Basewide Remedial Investigation/feasbibility Study: Remedial investigation. Introduction, basewide hydrogeologic characterization text, tables and plates. Basewide hydrogeologic characterization appendixes. Basewide surface water outfall investigation. Basewide background soil investigation, basewide storm drain and sanitary sewer investigation. Sites 2 and 12, text, tables and plates. Sites 2 and 12, appendixes. Sites 16 and 17. Site 3. Site 31. Site 39 text, tables, and plates. Site 39 appendixes (11 v.)

Book Description

Incorporating Ecological Risk Assessment Into Remedial Investigation/feasibility Study Work Plans

Book Description

This guidance document (1) provides instructions on preparing the components of an ecological work plan to complement the overall site remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) work plan and (2) directs the user on how to implement ecological tasks identified in the plan. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), and RI/FS work plan will have to be developed as part of the site-remediation scoping process. Specific guidance on the RI/FS process and the preparation of work plans has been developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 1988a). This document provides guidance to US Department of Energy (DOE) staff and contractor personnel for incorporation of ecological information into environmental remediation planning and decision making at CERCLA sites--P. I-3.

Incorporating Ecological Risk Assessment Into Remedial Investigation

Book Description

This guidance document (1) provides instructions on preparing the components of an ecological work plan to complement the overall site remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) work plan and (2) directs the user on how to implement ecological tasks identified in the plan. Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), and RI/FS work plan will have to be developed as part of the site-remediation scoping process. Specific guidance on the RI/FS process and the preparation of work plans has been developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 1988a). This document provides guidance to US Department of Energy (DOE) staff and contractor personnel for incorporation of ecological information into environmental remediation planning and decision making at CERCLA sites.

Woodbridge Research Facility Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study; Remedial Investigation, Volume 1 - Text, Tables, and Figures

Book Description

RThe U.S. Army Woodbridge Research Facility (WRF) was used in the past as a major military communications center and a research and development laboratory where electromagnetic pulse energy was tested on military and other equipment. WRF is presently an inactive facility pursuant to the 1991 Base Realignment and Closure list. Past investigation activities indicate that polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs) are the primary chemicals of concern. A Remedial Investigation (RI) was performed to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination at WRF. Surface soil, subsurface soil, surface water/sediment, and storm water runoff samples were collected as part of the RI. Groundwater monitoring wells were installed and sampled to evaluate the quality of groundwater at WRF. A conceptual hydrogeologic model was developed using water levels obtained from the monitoring wells. A wetland delineation was performed to map the wetland areas of WRF. Human health and ecological risk assessments were performed to evaluate the potential risk to human and ecological receptors from exposures to chemicals present at WRF.

Remedial Investigation/feasibility Study for the Clinch River/Poplar Creek Operable Unit. Volume 2. Appendixes A, B, C, D.

Book Description

This document contains appendices A (water characterization), B (sediment characterization), C (biota Characterization), D (applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements) from the combined Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Report for the Clinch River/Poplar Crack (CR/PC) Operable Unit (OU). The CR/PC OU is located in Anderson and Roane Counties, Tennessee and consists of the Clinch River and several of its embayments in Melton Hill and Watts Bar Reservoirs. These waters have received hazardous substances released over a period of 50 years from the US Department of Energys̀ Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR), a National Priority List site established under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. A remedial investigation has been conducted to determine the current nature and extent of any contamination and to assess the resulting risk to human health and the environment. The feasibility study evaluates remedial action alternatives to identify any that are feasible for implementation and that would effectively reduce risk. Historical studies had indicated that current problems would likely include 137Cs in sediment of the Clinch River, mercury in sediment and fish of Poplar Creek and PCBs and pesticides in fish from throughout the OU. Peak releases of mercury and 137Cs occurred over 35 years ago, and current releases are low. Past releases of PCBs from the ORR are poorly quantified, and current releases are difficult to quantify because levels are so low. The site characterization focused on contaminants in surface water, sediment, and biota. Contaminants in surface water were all found to be below Ambient Water Quality Criteria. Other findings included the following: elevated metals including cesium 137 and mercury in McCoy Branch sediments; PCBs and chlordane elevated in several fish species, presenting the only major human health risk, significant ecological risks in Poplar Creek but not in the Clinch River.

Remedial Investigation/Baseline Risk Assessment for the Ravines and Beach Area Study Areas of the Surplus Operable Unit, Fort Sheridan, Illinois, Volume 3 - BRA Text and BRA Appendices A-L.

Book Description

The purpose of the BRA is twofold. First, the BRA provides an evaluation of the potential threat to human health and the environment associated with the release or potential release of constituents of concern from the ravines and Beach Area study areas of the Surplus OU at Fort Sheridan. The primary objective of this evaluation is to identify constituents of potential concern (COPCs) and exposure pathways, conduct a toxicity assessment for each COPC, conduct an exposure assessment, and characterize potential risks to human and environmental receptors. The BRA summarizes and interprets data collected during the RI to characterize the COPCs, describe constituent migration pathways, identify potential human and environmental exposure pathways, and assess current and future adverse effects on human health and the environment under the no action alternative. The second purpose of the BRA is to evaluate the need for a feasibility study (FS). This evaluation focuses on an evaluation of those potential risks greater than the acceptable range. This analysis will identify those constituents of concern and the affected media that drive the need for an FS.