The Balance Sheet Pocketbook

Book Description

This title begins by constructing a model to show how money works within a business, i.e. where funds come from and how they are used. The structure of the balance sheet and the profit and loss reports are then examined and explained within the context of this model. Common misconceptions are also highlighted.

Balance Sheet Pocketbook

Book Description

The Balance Sheet Pocketbook begins by constructing a model to show how money works within a business, i.e. where funds come from and how they are used. The structure of the balance sheet and the profit and loss reports are then examined and explained within the context of this model. Common misconceptions are frequently highlighted and financial jargon is clearly unravelled.

Balance Sheet Pocketbook

Book Description

The Balance Sheet Pocketbook begins by constructing a model to show how money works within a business, i.e. where funds come from and how they are used. The structure of the balance sheet and the profit and loss reports are then examined and explained within the context of this model. Common misconceptions are frequently highlighted and ......

Managing Cashflow Pocketbook

Book Description

All business decisions affect the movement of cash, one way or another, as The Managing Cashflow Pocketbook clearly demonstrates. It stresses the importance of proper cash management (by all managers!) and how this impacts on the running of a business. Reconciling profit to cash, improving cashflow and managing working capital are central issues in this extensively illustrated book.

Business Planning Pocketbook

Book Description

The Business Planning Pocketbook (3rd Edition) explains what issues to address, how to write a business plan, what questions to ask, how much detail to include and the time-frame to adopt. In the chapter on planning theory the author identifies eight different planning styles, followed in the next chapter with a description of the seven stages of the planning process. In his summary the author says: 'A plan is a statement of what you intend to achieve, how, when and with what resources'. A complex subject made simple. Author Neil Russell-Jones is widely published, speaks internationally, lectures and is a special advisor for the Princes Youth Business Trust. In the Management Pocketbooks Series he has also written books on decision-making, strategy, managing change and marketing.

Influencing Pocketbook

Book Description

Influencing skills are at the heart of all successful communication. The Influencing Pocketbook examines influencing styles, how to establish rapport, dealing with different personalities, handling resistance and, crucially, getting a decision. The new 2nd edition of this pocketbook lists five easy steps to influence, eight influencing styles, ten good reasons to build rapport and four different personality types with influencing techniques for each. In an American Management Association survey, in answer to the question 'What is the number one need for success in business today?', the most popular answer was 'To persuade others of my value and the value of my ideas'. Author Richard Storey has written widely on the subject of persuasive communication, including books for Gower and Random House.

Key Concepts in Accounting and Finance

Book Description

Key Concepts in Accounting and Finance is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated and cross-referenced. Additional reading and Internet research opportunities are identified. More complex terminology is made clearer with numerous diagrams and illustrations. With almost 600 key terms defined, the book represents a comprehensive must-have reference for anyone studying a business-related course or those simply wishing to understand what accounting and finance is all about. It will be especially useful as a revision aid.

Improving Profitability Pocketbook

Book Description

Profitability, rather than profit, is the key measure of a business's performance. If you know how to measure profitability, you will be able to manage it, and understand which decisions increase it. The Improving Profitability Pocketbook looks at the essential areas of effective use of assets (Asset Turn) and cost-efficiency (Return on Sales). It also includes detailed sections on capital expenditure appraisal, how to evaluate make/buy decisions, and how to use a profit-cost-volume model.

Managing Budgets Pocketbook

Book Description

There are two ways to control the profitability of a business: through budgeting and through knowing and understanding internal product costs. Effective strategic decisions cannot be made without fully comprehending these vital issues. The Managing Budgets Pocketbook explains the link between these two methods of control and how they support each other. It covers the difference between revenue and capital budgets, the do's and don't's of good practice and the importance and best methods of product costing.