Banking and Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies

Book Description

This book analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the banking system reforms with particular reference to centrally planned economies. The book reviews the socialist banking reforms and analyses their financial problems. Employing a critical exposition of banking theories, it assesses current financial disorders and takes issue with some established theories.

Financial Sector Reform and Central Banking in Centrally Planned Economies

Book Description

This paper reviews key areas of central banking reform in a sample of centrally planned economies undergoing transition to market-based systems. The discussion draws mainly on the experiences of four countries, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and China. Significant efforts have been made, or are under consideration, in all countries to develop a more efficient framework for monetary management, and to provide greater autonomy to central banks in macro stabilization policies. These objectives call for a coordinated approach to strengthening a wide range of central banking functions simultaneously, and require that a core mass of supporting financial sector reforms be implemented to ensure effective transformation and stabilization with minimal transitional costs.

Financial Sector Reform and Central Banking in Centrally Planned Economies

Book Description

This paper reviews key areas of central banking reform in a sample of centrally planned economies undergoing transition to market-based systems. The discussion draws mainly on the experiences of four countries, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and China. Significant efforts have been made, or are under consideration, in all countries to develop a more efficient framework for monetary management, and to provide greater autonomy to central banks in macro stabilization policies. These objectives call for a coordinated approach to strengthening a wide range of central banking functions simultaneously, and require that a core mass of supporting financial sector reforms be implemented to ensure effective transformation and stabilization with minimal transitional costs.

Reforming Financial Institutions and Markets in the United States

Book Description

This volume focuses on constructing a safer and more efficient financial system based on the lessons learned from the financial debacles of the 1980s. The first essay discusses the economic and political forces both propelling and opposing widespread banking reform. The next two essays describe the intellectual history of the deposit insurance reform provisions of FDICIA, arguably the most important banking legislation since the Banking Act of 1933, discuss the weaknesses and strengths of these provisions and make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the reforms. Theoretical and empirical evidence is then summarized and evaluated with respect to the costs and benefits of regulators granting forbearance to economically insolvent institutions. An analysis is given of the whys and hows of privatizing federal deposit insurance in case the reforms in FDICIA prove ineffective. An examination follows of the causes and consequences of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) debacle of the early 1990s and the implications for the supervision of foreign banks in the United States and elsewhere. Next the broader issue is discussed of whether U.S. financial markets affect the behavior of U.S. corporate managers, particularly whether they encourage managerial myopia. Without concluding whether such myopia exists, policy options are examined that would make financial markets more conducive to longer-term planning, including permitting banks to invest in corporate equity and thus monitor firms as owners as well as creditors.

The Evolving Role of Fiscal Policy in Centrally Planned Economies Under Reform

Book Description

Market-oriented economic reforms in centrally planned economies have altered the functions and objectives of key policy instruments, particularly in the case of fiscal policy. As a result of reform, economic management requires the use of “indirect” levers to regulate the behavior of increasingly autonomous economic agents. In this respect, fiscal policy becomes central and its macroeconomic role is enhanced. This paper studies the recent Chinese experience, reviewing fiscal developments and analyzing the effectiveness and appropriateness of available fiscal instruments in performing their newly enhanced macroeconomic role.

Reforming Public Institutions and Strengthening Governance

Book Description

The critical importance of well-performing public institutions and good governance for development and poverty reduction has come to the forefront in the 1990s. Reforming public institutions is a complex and difficult task. This publication is primarily intended as a guide for World Bank staff but it is also intended to serve the broader development community. It outlines a strategy which envisions significant changes in the focus of the Bank's work in this area. Some of these changes such as an enhanced focus on governance, capacity building and anticorruption, are already underway. The agenda for the next three years is to continue to foster these changes through a the advancement of analytical tools, new approaches t the design of lending operations, expanded emphasis on partnership with clients and other donors and progressive shifts in staffing, incentives and evaluation techniques. Included as an annex is an inventory of the Bank's governance and institutional reform programs which are in place.