Baryon Spectroscopy and Operator Construction in Lattice QCD.

Book Description

This talk describes progress at understanding the properties of the nucleon and its excitations from lattice QCD. I begin with a review of recent lattice results for the lowest-lying states of the excited baryon spectrum. The need to approach physical values of the light quark masses is emphasized, enabling the effects of the pion cloud to be revealed. I then outline the development of techniques that will enable the extraction of the masses of the higher resonances. I will describe how such calculations provide insight into the structure of the hadrons, and enable comparison both with experiment, and with QCD-inspired pictures of hadron structure, such as calculations in the limit of large N{sub c}.

Baryon Operators and Spectroscopy in Lattice QCD.

Book Description

The construction of the operators and correlators required to determine the excited baryon spectrum is presented, with the aim of exploring the spatial and spin structure of the states while minimizing the number of propagator inversions. The method used to construct operators that transform irreducibly under the symmetries of the lattice is detailed, and the properties of example operators is studied using domain-wall fermion valence propagators computed on MILC asqtad dynamical lattices.

Group Theoretical Construction of Extended Baryon Operators in Lattice QCD.

Book Description

The design and implementation of large sets of spatially-extended, gauge-invariant operators for use in determining the spectrum of baryons in lattice QCD computations are described. Group theoretical projections onto the irreducible representations of the symmetry group of a cubic spatial lattice are used in all isospin channels. The operators are constructed to maximize overlaps with the low-lying states of interest, while minimizing the number of sources needed in computing the required quark propagators. Issues related to the identification of the spin quantum numbers of the states in the continuum limit are addressed.

Quantum Operator Design for Lattice Baryon Spectroscopy

Book Description

A previously-proposed method of constructing spatially-extended gauge-invariant three-quark operators for use in Monte Carlo lattice QCD calculations is tested, and a methodology for using these operators to extract the energies of a large number of baryon states is developed. This work is part of a long-term project undertaken by the Lattice Hadron Physics Collaboration to carry out a first-principles calculation of the low-lying spectrum of QCD. The operators are assemblages of smeared and gauge-covariantly-displaced quark fields having a definite flavor structure. The importance of using smeared fields is dramatically demonstrated. It is found that quark field smearing greatly reduces the couplings to the unwanted high-lying short-wavelength modes, while gauge field smearing drastically reduces the statistical noise in the extended operators.

Lattice QCD Simulations of Baryon Spectra and Development of Improved Interpolating Field Operators

Book Description

Large sets of baryon interpolating field operators are developed for use in lattice QCD studies of baryons with zero momentum. Because of the cubical discretization of space, the continuum rotational group is broken down to a finite point group. Operators are classified according to the irreducible representations of the double octahedral group. At first, three-quark quasi-local operators are constructed for each isospin and strangeness with suitable symmetry of Dirac indices. Nonlocal baryon operators are formulated in a second step as direct products of the quasi-local spinor structures together with lattice displacements. Appropriate Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the octahedral group are used to form linear combinations of such direct products. The construction maintains maximal overlap with the continuum SU(2) group in order to provide a physically interpretable basis. Nonlocal operators provide direct couplings to states that have nonzero orbital angular momentum. Monte Carlo sim.

Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics

Book Description

With ever increasing computational resources and improvements in algorithms, new opportunities are emerging for lattice gauge theory to address key questions in strongly interacting systems, such as nuclear matter. Calculations today use dynamical gauge-field ensembles with degenerate light up/down quarks and the strange quark and it is possible now to consider including charm-quark degrees of freedom in the QCD vacuum. Pion masses and other sources of systematic error, such as finite-volume and discretization effects, are beginning to be quantified systematically. Altogether, an era of precision calculation has begun and many new observables will be calculated at the new computational facilities. The aim of this set of lectures is to provide graduate students with a grounding in the application of lattice gauge theory methods to strongly interacting systems and in particular to nuclear physics. A wide variety of topics are covered, including continuum field theory, lattice discretizations, hadron spectroscopy and structure, many-body systems, together with more topical lectures in nuclear physics aimed a providing a broad phenomenological background. Exercises to encourage hands-on experience with parallel computing and data analysis are included.

Aspects of Baryon Structure in Lattice QCD

Book Description

Abstract: Despite the long success of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) as the theory of the strong interactions, there remains much to be understood about the structure of hadrons and the consequences of QCD in the nonperturbative regime. Lattice gauge theory, a framework nearly as old as QCD itself, makes calculations in this regime possible, starting from first principles. With advances in theoretical understanding, methods, and computer technology, the lattice has found application to an ever-widening range of problems. In this dissertation, I consider two such problems having to do with the structure of baryons. The first concerns the contribution of sea quarks, and the strange quark in particular, to form factors of the nucleon. This has been a long-standing challenge for the lattice, because such contributions involve the insertion of a current on a quark loop, demanding the full inversion of the discretized Dirac operator, conceptually a large sparse matrix. I discuss methods for addressing this challenge and present a calculation of the strange scalar form factor and the related parameter f Ts . The latter is of great theoretical interest, since it enters into the cross section for the scattering of dark matter off nuclei in supersymmetric extensions of the standard model. As such, it represents a major uncertainty in the interpretation of direct detection experiments. I also present results for the strange quark contribution to the nucleon's axial and electromagnetic form factors, which are themselves the subject of active experimental programs. These calculations were performed using the Wilson fermion formulation on a 24 3 x 64 anisotropic lattice. In the second part of the dissertation, I turn to the valence sector and address the role of diquark correlations in the observed spectrum of hadrons and their properties. A diquark is a correlated pair of quarks, thought to play an important role in certain phenomenological models of hadrons. I present results for baryon wave functions, evaluated in both the Coulomb and Landau gauges. By comparing baryons that differ in their diquark content, I find evidence for enhanced correlation in the scalar diquark channel, as favored by QCD-inspired quark models. I also present results for diquark mass splittings, determined from diquark correlators in the Landau gauge. This second set of calculations was performed with the overlap Dirac operator on quenched gauge configurations at B = 6.

Large Nc Qcd 2004 - Proceedings Of The Workshop

Book Description

The large Nc limit plays a fundamental role in the study of non-abelian gauge theories such as quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Since its discovery in 1974 by 't Hooft, the 1/Nc expansion has provided crucial insights into the non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories. The expansion implemented at the effective theory level is one of the fundamental tools currently in use in hadronic physics; there are important effects and relations that follow from the 1/Nc expansion, which held remarkably well in the real world with Nc= 3. The 1/Ncexpansion also plays a central role in the recently discovered connections between non-Abelian gauge and string theories, promising new ways to analyze the non-perturbative domain of gauge theories.This volume contains contributions from leading theorists and covers the recent developments in the 1/Nc expansion in QCD. The topics addressed include confinement, AdS/CFT correspondence and the string-QCD connection, topology in large Nc, lattice QCD, and a variety of applications to mesons and baryons.

Lattice Hadron Physics

Book Description

Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.