Basiswissen Politische Bildung Band 2

Book Description

Das Handbuch "Basiswissen Politische Bildung" führt in den fachlichen Entwicklungsstand von Theorie und Praxis der Politischen Bildung ein. Band II zeigt wesentliche Untersuchungsfragen und Bezugspunkte als Forschung und Bildungsbedingungen auf. Fragen der Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Methodisierung werden im zweiten Teil Planung Politischer Bildung behandelt. Schließlich liefert der dritte Teil einen vertieften Einblick in die fachlichen Methoden Politischer Bildung - Handlungsorientierte Methoden werden im Kontext der Erforschung, der Intervention und der Simulation des Politischen praxisnah eingeführt.

Basiswissen Politische Bildung Band 1

Book Description

Das Handbuch "Basiswissen Politische Bildung" führt in den fachlichen Entwicklungsstand von Theorie und Praxis der Politischen Bildung ein. Band I legt zentrale ideengeschichtliche Zugänge als Konzeptionen Politischer Bildung dar. Die spezifischen Strategien der Politischen Bildung werden im zweiten Teil als Begriffe und Wege zum Politischen beschrieben. Dabei werden unter anderem internationale Vergleichsfolien angelegt. Schließlich beleuchtet der dritte Teil zentrale Lerngegenstände und Problembereiche als Inhaltsfelder der Politischen Bildung.

Citizen Consciousness in Cambodia

Book Description

Johannes Ph. Backhaus applies the Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) to the context of a social accountability intervention in Cambodia. This book is not an evaluation but adopts a qualitative perspective on the learning approach applied by the researched intervention. The research found that the learning intervention does not systematically include learners’ pre-existing social knowledge. It would potentially benefit from systematically harvesting and reinforcing pre-held convictions to sustainably motivate participation. It does not address potentially sensitive topics while interviewees show a sophisticated and holistic understanding of these. Finally, there are inconsistencies between the program’s aims and objectives. In sum, the piloted approach offers pathways on how to beneficially include qualitative perspectives on similar development interventions.

Aging between Participation and Simulation

Book Description

With increasing urgency, decisions about the digitalized future of healthcare and implementations of new assistive technologies are becoming focal points of societal and scientific debates and addresses large audiences. Decisions require a careful weighing of risks and benefits and contextualizing in-depth ethical analysis with robust empirical data. However, up to now, research on social assistive technologies is mostly dispersed over different academic fields and disciplines. A comprehensive overview on discussions regarding values at stake and ethical assessment of recent developments especially in healthcare is largely missing. This publication initiates an interdisciplinary discourse on ethical, legal and social implications of socially assistive technologies in healthcare. Contributions include perspectives from nursing science, social sciences, philosophy, medical ethics, economics and law to present an – to our knowledge – first and comprehensive overview on different aspects of the use and implementation of socially assistive technologies from an ethical perspective. It combines practically relevant insights and examples from current research and development with ethical analysis to uncover exemplary moral tipping points between promotion of participation or well-being and risks and damages to these values. Healthcare professionals involved in implementation of smart technologies as well as scholars from the field of humanities, nursing and medicine, interested in the discussions on ethics and technology in healthcare, will benefit from this new contribution. The publication is part of the international DigitAs conference "Aging between Participation and Simulation – Ethical Dimensions of Socially Assistive Technologies" held at the Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (Ruhr University Bochum) from 4 February to 8 February 2019. Within this framework, twelve young scholars were invited to discuss their contributions with renowned experts in the field. The Institute of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine is one of the leading institutes in empirically informed ethical analysis in healthcare and medicine and is a member of the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME).

Portals to the Past and to the Future

Book Description

The advent of the digital era has raised questions on the future course of library development. The challenge of maintaining a balance between their educational, cultural and service roles has presented libraries with new challenges - challenges which their rich and varied media holdings, modern technical infrastructure and information specialist competence well equip them to face. This fourth revised and updated English edition of "Portals to the Past and to the Future" by Jürgen Seefeldt and Ludger Syré, now in its fifth German edition, is an in-depth state-of-the art report on current German librarianship. Lavishly illustrated, the book traces the history of libraries in Germany, portrays the various types of library and cites many examples of the outstanding achievements of nationwide library cooperation in the Federal Republic of Germany. The reader will gain both a revealing insight into the cultural and educational policy underlying the German library system and an outline of the profession. Special attention has been paid to current developments such as the preservation and presentation of the common cultural heritage and the emergence of the digital library. This book has been translated not only into English but also into Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Turkish and is now the standard work on libraries and librarianship in Germany. Because of the interest it has generated internationally, it was decided to publish the German and English versions of this new edition simultaneously. The book provides trainee librarians and non-librarians alike with a clear picture of the way in which libraries were able to cooperate in the aftermath of the Second World War to overcome the vagaries of the federal system and create an effective decentralized library network more than a match for the challenges of the third millennium.