Battle-tested Religion

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The Battle-Tested Believer

Book Description

The Battle-Tested Believer was written for all age groups of people in Christianity. This book is a testimony of some of the most powerful experiences that I have experienced as a believer in Christ. This book is designed to motivate, educate, and help believers live a more informed and productive Christian life. I am very transparent about different areas in my life that I have struggled and still struggle with and want readers to come out with an understanding that this battle we are engaged in with the forces of evil is real. I want young believers to understand that the word of God is quick and powerful and that they can always use God's word for their offense as well as their defense. I want more seasoned and older saints to see this book as a conformation of God's goodness and to encourage them to continue to fight the good fight of faith. My overall desire in writing The Battle-Tested Believer is to see the body of Christ strengthened in these unprecedented days of evil before the second coming of Christ!


Book Description

From bestselling author Preston S. Timbs, comes a book of battle-tested revelations and wisdom that blow up the line between "secular" and "sacred". "This is not another soft-spoken "Christian" book to pat you on the back and tell you it's okay if Hell comes after you or your family. " -Real Talk Revival "It is not for everybody but it is for anybody who has ears willing to hear and eyes willing to seek truth for themselves." P.S. Timberlake "False prophet police, computer screen Christians, and non-believing believers beware, you will be converted after the holy ghost fire of the gospel head kicks you into operating in the "supernatual" power of God. "Wow, he is who he says he is" -Former Atheists "Dont read this if you want to stay busted, broke, and sick." Poverty Preachers "My son was on a path of self-destruction and we have done everything we can think of to get through to him. We stayed, came across this book and got it for him and he is now clean, sober, and successful." -Parents that have lost hope A refreshing, easy to read, and understand. Read it all in a few sittings or day by day. Either way, this book of wisdom and quotations mixed with the word of God is such a powerful combo punch. Your boldness and courage will begin accelerating at a pace religion won't like. Great faith scares religion because they can't control it. Don't get "left behind" waiting on Jesus to do what he told us to do. If you have been praying for a child or someone you love that is on the road to destruction but you can't get through to them let this be the evidence your cries have been heard. I keep it simple, real, and relatable for all especially men and women under the age of 40. In case you have been taught that the miracles, signs, and wonders performed by The Father through Jesus, the disciples and the apostles of the lamb stopped after they all died off,I'm sorry, but your wrong. Please go see for yourselves of the testimonies pouring in daily of people experiencing the "supernatural" power of God. The resurrection grace that raised Jesus up is still flowing through people you wouldn't pick by worldly standards. No certain age, race, gender, or religious membership required. To all of the religious twits with the "false prophet police" and "computer screen christians" that will attack me for saying such things I am sorry you don't believe but that does not make it in-true. Be careful about who you pile on and throw away because eventually hell is going to come knocking on your door and it ain't a damn thing your doctrine can do about it. Someday you may need someone raised from the dead or healed from terminal cancer. Also, to the "poverty preachers" How you gonna help expand the kingdom and help anyone busted, broke, and sick. Jesus talked about the kingdom and money more than other topic. He needs his representatives wealthy in every part of their life, not only finances. He does not mind you having nice things as long as the nice things don't have you. For goodness sakes, the streets of heaven are gold and Solomon and David were 2 of the wealthiest men to ever live. The beauty of the breakdown is that when desperation comes and your money, education, religious rituals, yoga, doctors, or positives vibes fail you, the option you once mocked or didn't know existed becomes your only option. That is where salvation begins. Nobody needs God until they need God.

Lion of Judah

Book Description

From future New York Times bestselling author Preston Timbs, comes a book of battle-tested revelations and wisdom that blow up the line between "secular" and "sacred". "This is not another soft-spoken "Christian" book to pat you on the back and tell you it's okay if Hell comes after you or your family. " -Real Talk Revival "It is not for everybody but it is for anybody who has ears willing to hear and eyes willing to seek truth for themselves." P.S. Timberlake "False prophet police, computer screen Christians, and non-believing believers beware, you will be converted after the holy ghost fire of the gospel head kicks you into operating in the "supernatual" power of God. "Wow, he is who he says he is" -Former Atheists "Dont read this if you want to stay busted, broke, and sick." Poverty Preachers "My son was on a path of self-destruction and we have done everything we can think of to get through to him. We stayed, came across this book and got it for him and he is now clean, sober, and successful." -Parents that have lost hope A refreshing, easy to read, and understand. Read it all in a few sittings or day by day. Either way, this book of wisdom and quotations mixed with the word of God is such a powerful combo punch. Your boldness and courage will begin accelerating at a pace religion won't like. Great faith scares religion because they can't control it. Don't get "left behind" waiting on Jesus to do what he told us to do. If you have been praying for a child or someone you love that is on the road to destruction but you can't get through to them let this be the evidence your cries have been heard. I keep it simple, real, and relatable for all especially men and women under the age of 40. In case you have been taught that the miracles, signs, and wonders performed by The Father through Jesus, the disciples and the apostles of the lamb stopped after they all died off, I'm sorry, but your wrong. Please go see for yourselves of the testimonies pouring in daily of people experiencing the "supernatural" power of God. The resurrection grace that raised Jesus up is still flowing through people you wouldn't pick by worldly standards. No certain age, race, gender, or religious membership required. To all of the religious twits with the "false prophet police" and "computer screen christians" that will attack me for saying such things I am sorry you don't believe but that does not make it in-true. Be careful about who you pile on and throw away because eventually hell is going to come knocking on your door and it ain't a damn thing your doctrine can do about it. Someday you may need someone raised from the dead or healed from terminal cancer. Also, to the "poverty preachers" How you gonna help expand the kingdom and help anyone busted, broke, and sick. Jesus talked about the kingdom and money more than other topic. He needs his representatives wealthy in every part of their life, not only finances. He does not mind you having nice things as long as the nice things don't have you. For goodness sakes, the streets of heaven are gold and Solomon and David were 2 of the wealthiest men to ever live. The beauty of the breakdown is that when desperation comes and your money, education, religious rituals, yoga, doctors, or positives vibes fail you, the option you once mocked or didn't know existed becomes your only option. That is where salvation begins. Nobody needs God until they need God.

Faith in the Fight

Book Description

Faith in the Fight tells a story of religion, soldiering, suffering, and death in the Great War. Recovering the thoughts and experiences of American troops, nurses, and aid workers through their letters, diaries, and memoirs, Jonathan Ebel describes how religion--primarily Christianity--encouraged these young men and women to fight and die, sustained them through war's chaos, and shaped their responses to the war's aftermath. The book reveals the surprising frequency with which Americans who fought viewed the war as a religious challenge that could lead to individual and national redemption. Believing in a "Christianity of the sword," these Americans responded to the war by reasserting their religious faith and proclaiming America God-chosen and righteous in its mission. And while the war sometimes challenged these beliefs, it did not fundamentally alter them. Revising the conventional view that the war was universally disillusioning, Faith in the Fight argues that the war in fact strengthened the religious beliefs of the Americans who fought, and that it helped spark a religiously charged revival of many prewar orthodoxies during a postwar period marked by race riots, labor wars, communist witch hunts, and gender struggles. For many Americans, Ebel argues, the postwar period was actually one of "reillusionment." Demonstrating the deep connections between Christianity and Americans' experience of the First World War, Faith in the Fight encourages us to examine the religious dimensions of America's wars, past and present, and to work toward a deeper understanding of religion and violence in American history.

Battle Tested

Book Description

Sometimes crisis hits your life like a wrecking ball destroying everything in its path. We can't avoid tragedies, but we can flip the script. We can become the wrecking ball that shatters every barrier. What is holding you back? Is it fear, anxiety, sickness, opposition? Life is a battle, and these pages provide you with battle-tested principles allowing you to excel in the fight against adversity. Christian pastor, Paula Oliver intertwines her faith and snapshots of her life into this book, Battled Tested. This book includes practical lessons, research-based insight, application exercises and space for reflective notes to help you break through challenges to live your best life now. If you spend time digesting and implementing the lessons in this book, you will be on the path to success and no barrier will be able to stop you from growing. The sooner you begin practising these strategies, the sooner you will take charge of your future.

The Military Guide to Armageddon

Book Description

We are at war right now. The forces of light and darkness are lined up in battle array as the world moves closer to the end of the age. Using both military and spiritual warfare tactics, this U.S. Army colonel and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist equip you as a believer to be battle-ready. This training manual will teach you to · be empowered to counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces · develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit · move into a new level of spiritual warfare based on biblical and military principles · study the Bible more intently as real-time world events and biblical prophecies intersect As the end times draw near, prepare to be fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare. You are gifted by the Holy Spirit--now be empowered, disciplined, and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.

An Insider's Guide to Spiritual Warfare

Book Description

Behind the backdrop of our daily lives, a hidden war is raging. The players are as powerful as they are invisible. What's on the line: your very heart and soul. Are you ready for the battle? After spending years as a medium, witch and ghost hunter, Kristine McGuire emerged from behind enemy lines to reclaim her identity in Christ. She brings unique insight, revealing Satan's 7 favorite battlefields as well as the most effective tactics he employs in the battles we face everyday. In this essential guide to the spiritual war zone, you will learn 30 battle-tested strategies for victory from a spiritual warrior who has been there. Kristine's simple but powerful insights will empower you to engage your enemy without fear . . . and, in the power of Jesus, to win.

Battle Tested Curriculum Book One

Book Description

There is a battle raging for the minds and hearts of the next generation. The powers of this world are fighting for them, and so must we. Our passion is to equip youth with the tools they need to defend their faith. That's why we created Battle Tested. Battle Tested is a two-part curriculum designed to be a resource for both youth pastors and parents of teenagers. Our goal with Battle Tested is to provide an easy to use, theologically sound and biblically saturated resource.Battle Tested Curriculum - A Resource for Youth Leaders.This curriculum is designed by youth pastors, for youth leaders. It is a biblically saturated resource, providing the materials that a youth leader needs to teach theologically solid lessons. These lessons help the youth leader prepare his students to be battle tested and ready to defend their faith. The lesson topics cover a variety of subjects in theology, perspectives on character, social issues and more.A second resource is a family devotional (not included with this book but also available).We believe that it is parents who have the primary responsibility to disciple their children. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 teaches that parents are to make discipleship a part of everyday life:Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.In order to help equip parents with this calling, we have created a family devotional resource. We know that life is busy for most families. We also know that the need to teach our children is imperative. So, we have created these family devotions with busy families in mind. Each devotion is designed to need no prior preparation-parents are able to read this resource with their families and lead in discussion without having to spend time preparing the devotion in advance.These two resources were designed to be either used together or individually. If used together, they are a powerful tool, with in-depth Scripture teaching in the youth ministry and continued teaching, discipleship and application throughout the week at home.

Battle Tested Leadership

Book Description

God's Desire Is For You To Have A Life Beyond Amazing(John 10:10)If you¿ve ever had a dream; if you¿ve ever felt stuck or restless; if you¿ve ever experienced the discouragement of feeling like you¿re not good enough; If you have the desire to maximize this opportunity called life and create more joy, happiness, and fulfillment, Better Days Ahead was written for you.Andreas Jones invites readers to experience the adventure, goodness, and fullness of life that God has intended for humankind from the beginning of time. While you may not understand all the twists and turns of life, you can be sure of one thing: the same God who created you, loves you. God¿s personal promise to you is one of extreme hope and potential (Jeremiah 29:11).