Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability

Book Description

This book explores the concept of "occupation" in disability well beyond traditional clinical formulations of disability: it considers disability not in terms of pathology or impairment, but as a range of unique social identities and experiences that are shaped by visible or invisible diagnoses/impairments, socio-cultural perceptions and environmental barriers and offers innovative ideas on how to apply theoretical training to real world contexts. Inspired by disability justice and “Disability Occupy Wall Street / Decolonize Disability” movements in the US and related movements abroad, this book builds on politically engaged critical approaches to disability that intersect occupational therapy, disability studies and anthropology. "Occupying Disability" will provide a discursive space where the concepts of disability, culture and occupation meet critical theory, activism and the creative arts. The concept of “occupation” is intentionally a moving target in this book. Some chapters discuss occupying spaces as a form of protest or alternatively, protesting against territorial occupations. Others present occupations as framed or problematized within the fields of occupational therapy and occupational science and anthropology as engagement in meaningful activities. The contributing authors come from a variety of professional, academic and activist backgrounds to include perspectives from theory, practice and experiences of disability. Emergent themes include: all the permutations of the concept of "occupy," disability justice/decolonization, marginalization and minoritization, technology, struggle, creativity and change. This book will engage clinicians, social scientists, activists and artists in dialogues about disability as a theoretical construct and lived experience.

ESG nas relações de consumo

Book Description

"(...) Cada vez mais os consumidores se preocupam em adquirir produtos e serviços éticos, ou seja, que foram produzidos, anunciados e comercializados a partir dos princípios expostos no Pacto Global. Os produtos e serviços, na nova percepção dos consumidores, levam junto o contexto da sua linha de produção e comercialização. O livro, agora apresentado, enfrenta estes diversos problemas complexos, com análises fundamentadas e, muitas vezes, com sugestões para aprimoramento do próprio sistema. É a ciência cumprindo seu papel de trazer reflexões no intuito de melhorar as relações humanas. São 17 artigos que dão um destaque ao ESG no contexto do Direito das Relações de Consumo. Por óbvio, pela própria formação dos diversos autores – componentes do Comitê de Relações de Consumo do IBRAC (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional) – os artigos enfrentam o universo das responsabilidades empresariais no contexto de uma sociedade de consumo. (...)" Marcelo Gomes Sodré


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Com os avanços na área científica e tecnológica ocorrido nas últimas décadas, nos mais diversos segmentos das atividades ligadas à agropecuária, têm proporcionado o surgimento de inúmeros produtos alternativos. Dentre eles está o frango caipira que surgiu como proposta diferenciada para consumidores preocupados com a saúde, segurança alimentar, meio ambiente e ecologia sustentável (CARBONE, SATO E MOORI,2004).


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Ciência E Cultura

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Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems

Book Description

The carefully reviewed papers in this state-of-the-art survey describe a wide range of approaches coming from different strands of software engineering, and look forward to future challenges facing this ever-resurgent and exacting field of research.

Interculturalism and multiculturalism: similarities and differences

Book Description

This book examines the relationship between two policy approaches for managing the cultural diversity of contemporary societies: interculturalism and multiculturalism. The relationship between these two approaches has been a matter of intense debate in recent years. Some commentators argue that they represent two very different approaches, while others argue that interculturalism merely re-emphasises some of the core elements of present day multiculturalism. The debate arises, in part, because multiculturalism can take a variety of different forms, which makes it difficult to identify its key features in order to compare it with interculturalism. The debate has gained added momentum from the backlash against multiculturalism in recent years, and from the Council of Europe’s prominent championing of interculturalism as an alternative approach. This book aims to clarify the concepts of interculturalism and multiculturalism, and to bring the various arguments together in a way that will assist politicians, policy makers, practitioners and interested lay people to understand the concerns that are driving the different orientations. The book is also intended to facilitate a comparison of the policy implications of interculturalism and multiculturalism. To this end, each chapter concludes with a concise statement of the implications for policy that follow from the viewpoint that has been expressed.