Beholding Your King

Book Description

a nine-lesson course, picks up where Beholding His Glory ends. The story of salvation history is continued as we look at King David, select Psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and they ways in which they all point to the coming King of kings, Jesus Christ. A series of three DVDs, which includes supplemental talks for selected lessons in the study guide, accompanies the course.

Beholding His Glory

Book Description

Beholding His Glory, a twenty-two session course, shows us how all Scripture points us to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. As we look at Old Testament people and events, we'll encounter problems that only Christ will solve, needs that only He will satisfy, and promises that only He can deliver. We'll learn to recognize and appreciate God's plan for our own lives, His awe-inspiring majesty, and His desire for personal intimacy with each one of us.

Easter - Bible Study Book

Book Description

The Easter season is full of joy, celebration, and life. It's so easy to get swept up in the busyness of plays and pastels that we sometimes forget to stand in awe of Jesus this time of year. Easter: Behold Your King is a thoughtful look at the Easter season, focusing on the events and deeper theological meaning of the Passion Week. Diving into topics like: Old Testament prophecy that connects to Jesus as the Messiah, the significance of the events of Palm Sunday through the silence of Holy Saturday, and Jesus' appearances after His resurrection, this study will not only help the reader understand how beautifully deep Christ's sacrifice for us was, but also how to live in light of these life-giving truths. This resource will also include Easter activities to help kids, students, and adults celebrate the season together. Features: Leader helps for group discussion Beautiful 4 color interior to enhance the study experience 4 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 5 group sessions Specific Easter activities for kids, students, and adults Benefits: Understand the order and theological significance of the events and big moments during the Passion Week, including the Old Testament prophecies that connect to it, seeing it as more than just a familiar story. Allow a deeper understanding of Easter to fuel your worship of and love for Christ. Understand the important implications that Jesus' work during Passion Week brings to bear on your everyday life. Learn about the hope the Easter season brings us and be equipped to share that hope with others.

Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty Workbook

Book Description

Nothing provides the true follower of Christ with more profound and enduring satisfaction than turning from the limitations of self and this world to the unfathomable fullness of the living God. Nothing so directly affects the study of Scripture as one's understanding of what lies behind the little word "God." Nothing calls for such an entire consecration of the mind, heart, and will of the student as the study of this eternal Being, who is the cause and reason for all things. Nothing holds more practical value for the Christian than the realities of God¿s perfection. For twelve weeks, Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty guides the reader through passages that reveal God¿s perfections: His incomprehensibility, self-existence, independence, transcendence, immutability, infinity and eternity, omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, wisdom, sovereignty, righteousness, holiness, wrath, goodness, love, patience, and zeal. The aim of this study is to provide the student with a tool for vastly enlarging his or her understanding of God in a manner that enlightens the mind, captivates the heart, and re-directs the will. Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is designed for individual or group study. This workbook may be studied alone, but is intended for use with a companion set of thirteen DVDs which reinforce the lessons of each week.God truly is a "sea without a shore, a sun without a sphere." Each of us stands before the boundless immensity of God's majesty. He commands us to know Him. He has provided all that we need to know Him through the redemptive labors of His Son, the illuminating work of the Spirit, and the Bible. A.W. Tozer wrote only the truth when he stated that God "can show a new aspect of His glory to us each day for all the days of eternity, and we have but begun to explore the depths of riches of His infinite being."

Behold Your Queen!

Book Description

It is the ancient days of the Persian Empire. Hadassah was content in her quiet life in the Jewish quarter of the city of Babylon with her uncle Mordecai, who had raised her from childhood. But she was old enough to be married, and yet her uncle hadn't arranged a marriage for her. Meanwhile in Shushan, King Ahasuerus' marriage to the vain and selfish Vashti has ended, and a new wife must be found. Why not bring to him the most beautiful women of the kingdom, and let him choose? And so the loveliest young women of the empire are selected in local contests, and Hadassah is among those chosen to go to Shushan to meet the King. But as a Jewess in a foreign land with powerful enemies to her faith, she must conceal her true identity and take the Babylonian name of Esther. Will she find love with a man she has never met? And can she survive in a strict royal court controlled by the evil prime minister Haman, who wants to destroy her people? Out of print for 40 years, this special edition contains the original text of "Behold Your Queen " in a large, trade size paperback, suitable for collecting.

Behold the King of Glory

Book Description

This narrative retelling of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection draws from all four Gospels to create one continuous story, helping readers encounter the truth about Jesus in a fresh and compelling way.

Behold Your King

Book Description

This book investigates the nature of the hope for the house of David in the final form of the book of Zechariah. It focuses particularly on the following themes: the roles of Joshua and Zerubbabel; the nature and identity of the Shoot; the coming King; the Shepherd; and the Pierced One. It challenges the scholarly consensus, going back to the thesis of Julius Wellhausen, that the high priest took over the role and prerogatives of the pre-exilic monarch in the early post-exilic period. Instead, Zechariah merely envisages Joshua the high priest being reinstated to the temple duties that were undertaken before the exile. Furthermore, Zechariah does not identify Zerubbabel as the promised future Davidic king ("Shoot"). Rather, Zechariah demonstrates a hope for the restoration of a Davidic king who will have a key role in temple building after the time of Zerubbabel. The belief that Zechariah 9-11 and 12-14 are oracles that seek to reinterpret prophecies that have become problematic is also challenged. There is no strong evidence that the hope for the house of David in Zechariah 9-14 contradicts the presentation of Zechariah 1-8. This thesis shows how these later chapters continue and develop many of the themes related to the Davidic hope in Zechariah 1-8. The picture of the Davidic hope that emerges from the book of Zechariah is consistent with the expectations of earlier prophets and confirms that the book, when read as a whole, provides a strong impetus for later messianism in the post-exilic period.

The Beauty of the Lord

Book Description

Why is God's beauty often absent from our theology? Rarely do theologians take up the theme of God's beauty—even more rarely do they consider how God's beauty should shape the task of theology itself. But the psalmist says that the heart of the believer's desire is to behold the beauty of the Lord. In The Beauty of the Lord, Jonathan King restores aesthetics as not merely a valid lens for theological reflection, but an essential one. Jesus, our incarnate Redeemer, displays the Triune God's beauty in his actions and person, from creation to final consummation. How can and should theology better reflect this unveiled beauty? The Beauty of the Lord is a renewal of a truly aesthetic theology and a properly theological aesthetics.

Walking with Purpose

Book Description

Does your life feel out of control? Do you feel that you are doing so many things that you are doing none of them well? Lisa Brenninkmeyer understands how it feels when life is stuck on the spin cycle. As a mother of seven, she knows we don't just need to be told what kind of women we should be. We need some help getting there. Drawing from her own experience of balancing marriage, motherhood, and work inside and outside the home, Lisa helps you uncover the key to living a busy life with inner calm. What's the secret? Identifying key priorities, and doing first what matters most. Once in awhile, things may seem as if they're under control, but we want to walk with purpose regardless of our circumstances. God wants us to daily experience the joy and contentment that comes from knowing we have given our all to what he considers most important. The abundant and purposeful life we were created to live is just around the corner.

The Excellency of Christ

Book Description

"The Excellency of Christ" was preached in Northampton, Massachusetts by Jonathan Edwards and printed in 1738. This sermon explains Christ's excellency in terms of almost contradictory conjunctions such as Christ being a lion and also a lamb at the same time. In the APPLICATION the reader is exhorted to love and embrace Christ as friend, portion and Savior because of His many excellencies.