Becoming the Archangel Michael's Companions

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13 lectures, Stuttgart, October 3-15, 1922 (CW 217) "This cycle of lectures 'to the younger generation' speaks of a pathway to a Michaelic harvest for ears that have the goodwill to hear." --Carlo Pietzner Rudolf Steiner presented these lectures to about a hundred German young people who hoped to bring Waldorf education into the culture of their time and for the future. Steiner stressed upon his listeners the great importance of "self-education" as a prerequisite to all other education. His was an attempt to guide the youth toward understanding themselves within the world situation. Steiner showed how the stream of generations had been interrupted by eighteenth-century intellectualism, emphasizing that they would have to reject the general acceptance of impersonal social routine, dead intellectual thinking, and personal and social egoism. Steiner discussed the need, instead, for a form of education permeated by art and feeling, which brings inner nourishment that can grow throughout one's life. It was his view that, without such an education, society will not reach a future built on moral love and mutual human confidence --a truly human culture. A previous edition of these lectures was published as The Younger Generation: Educational and Spiritual Impulses for LIfe in the Twentieth Century (1967). Original German title: Geistige Wirkenskräfte im Zusammenleben von alter und junger Generation. Pädagogischer Jugendkurs (GA 217). This Collected Works edition includes a new introduction, notes, and an index.

The Journey Within Book I of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks

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Book I the beginning collection of inspirational & uplifting channeled messages from Archangel Michael. Enjoy this perfect bound book of Archangel Michael messages that have been channeled through and written by Carolyn Ann O'Riley. Archangel Michael has directed that this is the first in a collection of three volumes of messages to be released. Book II: "And The Angels Walk Beside You" Book III: "When We Quiet Our Fears We Find Love" Archangel Michael has requested that Carolyn share some of her own experiences these can be found in Chapter 1 of "The Journey Within." Journal pages are provided within the book to include your own notes and experiences along with special trigger questions that are included to assist you in your own inner awakening. Welcome fellow travelers to your spiritual path.

A Grand Metamorphosis

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2013 includes articles of interest concerning star wisdom (Astrosophy), as well as a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. This guide comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric, for each day throughout the year. Published yearly, new editions are available beginning in November for the coming new year. According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the baptism in the Jordan and the resurrection was in harmony with-and an expression of-the cosmos. Journal for Star Wisdom is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ. It is intended to help provide a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this dimension that has been missing from Christianity in its two-thousand-year history. Readers can begin on this path by contemplating the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) today in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. In this way, the possibility is opened for attuning, in a living way, to the life of Christ in the etheric cosmos. In this year's journal there is an article by David Bowden and Robert Powell on the new science of Astrogeographia concerning the location of the seven planetary chakras of the Earth. David Tresemer's article examines the significance of Neptune in world events, and William Bento offers important perspectives on the dark shadows of Neptune. There is also an article by Wain Farrants and Robert Powell continuing the discussion of the house systems in astrology begun by Brian Gray in the 2012 issue. Kevin Dann focuses on the 33-1/3 -year rhythm, and Lacquanna Paul has written about Divine Sophia in relation to the zodiac. Brian Gray contributed an article on his discovery of the zodiac in the Raphael Madonna series as arranged by Rudolf Steiner. The monthly commentaries for 2013 by Claudia McLaren Lainson are preceded by her article on the Jupiter-Pluto opposition in 2013. The commentaries are supported by monthly astronomical previews provided by Sally Nurney, offering opportunities to physically observe and experience the stellar configurations during 2013. This direct interaction between the human being on Earth and the heavenly beings of the stars develops the capacity to receive their wisdom-filled teachings.

The Guardian Angels: Our Heavenly Companions

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DO YOU know who is your best and most faithful friend? It is one whom God Himself has placed at your side as a life companion—a Prince from His own Heavenly Court—your Guardian Angel. God in His goodness has appointed him to guide and protect you through life and to lead you safely to your Eternal Home. From the very beginning of your existence, your Guardian Angel has been concerned about you. He rejoiced when you were born into the world, just as a good mother rejoices over the birth of her child. From the day of your Baptism, you became ever dearer to your Guardian Angel, ever more loved by him. Day and night he watched at your cradle. He led you as you took your first steps. He cared for you with most tender love when danger threatened. He grieved when you committed sin, as if he himself had received the greatest injury, and he left you no peace until you became reconciled with God by a good Confession. He has watched and prayed with you in hours of distress. He has rejoiced with you in days of prosperity. On the day of your First Holy Communion he was the bridal attendant of your soul. As often as you have received the Bread of Angels in the state of grace, he has rejoiced to accompany you to the Holy Table. He it was who prayed for you specially when the hand of the bishop anointed you as a soldier of Christ in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your Guardian Angel is your best counselor. Particularly will he assist young boys and girls in their choice of a vocation. He will shield you amid the dangers of the world. If you call upon him, he will help you to find the life companion whom God has destined for you. He will ever remain at your side, so that you may faithfully and conscientiously fulfill the duties of your state in life. If God has called you to the religious life or to the holy priesthood, your Guardian Angel will protect you from the temptations of the world and help you to preserve your virginal purity, to offer it to God at the altar by your holy vows or to offer the sacred Body of Christ with unstained hands and holy lips as a priest of the Most High. In short, your Guardian Angel is your companion in all the circumstances of life—your friend in good as well as evil days. He will one day assist you in a very special manner—when you enter into life’s last conflict. Then he will fight with you and for you, until you have won the battle and your heart is at rest. But not even then will he leave you—there where every other, even the best of friends, must leave—on the threshold of eternity. When the light of earth fades away and the brightness of eternity bursts upon you, your Guardian Angel will present your soul before the tribunal of God and faithfully plead your cause. What is more, if you require purification in the flames of Purgatory your holy Angel will visit and console you. He will bring before God’s throne the good works that are performed for you on earth, and he himself will intercede for you. Finally, when your time of purgation is ended, he will joyfully bring you word of your release from the flames of Purgatory and will lead you to the blissful kingdom of Heaven. But to benefit by the presence of this heavenly companion, you must be docile to his inspirations and never turn away from this holy Angel who is your guide and your protector.

Beloved Archangel Michael

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FOREWORD Well Come! Lord Michael and the Heavenly Host Shining Stars of Love and Light among The August Company dimly perceived by the spiritual eyes of the Few whose vision turns toward the slowly rising curtain of maya, are the Members of the Angelic Host! Arms outstretched! Hearts Aflame! Spirits pulsating with Celestial Fire! Biding welcome to the more stalwart among the children of earth into that Sweet Association, Companionship, Cooperative Service and Worship wherein the Angelic Host, hand in hand with the souls of men, proceed reverently upon The Path to the Father´s Home, and The Brotherhood of Angels and Men, presaging the Incoming Golden Age, stands manifest before the fleshly eyes of those who must confirm in form the Eternal Verities.

The Archangel Michael Experiment

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In this groundbreaking experiment, Debra Walker enlisted Archangel Michael to create a one-of-a-kind experience to help transform her life. What she received was far more than she could have imagined. Within this delightful adventure you will discover Michaels deceptively simple yet powerful solutions to common problems. You will see why you are getting what you dont want, and how to get what you really want. The areas of relationships, finance and personal empowerment are beautifully addressed by Michael. You will see that interacting with the non-physical is not only extremely beneficial and rewarding, but our natural birthright and eternally available to us all. Debra shares this extraordinary experience with the hope that it will serve not only as inspiration, but an invitation to reach for something more.

The Miracles of Archangel Michael

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Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere.


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Encountering the Self

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Addresses, Essays, Discussions, and Reports, 1920 -1924 (CW 217a) "Young people today turn away from older people not because the latter have grown old but because they have remained young--that is, because they don't understand how to grow old in the right way. Older people today lack this self-knowledge. Growing old in the right way means allowing the spirit to unfold in our souls as befits an aging body. When we do this, we show young people not only what time has done to the body, but also what eternity reveals through the spirit. Young people will find their way to older people who seriously attempt to experience spirit. To say that we must act young when we are with young people is just an empty phrase. As older people, we must understand--and demonstrate to young people--how to be old in the right way." --Rudolf Steiner (Mar. 9, 1924) Youth and the Etheric Heart, which comes to twenty-first-century readers in the somewhat deceptive wrapping of a historical document of Rudolf Stiener's addresses to young people during 1920 to 1924, is (at least for those concerned with the future of Anthroposophy or with the future of spiritual life in general) one of the most extraordinary and prophetic volumes in the collected works. This book is intended by its editors to be supplementary to the central turning point of the movement, the 1922 "Pedagogical Youth Course," published as Becoming the Archangel Michael's Companions.Together, they present Steiner's vision for Anthroposophy as he hoped it would permeate culture through young people able to take it up as a spiritual, intellectual, and socially transforming path. The task, which underlies the whole volume and to which we, too, are called by service to the Archangel Michael, is to open to the etheric heart in humanity. This becomes clear in Rudolf Steiner's final address to the young people attending a teachers' conference in Arnheim on July 20, 1924: "What is needed is not thinking about what should happen. People should feel that the spirit outside of us speaks in the flames of nature. The sunrise has changed. But also our heart has changed; we no longer bear the same heart in our chest. Our physical heart has grown harder, and our etheric heart more mobile. We must find access to our suprasensory hearts. This is the way we must understand spiritual science." In this respect, young people have hearts ideally suited to feeling when something is right. It simply requires courage to really think it. It is in the light of "our suprasensory heart" that we should approach this volume, and indeed Anthroposophy as a whole. Youth and the Etheric Heart is a great companion volume to Becoming the Archangel Michael's Companions (CW> 217). During the early 1920s, following the disaster of World War I, the youth of Europe faced many hardships and questions about their destiny in the world. The situation today is certainly different, but the questions are no less urgent. This volume is the first complete English translation from the German of Die Erkenntnis-Aufgabe der Jugend (GA 217a).