Bank Consolidation, Efficiency, and Profitability in Italy

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This paper examines the case for efficiency-driven banking sector consolidation in Italy, evaluates its potential effects on profitability, and discusses policy options to facilitate a consolidation process that is as effective as possible. A bottom-up analysis of 386 Italian banks suggests that while profitability is expected to improve as the economy gradually recovers, operational efficiency gains are nonetheless needed to restore large parts of the banking system to healthy profitability. Banking system consolidation can play a role in facilitating such efficiency gains, but its effectiveness is likely to be most as part of a comprehensive strategy that includes complementary reforms to clean up bank balance sheets. Cross-country experience indicates that efficiency gains are more likely to follow consolidations where careful viability analyses are conducted of the synergies and operational improvements that can be achieved.

Profitability and Balance Sheet Repair of Italian Banks

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The profitability of Italian banks depends, among other factors, on the strength of the ongoing economic recovery, the stance of monetary policy, and the beneficial effects of current and past reforms, notably to address structural obstacles to resolving nonperforming loans (NPLs) and to foster banking sector consolidation. Improved profitability would enable banks to raise capital buffers and accelerate the cleanup of their balance sheets. This paper investigates quantitatively the current and prospective earnings capacity of Italian banks. A bottom-up analysis of the 15 largest Italian banks suggests that the system is on the whole profitable, but that there is significant heterogeneity across banks. Many banks should become more profitable as the economy recovers, but their capacity to lend depends on the size of their capital buffers. However, a number of smaller banks face profitability pressures, even under favorable assumptions. There is thus a need to push ahead decisively on cleaning up balance sheets, including through cost cutting and efficiency gains.

The Reform of Italian Cooperative Banks

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This paper argues that the governance framework of cooperative banks may hamper raising capital, particularly at time of distress, complicating the bank resolution process ?specially for large banks?and may not provide adequate incentives to control banks' management. Reforms should preserve the positive characteristics that make cooperative banks a valuable addition to the Italian financial system, while providing enough flexibility and incentives for banks to adopt a suitable governance model. Our empirical analysis suggests that cooperative banks may enjoy a higher degree of monopoly power than commercial banks. Thus, regulations and the enforcement of antitrust policies should ensure a leveled playing field.


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This Financial System Stability Assessment paper on Italy highlights that substantial progress has been made in recent years in strengthening the financial sector, however, important weaknesses remain. Bank capitalization and asset quality have improved considerably but are still below the European Union average and the financial sector has large exposures to the Italian sovereign. The financial sector faces important vulnerabilities and a challenging baseline outlook. The sector is highly dependent on the European Central Bank’s Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations. Profitability is also still low, particularly in segments of small and mid-sized banks. This reflects in part weak economic growth in Italy over the past decade, as well as high structural operating costs, unsustainable business models and corporate governance weaknesses. Solvency stress tests indicate that many banks with material aggregate total asset share continue to be vulnerable to an adverse scenario. Efforts should focus on further enhancing banks’ capitalization, operational efficiency, governance, and business models. Specifically, the authorities should consider more escalated corrective measures for weak banks, utilizing the full gamut of their toolkit, to ensure that banking sector weaknesses do not linger, and costs are contained.

Italian Mutual Banks

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Bank Consolidation, Internationalization, and Conglomeration

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This paper documents global trends in bank activity, consolidation, internationalization, and financial firm conglomeration, and explores the extent to which financial firm risk and systemic risk potential in banking are related to consolidation and conglomeration. We find that while there is a substantial upward trend in conglomeration globally, consolidation and internationalization exhibit uneven patterns across world regions. Trends in consolidation and conglomeration indicate increased risk profiles for large, conglomerate financial firms, and higher levels of systemic risk potential for more concentrated banking systems. We outline research directions aimed at explaining why bank consolidation and conglomeration do not necessarily yield either safer financial firms or more resilient banking systems.

Mergers and Acquisitions in the European Banking Sector

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Master's Thesis from the year 2005 in the subject Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting, grade: 1, ESCP Europe (Department Finance), language: English, abstract: The banking sector in Europe is bound to change its shape soon. In many countries the banking sector is still highly fragmented, especially in Germany and Italy. EU Banks need to grow in size if they want to be able to compete globally with financial titans such as Citigroup. This study aims at analysing the key drivers and success factors for external growth via Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in the European banking sector. After explaining the theoretical background of Mergers and Acquisitions (Chapter 2), the study examines the current condition of the EU banking sector followed by a more detailed view on the main markets and players (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy) focussing on their potential role in a future consolidation process (Chapter 3). It seems that important obstacles for consolidation have been removed and banks may indeed engage in domestic and even cross border M&A. A detailed comparison of Europe’s largest banks will complement this section. By analysing paid premiums in the five key European economies, we will draw conclusions on the influence of market structure on the potential for consolidation. In Chapter 4, the Banco Sabadell - Banco Atlantico case is analysed and discussed as an example of a domestic bank merger. Emphasis is put on the logic behind the operation, performance measurement and its strategic impact. The question, if value has been created for shareholders as well as other stakeholders, will be addressed. This recent case (2004) only allows for a preliminary analysis of the success of the transaction, particularly in terms of achieved synergies versus expected synergies. The case evidences typical sources for higher synergies in domestic M&A but reveals also important sources of synergies that would apply in cross border operations. In the final conclusion (Chapter 5), the market analysis is put into perspective to recent developments and briefly compares it with the US Banking market. Key observations from the case study are summarized and finally this section aims at developing different scenarios for a future consolidation within the European banking sector.

Are Mergers Among Cooperative Banks Worth a Dime? Evidence on Post-M&A Efficiency in Italy

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In this paper we study the intense wave of mergers among Italian mutual cooperative banks (Banche di Credito Cooperativo, BCCs) and try to assess whether those mergers were efficiency-enhancing. For the purpose, we employ a two-step procedure: we first estimate bank-level cost efficiency scores for a large sample of Italian banks in the period 1993-2013 by means of a stochastic frontier approach, then we try to explain the estimated BCCs' cost efficiency with a set of merger status dummy variables (never merged, before the first merger, merged once, merged twice, etc.) as well as with a vector of control variables. We find that mergers increase mutual banks' cost efficiency only after a BCC has merged at least three successive times with other BCCs, hence after reaching a remarkably large size. However, we conjecture that this growth in size could harm especially marginal borrowers (i.e. those who are likely to be served by smaller banks but neglected by bigger ones), with a strong and adverse impact on development and inequality and in contrast with BCCs' ethics and mission.

New Issues in Financial Institutions Management

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This book examines new issues in financial markets and institutions raised by the global economic crisis that began in 2007. The four main themes are: management, innovation and technology in banking; efficiency and productivity; consolidation; and corporate governance issues.