BattleTech Legends

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BattleTech Legends: Wolf Hunters

Book Description

A PACK DIVIDED… Anastasia Kerensky has declared the Steel Wolf Clan to be mercenaries, re-christening them the Wolf Hunters. The combination of autonomy and wealth will make them more than a match for any MechWarrior battalion suicidal enough to challenge them. But the real challenge comes from within the Clan itself. Star Colonel Varnoff believes Kerensky has betrayed them all—and with a loyal faction of Steel Wolves at his side vows to destroy all the Wolf Hunters. Meanwhile, others who do not agree with Anastasia’s decision strike out on their own. Some join other mercenary units, another finds his purpose on the gaming world of Solaris VII. But one thing is for certain: as the Republic of the Sphere continues to fall apart, new factions and rivalries arise as the leaders of each planet left on its own adapts to this dangerous new universe. And the surest way to protect a planet is by hiring mercs…because the best defense is a good offense…

BattleTech Legends: Wolf Pack

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DANGER FROM WITHIN... The Succession Wars. The Marik Civil War. The War of '39. The Clan Invasion. Wolf's Dragoons were victorious in them all. For fifty years, the five mercenary regiments of Wolf's Dragoons have been the toughest MechWarriors in the Inner Sphere. Whatever the job, whatever the odds, Jaime Wolf's Dragoons always won. Now an aging Colonel Wolf is facing the biggest challenge of his career. And the enemy is not an Inner Sphere Lord or a Clan Khan, but a rebellion among his own men!

BattleTech Legends: Masters of War

Book Description

A CLASH OF WARRIORS… As Clan Wolf launches a daring campaign of reprisal against the splintering Republic, three warriors will find their destinies intertwined on the field of battle and in the fight for their futures... Alaric is a living legend among the Wolves: fearless, merciless, ruthless. But his own lust for victory may mean his undoing, unless he learns to see beyond himself—and recognize what a true warrior fights for. Anastasia is a former Wolf Clan warrior, now leading a band of mercs against her one-time comrades. She knows that to lead, she must prove not only her command ability, but her complete separation from the Wolves. And there is only one way to do that—in combat. Verena is the new commander of a ragtag merc force. Her desire for greatness will uncover her own superior abilities and draw her ever closer to a final confrontation in which mercy is unheard of—and only death awaits the unworthy...

BattleTech Legends: Wolves on the Border

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LIFE, DEATH, HONOR, FEALTY... Bushido is the warrior code that governs all these concepts. As a MechWarrior of the Draconis Combine, Minobu Tetsuhara is bound by it, a code that demands loyal service to the devious Warlord Grieg Samsonov. When Minobu came upon a strange blue and gold Archer, the field littered with its vanquished opponents, and its weapons empty, bushido dictated that he not destroy an honorable but helpless warrior. For that, he became Dispossessed, stripped of his BattleMech—and his honor. Minobu is then assigned as liaison to one of the Combine’s most elite mercenary units, who treat him with the respect due a fellow warrior, and give him a BattleMech to take the field of battle once more. The skill and power of these mercenaries is unparalleled, but when they refuse to renew their contract due to sabotage from within the Combine, Minobu is instructed to use all means to destroy them. Now, bushido dictates that Minobu oppose his honorable foe, a man whom he has fought alongside in battle, and who deserves far better than betrayal...Jaime Wolf of Wolf's Dragoons.

BattleTech: Hour of the Wolf

Book Description

MORE THAN A CENTURY IN THE MAKING… Since the Clan Invasion of 3050 ended in failure, there are those who have not forgotten Nicholas Kerensky’s ultimate goal: The conquering of Terra, and the rise of one Clan above all others…to become the ilClan, and rule over both the rest of the Clans and the Inner Sphere…regardless of what the Great Houses may say about it… THE BATTLE THAT WILL RESHAPE THE INNER SPHERE BEGINS… Now, in 3151, two Clans make the final jump into the shattered remains of the Republic of the Sphere. Their target: the cradle of humankind, and the ultimate symbol of the Inner Sphere…Terra. But Clans Jade Falcon and Wolf will face a powerful, tenacious enemy in the remaining forces of the Republic, led by their resurrected leader, Devlin Stone. The impending battle will engulf the entire planet, and when it is over, only one shall stand supreme...


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BattleTech Legends: A Call to Arms

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A UNIVERSE GONE DARK… Months have passed since the interplanetary communications net was destroyed, isolating planets across the Republic of the Sphere and beyond. Achernar is one of the few worlds that still possesses a working Hyperpulse Generator Station, a device that enables communications across the galaxy—and a highly sought-after prize for the splintering factions of the Republic... After failing to qualify as an active MechWarrior, Raul Ortega finds solace in the Republic’s military reserves on Archenar, and dreams of the day he might know the adventure and glory of real combat. The planet’s Republic-loyal forces are supported by a loose alliance with the Swordsworn, a faction pledged to House Davion—whose leaders have an agenda all their own. When the planet falls under siege by yet another splinter group, the Steel Wolves, who are intent on capturing the HPG station, Raul is called up to active duty. But when the Swordsworn desert Archenar in its time of need, Raul discovers there’s little honor in the subtle schemes of treachery and the brutal realities of war...

BattleTech Legends: Lethal Heritage

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A DANGEROUS NEW ENEMY APPROACHES… Two decades after the events that nearly brought the Successor States to the brink of all-out war, the Great Houses exist in an uneasy peace. But now, from out beyond the Periphery comes a new threat. A swift-moving military force of unknown origin. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. Their power, speed, and ferocity are unparalleled. Some of the finest warriors and ablest units have challenged them and been crushed. No force has faced them and won. They are the Clans! A military juggernaut whose sole reason for existence is battle. A race that selectively breeds itself for combat. Humanity’s only hope is an alliance of mortal enemies. The Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine, interstellar empires at war for 300 years, must now stand side-by-side—or face certain destruction.

BattleTech Legends: Lost Destiny

Book Description

THE THIRD NOVEL IN THE EPIC BLOOD OF KERENSKY TRILOGY! THE FINAL ASSAULT... The Clans. Warriors bred for battle and mated to fantastic war machines, Clansmen live for victory and pray for death before defeat. Invaders from beyond the Periphery, the Clans have beaten the forces of the Inner Sphere repeatedly. Now the Clans are driving toward their ultimate objective—Terra, cradle of humankind, and hub of the ComStar communications network. Nothing the Inner Sphere has can stop them. The heir to the throne of the Draconis Combine is missing. Whole regiments of BattleMechs lie smashed like abandoned toys. Rasalhague is overrun. The Clans are sweeping toward the center of the known universe in a relentless tide. Humanity's only hope is the Inner Sphere's most powerful traitor. ComStar betrayed the Inner Sphere by aiding the Clans in their conquests. Now the mystic sect that controls all interstellar communication must face the Clan hordes—alone. And a mysterious, elderly warrior—along with the untested warriors of ComStar—is the Inner Sphere's last defense against total defeat.