Balancing Act : Weighing the Factors Affecting the Taxation of Capital Income in a Small Open Economy

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Alternative economic theories yield dramatically different prescriptions for optimal capital taxation in small open economies. On the one hand, foreign firms, including those with investments that yield firm-specific above-normal returns, have a large number of alternative investment opportunities; this suggests that the supply of foreign direct investment is highly elastic, which implies that small open economies should avoid imposing any source-based taxes on capital income. On the other hand, governments invariably want to tax any above-normal returns earned by location-specific capital, especially if the returns accrue to foreigners, and to take full advantage of the potential revenue increase from any "treasury transfer" effect that arises due to residence-based tax systems with foreign tax credits, such as that utilized by the USA. These factors suggest that investment is highly inelastic with respect to capital taxation, so that source-based capital income taxation is desirable; indeed, in one special case, the capital income tax rate for a small open economy should equal the relatively high US tax rate. Moreover, this difficult trade-off is in practice complicated by numerous additional factors: deferral of unrepatriated profits and cross-crediting of foreign tax credits for the US multinationals, foreign direct investment from firms from countries that, unlike the USA, operate territorial systems, and the existence of opportunities for both international capital income shifting and labour income shifting. In this paper, the authors analyze optimal capital income taxation in a small open economy model that attempts to balance these conflicting factors.

Balancing Act

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Taxation in Theory and Practice

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Optimal tax reform : transitional issues in implementing tax reform -- Implementing tax reform -- Optimal tax reform in the presence of adjustment costs -- Grandfather rules and the theory of optimal tax reform -- Consumption tax reform: changes in business equity and housing prices / (with John W. Diamond) -- Consumption taxation -- Should capital income be subject to consumption-based taxation? -- A hybrid consumption-based direct tax proposed for Bolivia / (with Charles E. McLure, Jr.) -- U.S. Supreme Court unanimously chooses substance over form in foreign tax credit case : implications of the PPL decision for the creditability of cash-flow taxes / (with Charles E. McLure, Jr. and Jack Mintz) -- Taxation, uncertainty and the choice of a consumption tax base -- Optimal commodity taxation of traditional and electronic commerce income tax reform -- Treasury I and the Tax Reform Act of 1986 : the economics and politics of tax reform / (with Charles E. McLure, Jr.) -- The windfall recapture tax : issues of theory and design -- Balancing act: weighing the factors affecting the taxation of capital income in a small open economy / (with Margaret McKeehan) -- State and local tax policy -- Revenue options for the state of texas -- The new view of the property tax : a reformulation / (with Peter Mieszkowski) -- The property tax as a capital tax : a room with three views -- Intrajurisdictional capitalization and the incidence of the property tax -- Tax competition -- Pigou, Tiebout, property taxation and the under-provision of local public goods / (with Peter Mieszkowski) -- Capital mobility and capital tax competition -- Tax competition and the efficiency of "benefit-related" business taxes / (with Elisabeth Gugl).

Taxation and Endogenous Growth in Open Economies

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This paper examines the effects of taxation of human capital, physical capital and foreign assets in a multi-sector model of endogenous growth. It is shown that in general the growth rate is reduced by taxes on capital and labor (human capital) income. When the government faces no borrowing constraints and is able to commit to a given set of present and future taxes, it is shown that the optimal tax plan involves high taxation of both capital and labor in the short run. This allows the government to accumulate sufficient assets to finance spending without any recourse to distortionary taxation in the long run. When restrictions to government borrowing and lending are imposed, the model implies that human and physical capital should be taxed similarly.

Capital Income Taxation and Risk-taking in a Small Open Economy

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How do capital income taxes affect household portfolio choice and growth? We" approach this question within the context of a stochastic model of a small open economy in" which taxes on income from domestic capital (equity) and foreign bonds affect household" portfolio choice, welfare and the growth rate of the economy. The theoretical and numerical" analysis demonstrates the important role that risk plays in determining the mean and variability" of growth as well as the conditions under which a higher tax rate can be welfare improving. To" shed more light on the complex theoretical interaction between taxes and risk-taking we estimate" a reduced-form multinomial probit model of household portfolio choice using the method of" simulated moments. The empirical evidence is in stark contrast to the conventional wisdom " we find that higher taxes make it less likely that the household will hold risky assets."

Vanishing Tax on Capital Income in the Open Economy

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The increased integration of the world capital market implies that the supply of capital becomes more elastic, and therefore potentially a less efficient base for taxation. In general, the optimal taxation of capital income is subject to two conflicting forces. On the one hand the return on existing capital is a pure rent which is efficient to fully tax away. On the other hand taxing the returns on investment in new capital would retard growth, thus generating inefficiencies. Capturing these considerations, the paper carries out a simple optimal tax analysis for an open economy, which is fully integrated in the world capital markets. The analysis identifies well defined circumstances in which the capital income tax vanishes.

Why is There Corporate Taxation in a Small Open Economy? The Role of Transfer Pricing and Income Shifting

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Several recent papers argue that corporate income taxes should not be used by small, open economies. With capital mobility, the burden of the tax falls on fixed factors (e.g., labor), and the tax system is more efficient if labor is taxed directly. However, corporate taxes not only exist but rates are roughly comparable with the top personal tax rates. Past models also forecast that multinationals should not invest in countries with low corporate tax rates, since the surtax they owe when profits are repatriated puts them at a competitive disadvantage. Yet such foreign direct investment is substantial. We suggest that the resolution of these puzzles may be found in the role of income shifting, both domestic (between the personal and corporate tax bases) and cross-border (through transfer pricing). Countries need cash-flow corporate taxes as a backstop to labor taxes to discourage individuals from converting their labor income into otherwise untaxed corporate income. We explore how these taxes can best be modified to deal as well with cross-border shifting.

Social Comparisons and Optimal Taxation in a Small Open Economy

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In this paper, we analyze how international capital mobility affects the optimal labor and capital income tax policy in a small open economy when consumers care about relative consumption. The main results crucially depend on whether the government can tax returns on savings abroad. If the government can use flexible residence-based capital income taxes, then the optimal policy rules from a closed economy largely carry over to the case of a small open economy. If it cannot, then capital income taxes become completely ineffective. The labor income taxes must then indirectly also reflect the corrective purpose that the absent capital income tax would have had.

Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States

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Although economic growth has historically been an engine of prosperity in the United States, recent trends have generated uncertainty regarding the prospects for sustaining such growth. Economists disagree about the relative importance of many factors affecting future growth, including rapid technological advances, immigration, the growth of the financial sector, problems with the educational system, increasing income inequality, an aging population, and large fiscal imbalances that have not been addressed by the political system. This collection of chapters, authored by many of today's leading economists, addresses the prospects for economic growth in the United States over the next few decades. During a time of great economic uncertainty, this book engages with both sides in the debate over economic growth, focusing on policy options that increase the prospects for vigorous economic growth in the future.