Be(com)Ing Korean in the United States

Book Description

Koreans have been immigrating to the United States via Hawaii for over a hundred years, although the greatest influx to the mainland began after 1965, making Koreans one of the most recent ethnic groups in the United States. The intimate socio-political links between the United States and the Korean peninsula after World War II also contributes to the ideas and ideals of what it means to be Korean in the United States. As with many people with immigrant background, young people of Korean descent residing in the United States try to understand their ethnic identities through their families, peers, and communities, and many of these journeys involve participating in cultural activities that include traditional dance, song, and other such performance activities. This study is the culmination of a four-year ethnographic research project on the cultural practices of a group of Koreans in the United States pursuing the traditional Korean cultural art form of pungmul in exploring their ethnic identities. Through the accesses and opportunities afforded to the members of Mae-ari Korean Cultural Troupe by the national and transnational networks with other people of Korean descent, these young people begin to understand themselves as "Korean" while teaching and learning traditional Korean cultural practices in performances, workshops, and everyday interactions with each other. Most studies about Asian Americans focus on the immigration challenges, or the conflicts and differences between generations. While these are important issues that affect the lives of Asian Americans, it is also valuable to focus on how new cultural identities are formed in the attempt to hold on to the traditions of theimmigrant homeland . This research pays close attention to how young people understand their identities through cultural practices, regardless of generational differences. The focus is on collective meaning-making about ethnic identity across immigration statuses and generations. In investigating their ways of being, author Sonya Gwak pays close attention to the semiotic processes within the group that aid in creating and cultivating notions of ethnic identity, especially in the ways in which the notion of culture becomes indelibly linked with "things" within and across the sites. Dr. Gwak also explores the pedagogical processes within the group regarding how cultures are objectified and transformed into tools of teaching and learning. Finally, the study also reveals how people understand their ethnic identities through direct and active engagement with, experience of, and expression of "cultural objects." By looking at the multiple forms of expressing ethnic identity, this study shows how the young people in Mae-ari locate themselves within the time and space of Korean history, Korean American history, activism, performing arts, and tradition. This study argues that ethnic identity formation is a process that is rooted in cultural practices contextualized in social, political, and cultural histories. This book advances the field of ethnic and immigrant studies by offering a new framework for understanding the multiple ways in which young people make sense of their identities. Be(com)ing Korean in the United States is an important book for all collections in Asian American studies, as well as ethnic and immigrant studies.

Younger-Generation Korean Experiences in the United States

Book Description

Younger-Generation Korean Experiences in the United States: Personal Narratives on Ethnic and Racial Identities compares the formation of the ethnic identities of two distinct cohorts of Korean Americans. Through personal essays, the book explores four influential factors of ethnic identity: retention of ethnic culture; participation in ethnic social networks; links to the mother country and its global power and influence; and experiences with racial prejudice and discrimination. The essays reflect certain major changes between the two cohorts—the first growing up in the 1960s and early 1970s and the second growing up during the 1980s and early 1990s— and proves how an increase in the Korean population and in the number of ethnic organizations helped the second-cohort Korean Americans retain their cultural heritage in a more voluntary, and therefore meaningful, way. This book’s combination of first-hand experiences and critical analysis makes it a valuable resource for studies of ethnicity, culture, identity formation, and the Asian-American experience.

History of Asian Americans

Book Description

A comprehensive, compelling, and clearly written title that provides a rich examination of the history of Asians in the United States, covering well-established Asian American groups as well as emerging ones such as the Burmese, Bhutanese, and Tibetan American communities. History of Asian Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots supplies a concise, easy-to-use, yet comprehensive resource on Asian American history. Chronologically organized, it starts with Chinese immigration to the United States and concludes with coverage of the most recent Asian migrant populations, describing Asian American lives and experiences and documenting them as an essential part of the continuously evolving American experience and mosaic. The book discusses domestic as well as international influencing factors in Asian American history, thereby providing information within a transnational framework. An ideal resource for high school and undergraduate level students as well as general readers interested in learning about the history of Asian Americans, the chapters employ critical racialization and ethnic studies discourses that put Asian and Asian Americans subjects in an insightful comparative perspective. The book also specifically addresses the important roles played by Asian American women across history.

Media Ventriloquism

Book Description

"Media Ventriloquism repurposes the term "ventriloquism," which has traditionally referred to the act of throwing one's voice into an object that appears to speak, to reflect our complex vocal relationship with media technologies. Indeed, media technologies have the potential to separate voice from body and to constitute new relationships between them that could scarcely have been imagined before such technologies' invention and mass circulation. Radio, cinema, television, video games, digital technologies, and other media have each fundamentally transformed the relationship between voice and body in myriad and often unexpected ways. Our volume interrogates the categorical definitions of voice and body as they operate within mediated environments, exploring the experiences of ventriloquism facilitated by media technologies and theorizing some of the political and ethical implications of separating bodies from voices. We build in particular on Steven Connor's notion of the vocalic body, which he coined to identify an imaginary body that is created and maintained primarily through voice. In modifying Connor's term to theorize the "technovocalic body," we focus our study on cases in which the relationship between voice and body has been modified specifically by media technologies. The essays in the collection demonstrate not only how particular bodies and voices have been been (mis)represented through media ventriloquism but also how marginalized groups - racialized, gendered, queered, etc. - have used media ventriloquism to claim their agency and power"--

Dynamic Korea and Rhythmic Form

Book Description

The South Korean percussion genre, samul nori, is a world phenomenon whose rhythmic form is the key to its popularity and mobility. Based on both ethnographic research and close formal analysis, author Katherine In-Young Lee focuses on the kinetic experience of samul nori, drawing out the concept of dynamism to show its historical, philosophical, and pedagogical dimensions. Breaking with traditional approaches to the study of world music that privilege political, economic, institutional, or ideological analytical frameworks, Lee argues that because rhythmic forms are experienced on a somatic level, they swiftly move beyond national boundaries and provide sites for cross-cultural interaction.

Asian American History Day by Day

Book Description

For student research, this reference highlights the importance of Asian Americans in U.S. history, the impact of specific individuals, and this ethnic group as a whole across time; documenting evolving policies, issues, and feelings concerning this particular American population. Asian American History Day by Day: A Reference Guide to Events provides a uniquely interesting way to learn about events in Asian American history that span several hundred years (and the contributions of Asian Americans to U.S. culture in that time). The book is organized in the form of a calendar, with each day of the year corresponding with an entry about an important event, person, or innovation that span several hundred years of Asian American history and references to books and websites that can provide more information about that event. Readers will also have access to primary source document excerpts that accompany the daily entries and serve as additional resources that help bring history to life. With this guide in hand, teachers will be able to more easily incorporate Asian American history into their classes, and students will find the book an easy-to-use guide to the Asian American past and an ideal "jumping-off point" for more targeted research.

The Role of Contextual Influences on Ethnic Identity Formation

Book Description

This exploratory study focuses on the adult children of Korean immigrants who arrived in the United States before the landmark Immigration Act of 1965. This particular cohort of second generation Korean Americans experienced an issue of authenticity as racial foreigners in an America that was predominantly White and later as cultural foreigners in a rapidly developing Korean community. Authenticity is constructed within particular contexts and the issue revolved around acceptance and the participants' self-conception because of how they were treated by others. Face to face interviews probed two research questions: 1) how do various contexts (social, historical, cultural, and the context of reception) influence ethnic identity formation and 2) how does age influence ethnic identity formation? Findings shed light on the factors that have contributed to the issue of authenticity for this cohort by illustrating how the various contexts positioned participants to encounter degrees of exclusion from the two primary cultures of their life. First, because participants were born during the Asian Exclusion Act, assimilation to the dominant White culture was the expected norm. However, full assimilation did not equal full acceptance as an American. Many in the White community continued to perceive them as racial foreigners because of their Asian physical features. On the other hand, full assimilation to American culture created social barriers to entry into the Korean immigrant community. Particularly because of the lack of heritage language skills, participants were perceived as cultural foreigners. However, between the two experiences, being a racial foreigner was easier to deal with because historically, Americans have "globally" been recognized as White. Authenticity was more of an issue because exclusion by the Korean community was confusing since participants perceived themselves to be ethnically Korean. Ultimately, participants were not socially isolated because of their familiarity to navigate within the White communities or they found alternate communities within the Asian American communities to associate with. As midlife adults, the cumulative experiences of these Korean American Baby Boomers resulted in a renewed appreciation of who they are as Koreans and many had developed multiple facets of self-identification as Korean, Korean American, Asian American, and American.

Korean American Women

Book Description

Current models of acculturation in multicultural counseling literature are severely limited in describing how individuals deal with the complexity of culture change. The reasons for immigration, the historical period during which the immigration occurred, educational and socioeconomic levels, ethnic community and religious involvements, family functioning, and social support, to name a few, all have an impact in the process of cultural adaptation. This book examines Korean American women's dual-cultural identity. By utilizing multiple case studies, the book highlights: (1) the complexity of issues involved as individuals go through different levels of culture change, and (2) the multiplicity of people negotiating their lives in the dual-cultural context and creating meaning out of many ambiguous and even contradictory life situations.