
Book Description

Beneath the gaze of the gods, the mighty armies of Greece and Troy met in fierce and glorious combat, scrupulously following the text set forth in Homer's timeless narrative. But that was before twenty-first-century scholar Thomas Hockenberry stirred the bloody brew, causing an enraged Achilles to join forces with his archenemy Hector and turn his murderous wrath on Zeus and the entire pantheon of divine manipulators; before the swift and terrible mechanical creatures that catered for centuries to the pitiful idle remnants of Earth's human race began massing in the millions, to exterminate rather than serve. And now all bets are off.

Before Olympos

Book Description

"Before Olympos explores the aniconic (that is, non-anthropomorphic - therefore, pre-anthropomorphic) origins of certain obviously pre-Hellenic deities in the classical pantheon of Greek gods: Poseidon, Hermes, Eros and, to an extent, Aphrodite...There is conclusive evidence, skillfully marshaled here, that these four are survivals from pre-Hellenic times who were incorporated into the classical pantheon because their cults were too powerful to be ignored when that pantheon was being organized..." -- Page [2] of cover


Book Description

The Trojan War rages at the foot of Olympos Mons on Mars -- observed and influenced from on high by Zeus and his immortal family -- and twenty-first-century professor Thomas Hockenberry is there to play a role in the insidious private wars of vengeful gods and goddesses. On Earth, a small band of the few remaining humans pursues a lost past and devastating truth -- as four sentient machines depart from Jovian space to investigate, perhaps terminate, the potentially catastrophic emissions emanating from a mountaintop miles above the terraformed surface of the Red Planet.

History of Ancient Art

Book Description

Greece Under King George

Book Description

History of Greece

Book Description

Olympus and Beyond

Book Description

Olympus and Beyond by Allan Lawrence is the story of sport (running) told against the backdrop of the bigger human story of atmosphere, emotions, and relationships from the beginning, where a young Australian boy watched a newsreel and saw an American Naval Ensign become the first human in history to exceed 15' in the pole vault in Madison Square Garden. He vowed that one day he would compete in Madison Square Garden and break a world record. True to his word, seventeen years later, almost to the day, he succeeds, although in a different event. This is the fascinating tale of a young boy's rise in the athletic field and his coming to the United States, where he won several NCAA titles (both individual and team), and won All-American selection ten times, while winning AAU titles in cross-country, indoor, and track running. He struggled along the way with citizenship and health issues, but his determination and persistence allowed him to overcome these obstacles. Allan Lawrence is a true competitor.

Worshipping Olympus

Book Description

This volume contains all the prayers included in Devotion: Prayers to the Gods of the Greeks and In Praise of Olympus: Prayers to the Greek Gods. There are a very few additional pieces, which are also available online at Underflow: Prayers to the Greek Gods at http: //greekpagan.wordpress.com. I say this to let you know that if you've already read what I've already written, there won't be much new here for you; the main reason I decided to combine them into a single volume is for my own convenience.