Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Large Scale Spatial Inverse Problems

Book Description

We considered a Bayesian approach to nonlinear inverse problems in which the unknown quantity is a high dimension spatial field. The Bayesian approach contains a natural mechanism for regularization in the form of prior information, can incorporate information from heterogeneous sources and provides a quantitative assessment of uncertainty in the inverse solution. The Bayesian setting casts the inverse solution as a posterior probability distribution over the model parameters. Karhunen-Lo'eve expansion and Discrete Cosine transform were used for dimension reduction of the random spatial field. Furthermore, we used a hierarchical Bayes model to inject multiscale data in the modeling framework. In this Bayesian framework, we have shown that this inverse problem is well-posed by proving that the posterior measure is Lipschitz continuous with respect to the data in total variation norm. The need for multiple evaluations of the forward model on a high dimension spatial field (e.g. in the context of MCMC) together with the high dimensionality of the posterior, results in many computation challenges. We developed two-stage reversible jump MCMC method which has the ability to screen the bad proposals in the first inexpensive stage. Channelized spatial fields were represented by facies boundaries and variogram-based spatial fields within each facies. Using level-set based approach, the shape of the channel boundaries was updated with dynamic data using a Bayesian hierarchical model where the number of points representing the channel boundaries is assumed to be unknown. Statistical emulators on a large scale spatial field were introduced to avoid the expensive likelihood calculation, which contains the forward simulator, at each iteration of the MCMC step. To build the emulator, the original spatial field was represented by a low dimensional parameterization using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), then the Bayesian approach to multivariate adaptive regression spline (BMARS) was used to emulate the simulator. Various numerical results were presented by analyzing simulated as well as real data.

Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty

Book Description

This book focuses on computational methods for large-scale statistical inverse problems and provides an introduction to statistical Bayesian and frequentist methodologies. Recent research advances for approximation methods are discussed, along with Kalman filtering methods and optimization-based approaches to solving inverse problems. The aim is to cross-fertilize the perspectives of researchers in the areas of data assimilation, statistics, large-scale optimization, applied and computational mathematics, high performance computing, and cutting-edge applications. The solution to large-scale inverse problems critically depends on methods to reduce computational cost. Recent research approaches tackle this challenge in a variety of different ways. Many of the computational frameworks highlighted in this book build upon state-of-the-art methods for simulation of the forward problem, such as, fast Partial Differential Equation (PDE) solvers, reduced-order models and emulators of the forward problem, stochastic spectral approximations, and ensemble-based approximations, as well as exploiting the machinery for large-scale deterministic optimization through adjoint and other sensitivity analysis methods. Key Features: Brings together the perspectives of researchers in areas of inverse problems and data assimilation. Assesses the current state-of-the-art and identify needs and opportunities for future research. Focuses on the computational methods used to analyze and simulate inverse problems. Written by leading experts of inverse problems and uncertainty quantification. Graduate students and researchers working in statistics, mathematics and engineering will benefit from this book.

Data-driven Reduction Strategies for Bayesian Inverse Problems

Book Description

A persistent central challenge in computational science and engineering (CSE), with both national and global security implications, is the efficient solution of large-scale Bayesian inverse problems. These problems range from estimating material parameters in subsurface simulations to estimating phenomenological parameters in climate models. Despite recent progress, our ability to quantify uncertainties and solve large-scale inverse problems lags well behind our ability to develop the governing forward simulations. Inverse problems present unique computational challenges that are only magnified as we include larger observational data sets and demand higher-resolution parameter estimates. Even with the current state-of-the-art, solving deterministic large-scale inverse problems is prohibitively expensive. Large-scale uncertainty quantification (UQ), cast in the Bayesian inversion framework, is thus rendered intractable. To conquer these challenges, new methods that target the root causes of computational complexity are needed. In this dissertation, we propose data driven strategies for overcoming this "curse of di- mensionality." First, we address the computational complexity induced in large-scale inverse problems by high-dimensional observational data. We propose a randomized misfit approach (RMA), which uses random projections--quasi-orthogonal, information-preserving transformations--to map the high-dimensional data-misfit vector to a low dimensional space. We provide the first theoretical explanation for why randomized misfit methods are successful in practice with a small reduced data-misfit dimension (n = O(1)). Next, we develop the randomized geostatistical approach (RGA) for Bayesian sub- surface inverse problems with high-dimensional data. We show that the RGA is able to resolve transient groundwater inverse problems with noisy observed data dimensions up to 107, whereas a comparison method fails due to out-of-memory errors. Finally, we address the solution of Bayesian inverse problems with spatially localized data. The motivation is CSE applications that would gain from high-fidelity estimation over a smaller data-local domain, versus expensive and uncertain estimation over the full simulation domain. We propose several truncated domain inversion methods using domain decomposition theory to build model-informed artificial boundary conditions. Numerical investigations of MAP estimation and sampling demonstrate improved fidelity and fewer partial differential equation (PDE) solves with our truncated methods.

Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems

Book Description

Many scientific, medical or engineering problems raise the issue of recovering some physical quantities from indirect measurements; for instance, detecting or quantifying flaws or cracks within a material from acoustic or electromagnetic measurements at its surface is an essential problem of non-destructive evaluation. The concept of inverse problems precisely originates from the idea of inverting the laws of physics to recover a quantity of interest from measurable data. Unfortunately, most inverse problems are ill-posed, which means that precise and stable solutions are not easy to devise. Regularization is the key concept to solve inverse problems. The goal of this book is to deal with inverse problems and regularized solutions using the Bayesian statistical tools, with a particular view to signal and image estimation. The first three chapters bring the theoretical notions that make it possible to cast inverse problems within a mathematical framework. The next three chapters address the fundamental inverse problem of deconvolution in a comprehensive manner. Chapters 7 and 8 deal with advanced statistical questions linked to image estimation. In the last five chapters, the main tools introduced in the previous chapters are put into a practical context in important applicative areas, such as astronomy or medical imaging.

Bayesian Inverse Problems

Book Description

This book is devoted to a special class of engineering problems called Bayesian inverse problems. These problems comprise not only the probabilistic Bayesian formulation of engineering problems, but also the associated stochastic simulation methods needed to solve them. Through this book, the reader will learn how this class of methods can be useful to rigorously address a range of engineering problems where empirical data and fundamental knowledge come into play. The book is written for a non-expert audience and it is contributed to by many of the most renowned academic experts in this field.

Handbook of Uncertainty Quantification

Book Description

The topic of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) has witnessed massive developments in response to the promise of achieving risk mitigation through scientific prediction. It has led to the integration of ideas from mathematics, statistics and engineering being used to lend credence to predictive assessments of risk but also to design actions (by engineers, scientists and investors) that are consistent with risk aversion. The objective of this Handbook is to facilitate the dissemination of the forefront of UQ ideas to their audiences. We recognize that these audiences are varied, with interests ranging from theory to application, and from research to development and even execution.

Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing

Book Description

Advances in scientific computing have made modelling and simulation an important part of the decision-making process in engineering, science, and public policy. This book provides a comprehensive and systematic development of the basic concepts, principles, and procedures for verification and validation of models and simulations. The emphasis is placed on models that are described by partial differential and integral equations and the simulations that result from their numerical solution. The methods described can be applied to a wide range of technical fields, from the physical sciences, engineering and technology and industry, through to environmental regulations and safety, product and plant safety, financial investing, and governmental regulations. This book will be genuinely welcomed by researchers, practitioners, and decision makers in a broad range of fields, who seek to improve the credibility and reliability of simulation results. It will also be appropriate either for university courses or for independent study.

A Computational Framework for the Solution of Infinite-dimensional Bayesian Statistical Inverse Problems with Application to Global Seismic Inversion

Book Description

Quantifying uncertainties in large-scale forward and inverse PDE simulations has emerged as a central challenge facing the field of computational science and engineering. The promise of modeling and simulation for prediction, design, and control cannot be fully realized unless uncertainties in models are rigorously quantified, since this uncertainty can potentially overwhelm the computed result. While statistical inverse problems can be solved today for smaller models with a handful of uncertain parameters, this task is computationally intractable using contemporary algorithms for complex systems characterized by large-scale simulations and high-dimensional parameter spaces. In this dissertation, I address issues regarding the theoretical formulation, numerical approximation, and algorithms for solution of infinite-dimensional Bayesian statistical inverse problems, and apply the entire framework to a problem in global seismic wave propagation. Classical (deterministic) approaches to solving inverse problems attempt to recover the "best-fit" parameters that match given observation data, as measured in a particular metric. In the statistical inverse problem, we go one step further to return not only a point estimate of the best medium properties, but also a complete statistical description of the uncertain parameters. The result is a posterior probability distribution that describes our state of knowledge after learning from the available data, and provides a complete description of parameter uncertainty. In this dissertation, a computational framework for such problems is described that wraps around the existing forward solvers, as long as they are appropriately equipped, for a given physical problem. Then a collection of tools, insights and numerical methods may be applied to solve the problem, and interrogate the resulting posterior distribution, which describes our final state of knowledge. We demonstrate the framework with numerical examples, including inference of a heterogeneous compressional wavespeed field for a problem in global seismic wave propagation with 106 parameters.