The Veiled Sceptre

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive review and analysis of the reserve powers and their exercise by heads of state in countries that have Westminster systems. It addresses the powers of the Queen in the United Kingdom, those of her vice-regal representatives, and those of heads of state in the less studied realms and former colonies that are now republics. Drawing on a vast range of previously unpublished archival and primary material, The Veiled Sceptre contains fresh perspectives on old controversies. It also reveals constitutional crises in small countries, which have escaped the notice of most scholars. This book places the exercises of reserve powers within the context of constitutional principle and analyses how heads of state should act when constitutional principles conflict. Providing an unrivalled contemporary analysis of reserve powers, it will appeal to constitutional scholars worldwide and others involved in the administration of systems of responsible government.

Being Political

Book Description

Politicians everywhere tend to attract cynicism and inspire disillusionment. They are supposed to epitomize the promise of democratic government and yet invariably find themselves cast as the enemy of every virtue that system seeks to uphold. In the Pacific, "politician" has become a byword for corruption, graft, and misconduct. This was not always the case—the independence generation is still remembered as strong leaders—but today's leaders are commonly associated with malaise and despair. Once heroes of self-determination, politicians are now the targets of donor attempts to institute "good governance," while Fiji's 2006 coup was partly justified on the grounds that they needed "cleaning up." But who are these much-maligned figures? How did they come to arrive in politics? What is it like to be a politician? Why do they enter, stay, and leave? Drawing on more than 110 interviews and other published sources, including autobiographies and biographies, Being Political provides a collective portrait of the region's political elite. This is an insider account of political life in the Pacific as seen through the eyes of those who have done the job. We learn that politics is a messy, unpredictable, and, at times, dirty business that nonetheless inspires service and sacrifice. We come to understand how being a politician has changed since independence and consider what this means for how we think about issues of corruption and misconduct. We find that politics is deeply embedded in the lives of individuals, families, and communities; an account that belies the common characterization of democracy in the Pacific as a "façade" or "foreign flower." Ultimately, this is a sympathetic counter-narrative to the populist critique. We come to know politicians as people with hopes and fears, pains and pleasures, vices and virtues. A reminder that politicians are human—neither saints nor sinners—is timely given the wave of cynicism and disaffection. As such, this book is a must read for all those who believe in the promise of representative government.

Political Life Writing in the Pacific

Book Description

This book aims to reflect on the experiential side of writing political lives in the Pacific region. The collection touches on aspects of the life writing art that are particularly pertinent to political figures: public perception and ideology; identifying important political successes and policy initiatives; grappling with issues like corruption and age-old political science questions about leadership and ‘dirty hands’. These are general themes but they take on a particular significance in the Pacific context and so the contributions explore these themes in relation to patterns of colonisation and the memory of independence; issues elliptically captured by terms like ‘culture’ and ‘tradition’; the nature of ‘self’ presented in Pacific life writing; and the tendency for many of these texts to be written by ‘outsiders’, or at least the increasingly contested nature of what that term means.

Islands of Turmoil

Book Description

By rights, the island nation of Fiji should be thriving. It is easily the most developed country in the South Pacific; it is a hub for regional transportation and communication links, the home of international diplomatic, educational and aid organisations, with a talented multiethnic population. Yet, since its independence it has suffered two military coups in 1987 and an attempted putsch in 2000, resulting in strained institutions, and disrupted improvements to essential infrastructure, and to educational, social and medical services.

The Turtle and the Caduceus

Book Description

The Turtle and the Caduceus are metaphors for the impact of Western medicine (the Caduceus) upon a traditional Pacific island culture (the Turtle), through the history of a school which started training native medical practitioners 125 years ago. David Brewster, the former Dean of Fiji School of Medicine, tells the fascinating tale of how a devastating measles epidemic and pro-indigenous benign colonialism led the foundation of this unique school. Then, Rockefeller philanthropy helped to transform it into a regional institution with an excellent reputation. However, its evolution into a modern university medical school was hampered by local politics and internal dissensions related to ethnic strife between the indigenous and Indian populations of Fiji, which also resulted in four military coups with economic stagnation and migration of medical graduates. This cautionary tale has important lessons for the relatively neglected disciplines of Pacific island history and medicine.

Nation and Migration

Book Description

Peter van der Veer and the contributors to this volume explore the relationship between South Asian nationalism, migration, ethnicity, and the construction of religious identity. Although nationality and diaspora seem to represent opposite ideas and values, the authors argue that nationalism is strengthened, even produced, by migration.

Fidschi Zwischen Tradition und Transformation

Book Description

Das vorliegende Buch ist das Ergebnis einer mehrjahrigen wissenschaftli chen Auseinandersetzung mit der lnselwelt des Siidpazifiks. Die zugrunde liegenden F orschungen fanden in den Jahren 1992 bis 1995 in Fidschi und den umgebenden lnselstaaten statt und miindeten in einer Dissertation mit dem Titel "taukei und vulagi -Ursachen politi scher lnstabilitat in Fidschi; Kulturwandel, ethnische Kontlikte und die Bedeutung des Hauptlingswesens: die fidschianische Perspektive". Zusatzliches Material wurde 1996 und 1997 vor Ort erhoben und findet hier seine Beriicksichtigung. Die jiingsten Ent wicklungen in Zusammenhang mit der lmplementierung einer neuen Ver fassung fUr Fidschi und die Wiederaufnahme Fidschis in den British Commonwealth of Nations werden angesprochen und bilden den SchluB punkt dieser Arbeit, deren Schwerpunkt einer umfassenden Darstellung hi storischer Ereignisse und Entwicklungen und daraus resultierender Konse quenzen fUr die rezente Situation Fidschis gewidmet ist. Ausgangspunkt fUr die intensive Beschaftigung mit der Region war mein Interesse fUr politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in ehemals ko lonisierten Staaten vor dem jeweiligen soziokulturellen und soziookonomi schen Hintergrund, unter Beriicksichtigung der Konsequenzen kolonialer EintluBnahme und der einzelnen Phasen der Dekolonisation. Die Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsaufenthalte in Fidschi im Jahr 1992 und 1993 dienten bereits im Jahr 1993 als Grundlage fUr eine Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel: "Ethnische Heterogenitat in Fidschi als Erbe britischer Kolonial politik und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Fidschianervon 1858 bis heute."

Racism Against Indigenous Peoples

Book Description

"This book is published in connection with the UN "World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance" held in South Africa, 2001 and it contains articles by experts from throughout the world." - cover.

Fiji Islands Handbook

Book Description

A fourth revised edition of a handbook to the 322 islands of the Pacific that make up the Fiji Islands, covering Viti Levu, Yasawa islands, the Lomaiviti group, Vanua Levu, Taveuni, the Lau group and Rotuma. Offers recommendations for the traveller on accomodation, airfares, air routes and tour services and inter-island travel.