Being Perfect

Book Description

Anna Quindlen offers deep truths from her life to motivate and inspire you to become your most authentic self. “Trying to be perfect may be inevitable for people who are smart and ambitious and interested in the world and its good opinion. . . . What is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” In Being Perfect, Anna Quindlen shares wisdom that, perhaps without knowing it, you have longed to hear: about “the perfection trap,” the price you pay when you become ensnared in it, and the key to setting yourself free. Quindlen believes that when your success looks good to the world but doesn’t feel good in your heart, it isn’t success at all. She asks you to set aside your friends’ advice, what your family and co-workers demand, and what society expects, and look at the choices you make every day. When you ask yourself why you are making them, Quindlen encourages you to give this answer: For me. “Because they are what I want, or wish for. Because they reflect who and what I am. . . . That way lies dancing to the melodies spun out by your own heart.” At the core of this beautiful book lies the secret of authentic success, the inspiration to embrace your own uniqueness and live the life that is undeniably your own, rich in fulfillment and meaning.

The Nesting Place

Book Description

Create the home--and life--you've always wanted with the help of popular blogger and author of Cozy Minimalist Home Myquillyn Smith (The Nester) as she helps you free yourself to take risks and find beauty in imperfection. Myquillyn Smith is all about embracing reality--especially when it comes to decorating a home bursting with kids, pets, and all the unpredictable messes of life. In The Nesting Place, Myquillyn shares the secrets of decorating for real people--and it has nothing to do with creating a flawless look to wow your guests and everything to do with making peace with the natural imperfection and joy of daily living. Drawing on her years of experience creating beauty in her 13 different homes and countless seasons of life, Myquillyn will show you how to think differently about the true purpose of your home, and simply and creatively tailor it to reflect you and your unique style--without breaking the bank. Full of simple steps, practical advice, and beautiful, full-color photos, The Nesting Place gives you the tools you need to: Cultivate a home that works for you and your family Transform your home into a place that's inviting and warm for family and friends Discover your own personal style There is beauty in embracing the lived-in, loved-on, and just-about-used-up aspects of our homes and our daily lives--let Myquillyn show you how. Praise for The Nesting Place: "This book made me look at every room in my house differently, with a new lens of creativity and beauty and possibility. It inspired me to reclaim my home as sacred space, ripe with opportunities to celebrate and create memories and moments." --Shauna Niequist, New York Times bestselling author of Present Over Perfect and I Guess I Haven't Learned That Yet "This highly personal account about embracing imperfection and finding contentment in your home is like sitting down with a good friend and talking about the stuff that really matters. The Nesting Place is full of approachable ideas, encouragement, and a whole lot of heart." --Sherry Petersik, home blogger; bestselling author of Young House Love

Tomorrow I'll be Perfect

Book Description

This autobiography of one of baseball's most outstanding and controversial personalities features uncensored views on salaries, agents, pitching, life on the road, and the pressures of winning and losing

I Used to be Perfect

Book Description

I Have to Be Perfect

Book Description

"I have to be perfect!" If you've ever told yourself this lie, you need to check out Timothy Sanford's book. Whether you've grown-up in a ministry family or struggle with perfectionism, you'll find encouragement, challenge, and inspiration in Tim's writing. Tim shares some of his personal story and insights from years of professional counseling!

Who Says You Can't Be Perfect?

Book Description

"Sometimes we don’t believe we can do what God tells us to do or be what God commands us to be simply because we don’t understand what He wants. That’s what happens for many Christians when they hear that famous command, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Right away we fall back to our personal human interpretation and decide that “perfect” isn’t really what Jesus meant, because “perfect” represents to us a level and a quality that is way beyond our reach. Then we start feeling guilty about not being able to hit the mark, so we start lowering the target. Now, it’s not perfection God wants but “maturity.” That’s how we fi x it up. Jesus didn’t really mean for us to be perfect; He meant for us to be mature. Maturity is a process, a time line along which a person travels to reach a certain condition or state. That’s not what perfection in God is. It’s not a process; it’s a decision. If we make the decision to be perfect as God has commanded, will He not make it possible for us to do that? When has God ever commanded us to do something or be something and not made the way for us to do that and be that? Has He not given the tools and the ministries to help us do that? Do we not have the presence of God, the leadership, teaching, and example of Jesus, the guidance of His Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit to do what God the Father through Jesus has commanded us to do? If God has given us all that and made it possible for us to honor His command and be perfect as He is perfect, who is qualifi ed to say we can’t do it?"

Be Perfect - The way to perfection in God

Book Description

God has worked into every human heart a deep desire for perfection. That desire is manifested in the admiration which all men have for excellence in the different objects or pursuits to which they attach value. In the believer who yields himself wholly to God, this desire fastens itself upon God's wonderful promises, and inspires a prayer like that of M'Cheyne: "Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be made." The more we learn to desire this full conformity to God's will, for the consciousness that we are always pleasing to Him, we will see that all this must come as a gift direct from heaven. This gift is the full outbirth in us of the life of God, the inbreathing of the Holy Spirit of Jesus in those who are wholly yielded to His indwelling and rule. Trusting ever less to men's thoughts and teachings, we will retire often into the secret of God's presence, in the assurance that the more we see God's face, and hear the secret voice that comes direct from Him, "BE PERFECT," the more will the Holy Spirit dwelling within us unfold the heavenly fulness and power of the words, and make them, as God's words, bring and give and create the very thing He speaks. In the hope that these simple meditations may help some of God's children to go on to Perfection, I commit them and myself to the Blessed Father's teaching and keeping. by Andrew Murray

Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father

Book Description

"Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father" is a book inspired by the Holy Spirit. It was written as a wake-up call to the end time church. It is time for those who are called by the name of the most High God to abandon a life skirted around sin and to live a Holy and perfect life with God. the Lord is searching for those who will shun evil to live an upright life with Him. 1 Chronicles 29:17 KJV says "I know also, my God, that you test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness...." God is Holy, and those who serve him must separate themselves from all immoral defilement. This book is about principles of effective walk with God. It was written for believers and to those yearning to separate themselves from the ways of the world and live truly for Christ.

It's Going to Be Perfect!

Book Description

There's something for every parent and child to enjoy in this delightfully fresh picture book that takes playful aim at the art of parenting—and all the hopeful, nail-biting expectations that go with it. What's a parent to think when raising a child doesn't happen quite the way it's expected to?