practice of translation to the discussion of Bakhtin's ideas about this topic, in order to illuminate their relevance to translation studies today. Broadly stated, the essays examine the art of translation as an exercise in a cultural re-accentuation (a transferal of the original text and its characters to the novel soil of a different language and culture, which inevitably leads to the proliferation of multivalent meanings), and to explore the various re-accentuation devices employed over the span of the last 100 years in translating modern texts from one language to another. Through its contributors, The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtin's Re-accentuation brings together different cultural contexts and disciplines (such as literature, literary theory, the visual arts, pedagogy, translation studies, and philosophy) to demonstrate the continued international relevance of Bakhtin's ideas to the study of creative practices, broadly understood.