Balancing irrigation and hydropower: Case study from Southern Sri Lanka

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This report analyzes a case from southern Sri Lanka, where the Samanalawewa dam and the Kaltota Irrigation Scheme (KIS) compete for the water of the Walawe river. At the catchment level, it is shown that dam releases are well attuned to the needs of KIS and to the occurrences of natural runoff, and that little of the dam water is "lost" to the river.

Multiple Uses of Water in Irrigated Areas

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Water is being transferred out of agriculture to meet the growing demand in other areas, often without an agreement of or compensation to farmers with irrigated land and water rights. Furthermore, there is a failure to recognize that irrigation systems supply water not only for the main fields, but also for domestic uses, home gardens, trees and other permanent vegetation, and livestock. Other productive uses include fishing, harvesting of aquatic plants and animals, and a variety of other enterprises such as brick making. In addition, irrigation systems can have a positive or negative effect on wildlife habitats. Thus, the withdrawal of water affects the rural household, rural economy, and the environment in a number of ways. This paper argues that to ensure efficient, equitable, and sustainable water use, to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of the community, irrigation and water resources policies need to take into account all uses and users of water within the irrigation system. The multiple uses of water in the Kirindi Oya irrigation system are examined in this paper. An interdisciplinary group of scientists have investigated a number of areas including water accounting, water quality, household water use, the valuing of water for alternative uses, and the complementarities, competition, and conflicts among uses and users.

Water Scarcity and Managing Seasonal Water Crisis

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Coping with scarcity of water supply for managing irrigation under uncertain and inadequate conditions has become part and parcel of many irrigation systems in the semiarid tropics of Asia. Based on a case study of the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project (KOISP) in southern Sri Lanka, this report provides evidence of the uncertain and inadequate inflow into the reservoir and its impact on the seasonal planning.

Irrigation and schistosomiasis in Africa: Ecological aspects

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his research report discusses ecological aspects of schistosomiasis transmission and options for its control in irrigated areas in Africa through environmental measures. Human schistosomiasis is endemic in 46 African countries.After being infected by larvae emerging from human excreta and urine deposited in the water, freshwater snails act as intermediate hosts.

The reliability improvement in irrigation services: Application of rotational water distribution to tertiary canals in Central Asia

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his report addresses a specific context of massive inequity and unevenness in water allocation and distribution experienced presently by the water users in transitional Central Asian economies, as a result of broad-scale fragmentation of the previously large farms. The report describes action research aimed at making water distribution at the tertiary level more reliable, transparent and equitable.

Irrigation and Water Policies in the Mekong Region

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This report documents current irrigation and water policies in the Mekong countries. It successively reviews planning issues, water policies and legal frameworks, the setting up of water policy "apex bodies," participatory policies, and IWRM/river basin management.

Assessing the outcomes of IWMI's research and interventions on irrigation management transfer

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The purpose of this paper is to summarize IIMI/IWMI’s past research and interventions related to irrigation management transfer and to document, to the extent possible, the academic, policy, and technical outcomes of these efforts. The application of a range of direct and indirect measurement techniques suggests an overall positive contribution from IWMI to IMT theory and application.

Use of a hydrological model for environmental management of the Usangu Wetlands, Tanzania

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This report presents the findings of a study to assess changes to flows into, and downstream of, the Usangu Wetlands, located in the headwaters of the Great Ruaha River, Tanzania. Hydrological data, in conjunction with remote sensing techniques, were used to provide insights into changes that have occurred to the Eastern Wetland. Results indicate that, between 1958 and 2004, inflows to the wetland declined by about 70 percent in the dry season months (July to November) as a consequence of increased human withdrawals, primarily for irrigation.