Book Description

"No one on the earth knows what really took place before Paul Twitchell arrived here and was brought into The TruReality of THE ALLIS, or what he termed as 'The Rod of Power,' which is for those on the earth in a literal sense. The Six Levels of Creation are power areas, and this was his definition at the time of his presence into The RealPosition in 1965 from Rebazar Tarzs. Before coming here, Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides were preparing our adventure into the PsycRealms of time and space. I had just finished the first part of my preparation that took lifetimes with The RealGuides, and then to finish with my life before this one as a half-breed Indian in the southwest of the US, known as 'Goldie, Golden Winged Warrior.' For what seemed like eternity in The Seventh LifeLevel, I was with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides, along with the Being who would be known as Paul Twitchell on the earth...


Book Description

When we are born into this life, we are raised with certain ideas. And, whatever ideas, suggestions, and training we are raised with, we always have to decide if we will accept what is before us or decide otherwise. Without any ideas in our head, we are simply a 'view,' an awareness, which may sound strange to the Literally Educated Senses, but this is what we are. The RealU, is simply Your RealAwareness. The religious term would be 'soul.' But, the reality of 'soul' has always escaped the understanding of the over-educated Literal Person, as they have conditioned themselves into viewing and looking to their mind and all the facts and figures they have accumulated, instead of their RealAwareness. In a way, we must take steps to Recognizing who we really are, and one of those first steps is educating ourselves in the Literal Sense, but if we stop there, then that is all we will ever know about The Whole of Life, which is far more than one's imagination can handle. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Throughout Human History, the knowledge of Cause and Effect has been presented to the unaware masses. The current Educational Systems are mainly based upon a direct control, and not so much as they are marketed to be. There have been many ways to describe The Reality of Cause and Effect. One such way is Karma, or the Law of Karma. Another is Ying and Yang, and still another is "Whatsoever a man soweth he shall reap." For the modern social person, it is easier for them to understand Cause and Effect, as opposed to something like the idea of Karma, because for many, the idea of Karma is more in the category of a 'belief,' or even superstition, which it is not. it does not matter if people accept the idea of the Law of Karma or not, or even 'believe' that is so, as it is already real. We are all on our own journey to discover The TruReality, THE ALLIS, The Awesome Unknown, that is beyond time and space and the GodLords who govern the Heavens of Man. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

As each unaware soul enters another unconscious embodiment on Earth, it brings with it all the experiences it has had from past lifetimes. It takes huge amounts of experience for one to skillfully unravel, first, one's lower Designed Consciousness, then to fully Recognize their Real Awareness. Very few people will accomplish this in a lifetime, as it takes many lifetimes of intensive focus with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. First, one must have RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides. Most people are not ready at this time to discover RealTruth and RealFreedom, because they are too involved and bound with all the Marketing Ploy and Fear they live with. Fear, is hidden in everything and very purposely so. Most people are under the grand illusion they have some kind of a free life here. Nothing could be further from any truth so far discovered. Test, what is being presented here, it will save Your Life Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Science, has only guessed at what came first, the chicken or the egg. In Real Truth, it is neither, but then again we are all living in a society of propaganda and almost total conspiracy, so where is it that people can find The Real Connection to The TruReality? First, one has to find the right knowledge to start their journey into The Incredible Unknown LifeIS. To most people, the Earth is their home, as it has been for lifetimes. There are many books on the market about people who remember their past lives. This information can get some people to start to explore, but most of the masses will always be 'home bodies,' as they feel there can nothing other than what they are experiencing right here. The human body, with its senses, is a huge burden for all of us to carry, but this is the process we have all come through, because Reality IS Far Too Real. Once a person can understand the process they have been through, then they can start The RealAdventure! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Duane The Great Writer, is Very Realistic with what is taking place on Earth Now. He is doing Something Real for mankind, but people must be willing and open. Duane, has always been a RealEducator, always contributing a RealBenefit to the people of the planet. Now with the internet, Duane is able to reach billions of people all over the world. Duane's entire focus is on ALLHumanitarian Projects. First is RealFood, with Hydroponic and AquaPonic Commercial Installations. At the same time, Duane knows the importance of the oceans of the world, and so he has decided to build an ALLSolar Vessel for Oceanic Research. The Earth is in a huge demise Right Now, and most of the population does not have a clue as to what they are up against, and in the near future. It would 'seem' that life on Earth is pretty normal and everything can works its way out, but this is not so at all! Each one of us must decide Something Real Now! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

I AM SIMPLY REPORTING THE NEWS ON EARTH...Things are being created and happening on the planet all the time, and just like a newspaper with a good reporter, Duane The Great Writer is simply Reporting The News. Most people want to 'believe' Human History, as the so-called historians have written it and what we have studied in school to be all there is, but fortunately with the Internet and so many other sources to discover Real Human History, each person can now explore and discover there is a lot more to learn and Become MoreAware of. With this understanding, one can eventually surpass all the limitations of this world and enter new worlds and universes, that are so much better than constantly returning to earth as another 9 to 5 worker for some invented system of control. take the time to explore and you will find a way to RealFreedom! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM REBAZAR TARZS, is an Adventure Like No Other! Duane The Great Writer has had lifetimes of Real Adventures with Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides. Rebazar Tarzs is laying out Duane's future when he will take on THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW, as he has returned with Paul Twitchell to provide the biggest part of what Paul first started with his presentation, when he was given THE ROD OF POWER from Rebazar. Duane is providing The NUPresentation, an ALL Encompassing RealCure for The NUNowness of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Those who take the risk and read what Duane has written, then test The NU-U Sessions, they will meet with Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell in Your DreamVisions, then be shown What IS Real Now! Those with The RealCourage to step past the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man, only they will PerSeeve what very few ever will. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info