Basic Equations for the Modeling of Gallium Nitride (Gan) High Electron Mobility Transistors (Hemts)

Book Description

Gallium nitride (GaN) is a most promising wide band-gap semiconductor for use in high-power microwave devices. It has functioned at 320 C, and higher values are well within theoretical limits. By combining four devices, 20 W has been developed at X-band. GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) are unique in that the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is supported not by intentional doping, but instead by polarization charge developed at the interface between the bulk GaN region and the AlGaN epitaxial layer. The polarization charge is composed of two parts: spontaneous and piezoelectric. This behavior is unlike other semiconductors, and for that reason, no commercially available modeling software exists. The theme of this document is to develop a self-consistent approach to developing the pertinent equations to be solved. A Space Act Agreement, "Effects in AlGaN/GaN HEMT Semiconductors" with Silvaco Data Systems to implement this approach into their existing software for III-V semiconductors, is in place (summer of 2002).Freeman, Jon C.Glenn Research CenterGALLIUM NITRIDES; FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS; HIGH ELECTRON MOBILITY TRANSISTORS; ENERGY GAPS (SOLID STATE); MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT; POLARIZATION (CHARGE SEPARATION); PIEZOELECTRICITY

Device Characterization and Modeling of Large-Size GaN HEMTs

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This work presents a comprehensive modeling strategy for advanced large-size AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. A 22-element equivalent circuit with 12 extrinsic elements, including 6 capacitances, serves as small-signal model and as basis for a large-signal model. ANalysis of such capacitances leads to original equations, employed to form capacitance ratios. BAsic assumptions of existing parameter extractions for 22-element equivalent circuits are perfected: A) Required capacitance ratios are evaluated with device's top-view images. B) Influences of field plates and source air-bridges on these ratios are considered. The large-signal model contains a gate charge's non-quasi-static model and a dispersive-IDS model. THe extrinsic-to-intrinsic voltage transformation needed to calculate non-quasi-static parameters from small-signal parameters is improved with a new description for the measurement's boundary bias points. ALl IDS-model parameters, including time constants of charge-trapping and self-heating, are extracted using pulsed-DC IV and IDS-transient measurements, highlighting the modeling strategy's empirical character.

A Compact Transport and Charge Model for GaN-based High Electron Mobility Transistors for RF Applications

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Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are rapidly emerging as front-runners in high-power mm-wave circuit applications. For circuit design with current devices and to allow sensible future performance projections from device engineering in such a rapidly evolving technology, compact device models are essential. In this thesis, a physics-based compact model is developed for short channel GaN HEMTs. The model is based on the concept of virtual source (VS) transport originally developed for scaled silicon field effect transistors. Self-consistent current and charge expressions in the model require very few parameters. The parameters have straightforward physical meanings and can be extracted through independent measurements. The model is implemented in Verilog-A and is compatible with state of the art circuit simulators. The new model is calibrated and validated with experimental DC I-V and S-parameter measurements of fabricated devices. Using the model, a projection of cut-off frequency (f-[tau]) of GaN-based HEMTs with scaling is performed to highlight performance bottlenecks.

GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion

Book Description

Gallium nitride (GaN) is an emerging technology that promises to displace silicon MOSFETs in the next generation of power transistors. As silicon approaches its performance limits, GaN devices offer superior conductivity and switching characteristics, allowing designers to greatly reduce system power losses, size, weight, and cost. This timely second edition has been substantially expanded to keep students and practicing power conversion engineers ahead of the learning curve in GaN technology advancements. Acknowledging that GaN transistors are not one-to-one replacements for the current MOSFET technology, this book serves as a practical guide for understanding basic GaN transistor construction, characteristics, and applications. Included are discussions on the fundamental physics of these power semiconductors, layout and other circuit design considerations, as well as specific application examples demonstrating design techniques when employing GaN devices. With higher-frequency switching capabilities, GaN devices offer the chance to increase efficiency in existing applications such as DC–DC conversion, while opening possibilities for new applications including wireless power transfer and envelope tracking. This book is an essential learning tool and reference guide to enable power conversion engineers to design energy-efficient, smaller and more cost-effective products using GaN transistors. Key features: Written by leaders in the power semiconductor field and industry pioneers in GaN power transistor technology and applications. Contains useful discussions on device–circuit interactions, which are highly valuable since the new and high performance GaN power transistors require thoughtfully designed drive/control circuits in order to fully achieve their performance potential. Features practical guidance on formulating specific circuit designs when constructing power conversion systems using GaN transistors – see companion website for further details. A valuable learning resource for professional engineers and systems designers needing to fully understand new devices as well as electrical engineering students.

GaN HEMT Modeling Including Trapping Effects Based on Chalmers Model and Pulsed S-Parameter Measurements

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GaN HEMTs are regarded as one of the most promising RF power transistor technologies thanks to their high-voltage high-speed characteristics. However, they are still known to be prone to trapping effects, which hamper achievable output power and linearity. Hence, accurately and efficiently modeling the trapping effects is crucial in nonlinear large-signal modeling for GaN HEMTs. This work proposes a trap model based on Chalmers model, an industry standard large-signal model. Instead of a complex nonlinear trap description, only four constant parameters of the proposed trap model need to be determined to accurately describe the significant impacts of the trapping effects, e.g., drain-source current slump, typical kink observed in pulsed I/V characteristics, and degradation of the output power. Moreover, the extraction procedure of the trap model parameters is based on pulsed S-parameter measurements, which allow to freeze traps and isolate the trapping effects from self-heating. The model validity is tested through small- and large-signal model verification procedures. Particularly, it is shown that the use of this trap model enables to dramatically improve the large-signal simulation results.

GaN-Based HEMTs for High Voltage Operation: Design, Technology and Characterization

Book Description

Gallium nitride (GaN)-based High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) for high voltage, high power switching and regulating for space applications are studied in this work. Efficient power switching is associated with operation in high OFF-state blocking voltage while keeping the ON-state resistance, the dynamic dispersion and leakage currents as low as possible. The potential of such devices to operate at high voltages is limited by a chain of factors such as subthreshold leakages and the device geometry. Blocking voltage enhancement is a complicated problem that requires parallel methods for solution; epitaxial layers design, device structural and geometry design, and suitable semiconductor manufacturing technique. In this work physical-based device simulation as an engineering tool was developed. An overview on GaN-based HEMTs physical based device simulation using Silvaco-“ATLAS” is given. The simulation is utilized to analyze, give insight to the modes of operation of the device and for design and evaluation of innovative concepts. Physical-based models that describe the properties of the semiconductor material are introduced. A detailed description of the specific AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure definition and geometries are given along with the complex fine meshing requirements. Nitride-semiconductor specific material properties and their physical models are reviewed focusing on the energetic band structure, epitaxial strain tensor calculation in wurtzite materials and build-in polarization models. Special attention for thermal conductivity, carriers’ mobility and Schottky-gate-reverse-bias-tunneling is paid. Empirical parameters matching and adjustment of models parameters to match the experimental device measured results are discussed. An enhancement of breakdown voltage in AlxGa1-xN/GaN HEMT devices by increasing the electron confinement in the transistor channel using a low Al content AlyGa1-yN back-barrier layer structure is systematically studied. It is shown that the reduced sub-threshold drain-leakage current through the buffer layer postpones the punch-through and therefore shifts the breakdown of the device to higher voltages. It is also shown that the punch-through voltage (VPT) scales up with the device dimensions (gate to drain separation). An optimized electron confinement results both, in a scaling of breakdown voltage with device geometry and a significantly reduced sub-threshold drain and gate leakage currents. These beneficial properties are pronounced even further if gate recess technology is applied for device fabrication. For the systematic study a large variations of back-barrier epitaxial structures were grown on sapphire, n-type 4H-SiC and semi-insulating 4H-SiC substrates. The devices with 5 μm gate-drain separation grown on n-SiC owning Al0.05Ga0.95N and Al0.10Ga0.90N back-barrier exhibit 304 V and 0.43 m × cm2 and 342 V and 0.41 m × cm2 respectively. To investigate the impact of AlyGa1-yN back-barrier on the device properties the devices were characterized in DC along with microwave mode and robustness DC-step-stress test. Physical-based device simulations give insight in the respective electronic mechanisms and to the punch-through process that leads to device breakdown. Systematic study of GaN-based HEMT devices with insulating carbon-doped GaN back-barrier for high voltage operation is also presented. Suppression of the OFF-state sub-threshold drain leakage-currents enables breakdown voltage enhancement over 1000 V with low ON-state resistance. The devices with 5 μm gate-drain separation on SI-SiC and 7 μm gate-drain separation on n-SiC exhibit 938 V and 0.39 m × cm2 and 942 V and 0.39 m × cm2 respectively. Power device figure of merit of ~2.3 × 109 V2/-cm2 was calculated for these devices. The impacts of variations of carbon doping concentration, GaN channel thickness and substrates are evaluated. Trade-off considerations in ON-state resistance and of current collapse are addressed. A novel GaN-based HEMTs with innovative planar Multiple-Grating-Field-Plates (MGFPs) for high voltage operation are described. A synergy effect with additional electron channel confinement by using a heterojunction AlGaN back-barrier is demonstrated. Suppression of the OFF-state sub-threshold gate and drain leakage-currents enables breakdown voltage enhancement over 700 V and low ON-state resistance of 0.68 m × cm2. Such devices have a minor trade-off in ON-state resistance, lag factor, maximum oscillation frequency and cut-off frequency. Systematic study of the MGFP design and the effect of Al composition in the back-barrier are described. Physics-based device simulation results give insight into electric field distribution and charge carrier concentration depending on field-plate design. The GaN superior material breakdown strength properties are not always a guarantee for high voltage devices. In addition to superior epitaxial growth design and optimization for high voltage operation the device geometrical layout design and the device manufacturing process design and parameters optimization are important criteria for breakdown voltage enhancement. Smart layout prevent immature breakdown due to lateral proximity of highly biased interconnects. Optimization of inter device isolation designed for high voltage prevents substantial subthreshold leakage. An example for high voltage test device layout design and an example for critical inter-device insulation manufacturing process optimization are presented. While major efforts are being made to improve the forward blocking performance, devices with reverse blocking capability are also desired in a number of applications. A novel GaN-based HEMT with reverse blocking capability for Class-S switch-mode amplifiers is introduced. The high voltage protection is achieved by introducing an integrated recessed Schottky contact as a drain electrode. Results from our Schottky-drain HEMT demonstrate an excellent reverse blocking with minor trade-off in the ON-state resistance for the complete device. The excellent quality of the forward diode characteristics indicates high robustness of the recess process. The reverse blocking capability of the diode is better than –110 V. Physical-based device simulations give insight in the respective electronic mechanisms. Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wurden Galliumnitrid (GaN)-basierte Hochspannungs-HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistor) für Hochleistungsschalt- und Regelanwendungen in der Raumfahrt untersucht. Effizientes Leistungsschalten erfordert einen Betrieb bei hohen Sperrspannungen gepaart mit niedrigem Einschaltwiderstand, geringer dynamischer Dispersion und minimalen Leckströmen. Dabei wird das aus dem Halbleitermaterial herrührende Potential für extrem spannungsfeste Transistoren aufgrund mehrerer Faktoren aus dem lateralen und dem vertikalen Bauelementedesign oft nicht erreicht. Physikalisch-basierte Simulationswerkzeuge für die Bauelemente wurden daher entwickelt. Die damit durchgeführte Analyse der unterschiedlichen Transistorbetriebszustände ermöglichte das Entwickeln innovativer Bauelementdesignkonzepte. Das Erhöhen der Bauelementsperrspannung erfordert parallele und ineinandergreifende Lösungsansätze für die Epitaxieschichten, das strukturelle und das geometrische Design und für die Prozessierungstechnologie. Neuartige Bauelementstrukturen mit einer rückseitigen Kanalbarriere (back-barrier) aus AlGaN oder Kohlenstoff-dotierem GaN in Kombination mit neuartigen geometrischen Strukturen wie den Mehrfachgitterfeldplatten (MGFP, Multiple-Grating-Field-Plate) wurden untersucht. Die elektrische Gleichspannungscharakterisierung zeigte dabei eine signifikante Verringerung der Leckströme im gesperrten Zustand. Dies resultierte bei nach wie vor sehr kleinem Einschaltwiderstand in einer Durchbruchspannungserhöhung um das etwa Zehnfache auf über 1000 V. Vorzeitige Spannungsüberschläge aufgrund von Feldstärkenspitzen an Verbindungsmetallisierungen werden durch ein geschickt gestaltetes Bauelementlayout verhindert. Eine Optimierung der Halbleiterisolierung zwischen den aktiven Strukturen führte auch im kV-Bereich zu vernachlässigbaren Leckströme. Während das Hauptaugenmerk der Arbeit auf der Erhöhung der Spannungsfestigkeit im Vorwärtsbetrieb des Transistors lag, ist für einige Anwendung auch ein rückwärtiges Sperren erwünscht. Für Schaltverstärker im S-Klassenbetrieb wurde ein neuartiger GaN-HEMT entwickelt, dessen rückwärtiges Sperrverhalten durch einen tiefgelegten Schottkykontakt als Drainelektrode hervorgerufen wird. Eine derartige Struktur ergab eine rückwärtige Spannungsfestigkeit von über 110 V.